Paper accepted by CryBlock 2018, held by the 16th ACM International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services in Munich, Germany.
npm i
Make sure your metamask wallet has money at the testnet you are going to use Change the following to your mnemonic codes
var mnemonic = "node mining token blockchain ico fork rich hash signature ethereum consensus transaction";
- Set up experiment title, testnet and number of tests per experiment
// ##################### EXPERIMENT SETUPS ##################### //
var EXPERIMENT_NAME = "Exp #7 SetSeedBatch (10) Latency";
var TESTNET = "Kovan";
var NUM_TEST = 10;
- Change the contract address to the corresponding address on testnet
// ##################### CONTRACT ADDRESS ##################### //
// var CUSTODIAN_ADDRESS = "0x48485856d3778bc1ed9837f4c09ccd59a90ed57a"; // Ropsten
// var CUSTODIAN_ADDRESS = "0x8a916a01cf632b5980a8b525f85d7a6da689658a"; // Rinkeby
var CUSTODIAN_ADDRESS = "0xb458781ac460d23a0ea3820b1ea1a684747ddd01"; // Kovan
- Decide whether using the new custodian or the old one
// ##################### CUSTODIAN (DEPLOYED / NEW) ##################### //
var custodianInstance = await;
// var custodianInstance = await Custodian.deployed();
// var custodianInstance = await;
- Create hundreds of client contract upfront (Optional, comment out if not necessary)
// ##################### (Optional) CREATE CLIENTS BATCH ##################### //
for (var i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
await custodianInstance.createClientBatch(10);
// ##################### TEST INITIALIZATION BEGIN ##################### //
temp_experiment_name = ["Exp #5 SetSeedBatch (1) Latency","Exp #6 SetSeedBatch (5) Latency","Exp #7 SetSeedBatch (10) Latency","Exp #8 SetSeedBatch (20) Latency","Exp #9 SetSeedBatch (50) Latency","Exp #10 SetSeedBatch (100) Latency"]
temp_batch_size = [1,5,10,20,50,100]
temp_iteration = 6;
// ##################### TEST INITIALIZATION END ##################### //
- Customize your file write (Optional)
// ##################### FILE WRITER ##################### //
writeToCsv(TESTNET + "_" + temp_experiment_name[j], exp_list); // XXX
// writeToCsv(TESTNET + "_" + EXPERIMENT_NAME, exp_list); // OOO
- Start the experiment
truffle test --network <kovan>
- Open a private Ethereum node
- Under this project directory, compile and deploy the contracts
truffle compile --reset
truffle migrate
- Run tests
truffle test