Facilities for parsing ASS files. The main point of interest is ASSFile, which implements the actual parsing of raw ASS files. Also provided are extensions for converting java.awt.Color, java.time.Duration and kotlin.Boolean to and from ASS format.
Name | Summary |
AegisubProjectGarbageSection | class AegisubProjectGarbageSection : KeyValSection Represents an Aegisub project garbage section. |
ASSFile | class ASSFile Represents an ASS file. If provided, will parse the given file. |
ASSSerializer | interface ASSSerializer<T> |
Collisions | enum class Collisions |
CollisionsSerializer | class CollisionsSerializer : ASSSerializer < Collisions > |
ColorMatrix | data class ColorMatrix |
ColorMatrixSerializer | class ColorMatrixSerializer : ASSSerializer < ColorMatrix > |
EventLine | class EventLine : MapLine < EventLine > A line in an EventSection. Its associated accessor is EventLineAccessor. |
EventLineAccessor | sealed class EventLineAccessor<T> : LineAccessor < T , EventLine > A type-safe accessor for EventLine. |
EventSection | class EventSection : FormatSection < EventLine > Represents an events section, containing a list of EventLine lines. |
FormatSection | abstract class FormatSection<T : MapLine < T >> : Section Represents a section containing a sequence of lines, starting with a Format line specifying the order of the fields on each line. |
KeyValLine | class KeyValLine : Line Corresponds to a raw ASS line represented textually as Type: Value , with the value unparsed. |
KeyValSection | open class KeyValSection : Section Represents a generic key-value section such as ScriptInfoSection and AegisubProjectGarbageSection, where each line is given in in a Key: Value format, and each key is unique. |
Line | abstract class Line : Serializable A basic line with a type. |
LineAccessor | sealed class LineAccessor<T, L : MapLine < L >> : Serializable Provides type-safe parametric access into a MapLine. |
MapLine | abstract class MapLine<L : MapLine < L >> : Line , MutableMap < String , Any > A line in a FormatSection. The fields contained in this object can be accessed in three ways: |
ScaledBorderAndShadowSerializer | class ScaledBorderAndShadowSerializer : ASSSerializer < Boolean > |
ScriptInfoSection | class ScriptInfoSection : KeyValSection Represents a script info section. |
Section | abstract class Section : Serializable Represents a section in an ASS file, textually represented as a section name in square brackets followed by zero or more lines in a Type: Value format. |
StyleLine | class StyleLine : MapLine < StyleLine > A line in a StyleSection. Its associated accessor is StyleLineAccessor. |
StyleLineAccessor | sealed class StyleLineAccessor<T> : LineAccessor < T , StyleLine > A type-safe accessor for StyleLine. |
StyleSection | class StyleSection : FormatSection < StyleLine > Represents a styles section, containing a list of StyleLine lines. |
TimerSerializer | class TimerSerializer : ASSSerializer < Double > |
WrapStyle | enum class WrapStyle |
WrapStyleSerializer | class WrapStyleSerializer : ASSSerializer < WrapStyle > |
Name | Summary |
CustomSerializer | annotation class CustomSerializer |
KeyValField | annotation class KeyValField Annotates a property in a KeyValSection with the corresponding ASS key. |
LineField | annotation class LineField Annotates a property in a MapLine with the name of the corresponding ASS field. |
Name | Summary |
ExtraData | typealias ExtraData = Map < Int , Pair < String , String >> |
Name | Summary |
java.awt.Color | |
java.time.Duration | |
kotlin.Boolean | |
kotlin.String |
Name | Summary |
deserializeAss | fun <T : Any > deserializeAss(s: String , klass: KClass < T >): T ? Return the given ASS string deserialized to the given type T, or null if the string could not be deserialized. |
serializeAss | fun serializeAss(v: Any ): String Serializes the given value as a string in ASS format. |