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*equal contribution

Source code for commonsesne knowledge incorporation please navigate to branch know_inject.


Clone repository

$ git clone moca
$ export ALFRED_ROOT=$(pwd)/moca

Install requirements

$ virtualenv -p $(which python3) --system-site-packages moca_env
$ source moca_env/bin/activate

$ pip install --upgrade pip
$ pip install -r requirements.txt



Dataset includes visual features extracted by ResNet-18 with natural language annotations (~135.5GB after unzipping). For details of the ALFRED dataset, see the repository of ALFRED.

$ cd $ALFRED_ROOT/data
$ sh

Note: The downloaded data includes expert trajectories with both original and color-swapped frames.

Pretrained Model

We provide our pretrained weight used for the experiments in the paper and the leaderboard submission. To download the pretrained weight of MOCA, use the command below.

$ sh


To train MOCA, run with hyper-parameters below.

python models/train/ --data <path_to_dataset> --model seq2seq_im_mask --dout <path_to_save_weight> --splits data/splits/oct21.json --gpu --batch <batch_size> --pm_aux_loss_wt <pm_aux_loss_wt_coeff> --subgoal_aux_loss_wt <subgoal_aux_loss_wt_coeff> --preprocess

Note: As mentioned in the repository of ALFRED, run with --preprocess only once for preprocessed json files.
Note: All hyperparameters used for the experiments in the paper are set as default.

For example, if you want train MOCA and save the weights for all epochs in "exp/moca" with all hyperparameters used in the experiments in the paper, you may use the command below.

python models/train/ --dout exp/moca --gpu --save_every_epoch

Note: The option, --save_every_epoch, saves weights for all epochs and therefore could take a lot of space.

Fine-tuning LM

--use-bert must be passed to the argument. The name of the LM (e.g. bert-base-uncased, roberta-base) can be passed using --bert_model. --max_length refers to the max sub-tokens for each instruction and goal. Sequences longer than --max_length will be truncated. --bert_lr refers to the learning rate for fine-tuning LM. Usually, it is beneficial to set LM learning rate to be smaller than the learning rate for training the other component of the model. An example of fine-tuning LM.

python models/train/ --data data/json_feat_2.1.0 --model seq2seq_im_mask --dout exp/model:{model},name:pm_and_subgoals_02_bert_base1e-05  --splits data/splits/oct21.json --gpu 3 --batch 2 --pm_aux_loss_wt 0.2  --subgoal_aux_loss_wt 0.2  --pp_folder pp_bert --use_bert --bert_model bert-base-uncased --bert_lr  1e-05 --max_length 512


Task Evaluation

To evaluate MOCA, run with hyper-parameters below.
To evaluate a model in the seen or unseen environment, pass valid_seen or valid_unseen to --eval_split.

python models/eval/ --data <path_to_dataset> --model models.model.seq2seq_im_mask --model_path <path_to_weight> --eval_split <eval_split> --gpu --num_threads <thread_num>

Note: All hyperparameters used for the experiments in the paper are set as default.

If you want to evaluate our pretrained model saved in exp/pretrained/pretrained.pth in the seen validation, you may use the command below.

python models/eval/ --model_path "exp/pretrained/pretrained.pth" --eval_split valid_seen --gpu --num_threads 4