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Implement SVD decomposition manually.
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hzhangxyz committed Nov 20, 2023
1 parent 1e2a7ac commit 858a40c
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286 changes: 286 additions & 0 deletions tat/
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This module implements SVD decomposition without Householder reflection.

import typing
import torch
from ._qr import _normalize_diagonal, _givens_parameter

# pylint: disable=invalid-name

def _svd(A: torch.Tensor, error: float) -> tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]:
# pylint: disable=too-many-locals
# pylint: disable=too-many-branches
# pylint: disable=too-many-statements
# pylint: disable=too-many-nested-blocks

# see
m, n = A.shape
trans = False
if m < n:
trans = True
A = A.transpose(0, 1)
m, n = n, m
U = torch.eye(m, dtype=A.dtype, device=A.device)
V = torch.eye(n, dtype=A.dtype, device=A.device)

# Make bidiagonal matrix
B = A.clone(memory_format=torch.contiguous_format)
for i in range(n):
# (i:, i)
for j in range(m - 1, i, -1):
col = i
# Rotate inside col i
# Rotate from row j to j-1
c, s = _givens_parameter(B[j - 1, col], B[j, col])
U[j], U[j - 1] = -s * U[j - 1] + c * U[j], c.conj() * U[j - 1] + s.conj() * U[j]
B[j], B[j - 1] = -s * B[j - 1] + c * B[j], c.conj() * B[j - 1] + s.conj() * B[j]
# x = B[i:, i]
# v = torch.zeros_like(x)
# v[0] = _reflect_target(x)
# delta = _normalize_delta(v - x)
# B[i:, :] -= 2 * torch.outer(delta, delta.conj() @ B[i:, :])
# U[i:, :] -= 2 * torch.outer(delta, delta.conj() @ U[i:, :])

# (i, i+1:)/H
if i == n - 1:
for j in range(n - 1, i + 1, -1):
row = i
# Rotate inside row i
# Rotate from col j to j-1
c, s = _givens_parameter(B[row, j - 1], B[row, j])
V[j], V[j - 1] = -s * V[j - 1] + c * V[j], c.conj() * V[j - 1] + s.conj() * V[j]
B[:, j], B[:, j - 1] = -s * B[:, j - 1] + c * B[:, j], c.conj() * B[:, j - 1] + s.conj() * B[:, j]
# x = B[i, i + 1:]
# v = torch.zeros_like(x)
# v[0] = _reflect_target(x)
# delta = _normalize_delta(v - x)
# B[:, i + 1:] -= 2 * torch.outer(B[:, i + 1:] @ delta.conj(), delta)
# V[i + 1:, :] -= 2 * torch.outer(delta, delta.conj() @ V[i + 1:, :])
B = B[:n]
U = U[:n]
# print(B)
# error_decomp = torch.max(torch.abs(U.H @ B @ V.H.T - A)).item()
# assert error_decomp < 1e-4

# QR iteration with implicit Q
S = torch.diagonal(B).clone(memory_format=torch.contiguous_format)
F = torch.diagonal(B, offset=1).clone(memory_format=torch.contiguous_format)
F[-1] = 0
X = F[-1]
stack: list[tuple[int, int]] = [(0, n - 1)]
while stack:
# B.zero_()
# B.diagonal()[:] = S
# B.diagonal(offset = 1)[:] = F[:-1]
# error_decomp = torch.max(torch.abs(U.H @ B @ V.H.T - A)).item()
# assert error_decomp < 1e-4

low = stack[-1][0]
high = stack[-1][1]

if low == high:

max_diagonal = torch.abs(S[low])
for b in range(low, high + 1):
Sb = torch.abs(S[b])
if Sb < max_diagonal:
max_diagonal = Sb
# Check if S[b] is zero
if Sb < error:
# pylint: disable=no-else-continue
if b == low:
X = F[b].clone()
F[b] = 0
for i in range(b + 1, high + 1):
c, s = _givens_parameter(S[i], X)
U[b], U[i] = -s * U[i] + c * U[b], c.conj() * U[i] + s.conj() * U[b]

S[i] = c.conj() * S[i] + s.conj() * X
if i != high:
X, F[i] = -s * F[i] + c * X, c.conj() * F[i] + s.conj() * X
stack.append((b + 1, high))
stack.append((low, b))
X = F[b - 1].clone()
F[b - 1] = 0
for i in range(b - 1, low - 1, -1):
c, s = _givens_parameter(S[i], X)
V[b], V[i] = -s * V[i] + c * V[b], c.conj() * V[i] + s.conj() * V[b]

S[i] = c.conj() * S[i] + s.conj() * X
if i != low:
X, F[i - 1] = -s * F[i - 1] + c * X, c.conj() * F[i - 1] + s.conj() * X
stack.append((b, high))
stack.append((low, b - 1))

b = int(torch.argmin(torch.abs(F[low:high]))) + low
if torch.abs(F[b]) < max_diagonal * error:
F[b] = 0
stack.append((b + 1, high))
stack.append((low, b))

tdn = (S[b + 1].conj() * S[b + 1] + F[b].conj() * F[b]).real
tdn_1 = (S[b].conj() * S[b] + F[b - 1].conj() * F[b - 1]).real
tsn_1 = F[b].conj() * S[b]
d = (tdn_1 - tdn) / 2
mu = tdn + d - torch.sign(d) * torch.sqrt(d**2 + tsn_1.conj() * tsn_1)
for i in range(low, high):
if i == low:
c, s = _givens_parameter(S[low].conj() * S[low] - mu, S[low].conj() * F[low])
c, s = _givens_parameter(F[i - 1], X)
V[i + 1], V[i] = -s * V[i] + c * V[i + 1], c.conj() * V[i] + s.conj() * V[i + 1]
if i != low:
F[i - 1] = c.conj() * F[i - 1] + s.conj() * X
F[i], S[i] = -s * S[i] + c * F[i], c.conj() * S[i] + s.conj() * F[i]
S[i + 1], X = c * S[i + 1], s.conj() * S[i + 1]

c, s = _givens_parameter(S[i], X)
U[i + 1], U[i] = -s * U[i] + c * U[i + 1], c.conj() * U[i] + s.conj() * U[i + 1]

S[i] = c.conj() * S[i] + s.conj() * X
S[i + 1], F[i] = -s * F[i] + c * S[i + 1], c.conj() * F[i] + s.conj() * S[i + 1]
if i != high - 1:
F[i + 1], X = c * F[i + 1], s.conj() * F[i + 1]

# Make diagonal positive
c = _normalize_diagonal(S).conj()
V *= c.unsqueeze(1) # U is larger than V
S *= c
S = S.real

# Sort
S, order = torch.sort(S, descending=True)
U = U[order]
V = V[order]

# pylint: disable=no-else-return
if trans:
return V.H, S, U.H.T
return U.H, S, V.H.T

def _skew(A: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
return A - A.H

def _svd_backward(
U: torch.Tensor,
S: torch.Tensor,
Vh: torch.Tensor,
gU: typing.Optional[torch.Tensor],
gS: typing.Optional[torch.Tensor],
gVh: typing.Optional[torch.Tensor],
) -> typing.Optional[torch.Tensor]:
# pylint: disable=too-many-locals
# pylint: disable=too-many-branches
# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments

# See pytorch torch/csrc/autograd/FunctionsManual.cpp:svd_backward
if gS is None and gU is None and gVh is None:
return None

m = U.size(0)
n = Vh.size(1)

if gU is None and gVh is None:
assert gS is not None
# pylint: disable=no-else-return
if m >= n:
return U @ (gS.unsqueeze(1) * Vh)
return (U * gS.unsqueeze(0)) @ Vh

is_complex = torch.is_complex(U)

UhgU = _skew(U.H @ gU) if gU is not None else None
VhgV = _skew(Vh @ gVh.H) if gVh is not None else None

S2 = S * S
E = S2.unsqueeze(0) - S2.unsqueeze(1)
E.diagonal()[:] = 1

if gU is not None:
if gVh is not None:
assert UhgU is not None
assert VhgV is not None
gA = (UhgU * S.unsqueeze(0) + S.unsqueeze(1) * VhgV) / E
assert UhgU is not None
gA = (UhgU / E) * S.unsqueeze(0)
assert VhgV is not None
gA = S.unsqueeze(1) * (VhgV / E)

if gS is not None:
gA = gA + torch.diag(gS)

if is_complex and gU is not None and gVh is not None:
assert UhgU is not None
gA = gA + torch.diag(UhgU.diagonal() / (2 * S))

if m > n and gU is not None:
gA = U @ gA
gUSinv = gU / S.unsqueeze(0)
gA = gA + gUSinv - U @ (U.H @ gUSinv)
gA = gA @ Vh
elif m < n and gVh is not None:
gA = gA @ Vh
SinvgVh = gVh / S.unsqueeze(1)
gA = gA + SinvgVh - (SinvgVh @ Vh.H) @ Vh
gA = U @ gA
elif m >= n:
gA = U @ (gA @ Vh)
gA = (U @ gA) @ Vh

return gA

class SVD(torch.autograd.Function):
Compute SVD decomposition without Householder reflection.

# pylint: disable=abstract-method

def forward( # type: ignore[override]
ctx: torch.autograd.function.FunctionCtx,
A: torch.Tensor,
error: float,
) -> tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]:
# pylint: disable=arguments-differ
U, S, V = _svd(A, error)
ctx.save_for_backward(U, S, V)
return U, S, V

def backward( # type: ignore[override]
ctx: typing.Any,
U_grad: torch.Tensor | None,
S_grad: torch.Tensor | None,
V_grad: torch.Tensor,
) -> tuple[torch.Tensor | None, None]:
# pylint: disable=arguments-differ
U, S, V = ctx.saved_tensors
return _svd_backward(U, S, V, U_grad, S_grad, V_grad), None

svd = SVD.apply
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Expand Up @@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
import torch
from . import _utility
from ._qr import givens_qr
from ._svd import svd as manual_svd # pylint: disable=unused-import
from .edge import Edge

# pylint: disable=too-many-public-methods
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1562,6 +1563,13 @@ def _guess_edge(matrix: torch.Tensor, edge: Edge, arrow: bool) -> Edge:

def _ensure_mask(self: Tensor) -> None:
Currently this function is only called from SVD decomposition. It ensure that element at mask False is very
small and set them exactly zero.
Any function other than SVD and QR would not break blocked tensor, while QR is implemented by givens rotation
which preserve the blocks, so there is not need to ensure mask there.
assert torch.allclose(torch.where(self.mask, torch.zeros([], dtype=self.dtype),,
torch.zeros([], dtype=self.dtype))
self._data = torch.where(self.mask,, torch.zeros([], dtype=self.dtype))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1628,7 +1636,12 @@ def svd(
names=("SVD_U", "SVD_V") if put_v_right else ("SVD_V", "SVD_U"),

# if self.fermion:
# data_1, data_s, data_2 = manual_svd(, 1e-6)
# else:
# data_1, data_s, data_2 = torch.linalg.svd(, full_matrices=False)
data_1, data_s, data_2 = torch.linalg.svd(, full_matrices=False)

if cut != -1:
data_1 = data_1[:, :cut]
data_s = data_s[:cut]
Expand Down
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"Test SVD"

import torch
from tat._svd import svd

# pylint: disable=missing-function-docstring
# pylint: disable=invalid-name

def svd_func(A: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
U, S, V = svd(A, 1e-10)
return U @ torch.diag(S).to(dtype=A.dtype) @ V

def check_svd(A: torch.Tensor) -> None:
m, n = A.size()
U, S, V = svd(A, 1e-10)
assert torch.allclose(U @ torch.diag( @ V, A)
assert torch.allclose(U.H @ U, torch.eye(min(m, n), dtype=A.dtype, device=A.device))
assert torch.allclose(V @ V.H, torch.eye(min(m, n), dtype=A.dtype, device=A.device))
grad_check = torch.autograd.gradcheck(
svd_func if torch.is_complex(A) else lambda x: svd(x, 1e-10),
assert grad_check

def test_svd_real() -> None:
check_svd(torch.randn(7, 5, dtype=torch.float64, requires_grad=True))
check_svd(torch.randn(5, 5, dtype=torch.float64, requires_grad=True))
check_svd(torch.randn(5, 7, dtype=torch.float64, requires_grad=True))

def test_svd_complex() -> None:
check_svd(torch.randn(7, 5, dtype=torch.complex128, requires_grad=True))
check_svd(torch.randn(5, 5, dtype=torch.complex128, requires_grad=True))
check_svd(torch.randn(5, 7, dtype=torch.complex128, requires_grad=True))

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