Bursting VE layer coated gas bubbles at a liquid-gas interface
- burstingBubbles_viscoelastic_coated.c where the coating is viscoelastic and wets both the bubble-bulk and the bulk-ambient surface (coating is fully wetting).
- burstingBubbles_viscoelastic_coated_dewets.c where the coating is viscoelastic but does not wet either the bubble-bulk or the bulk-ambient surface (coating is partially wetting). The coating will dewet from the bubble-bulk interface. Note that in this case, the bulk forms a precursor file.
For details of this precursor film based model, see: https://youtu.be/ozrnYe8u1HA?si=cH2FcO_kPw5o_6k7
- The fully elastic case archived_codes/burstingBubbles_elastic_coated.c breaks down close to the singularity of focussing capillary waves. See issue 15 for details.