## [0.1.0] - 2022-11-12
- Added support in linear mpc to define the references, weights, constraints and exogenous inputs different in each prediction step
- Added general support to the retrival of the optimal sequence (state, input and output)
- The API to set the references, weights constraints and exogenous inputs using vector now requires a span of the horizon (Breaking changes)
- Added new APIs to define the references, weights, constraints and exogenous inputs matrices to the whole horizon
- Internal structure of the library has been refactored to separate non-linear and linear classes
- Added support for multiple mpc instances in the same executable
- Minimum c++ version required updated to c++20
- Fixed issue on compilation
- Catch2 dependency updated to version 3
- Improved performances while building the optimization problem in LOptimizer
- Changelog added :)
- Fixed a memory leak in LOptimizer
- Fixed the parameters handling in LOptimizer