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SlayerDharok edited this page Nov 19, 2022 · 6 revisions

Getting Started

All MGUI-related controls can be created and manipulated through c# code, but XAML may be preferable as it's often more concise. XAML strings can be parsed into MGElement instances via MGUI.Core.UI.XAML.XAMLParser's Load<T>(...) and LoadRootWindow(...) static methods

Recommended usage:

  • Add a .xaml file to your project, with Build Action = Embedded Resource
  • In your c# code:
    • Read the embedded resource into a string
    • Call MGUI.Core.UI.XAML.XAMLParser.LoadRootWindow(...) or MGUI.Core.UI.XAML.XAMLParser.Load<T>(...)
public static string ReadEmbeddedResourceAsString(Assembly CurrentAssembly, string ResourceName)
    using (Stream ResourceStream = CurrentAssembly.GetManifestResourceStream(ResourceName))
    using (StreamReader Reader = new StreamReader(ResourceStream))
    return Reader.ReadToEnd();


//  Parse the XAML into an MGWindow instance
MGDesktop Desktop = ...
Assembly CurrentAssembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
string ResourceName = $"{nameof(MyProject)}.{nameof(XAMLResources)}.Window1.xaml"; // Fill this in with your resource name
string XAMLString = ReadEmbeddedResourceAsString(CurrentAssembly, ResourceName);
MGWindow Window = XAMLParser.LoadRootWindow(Desktop, XAMLString, false);

Sample XAML:

<Window xmlns="clr-namespace:MGUI.Core.UI.XAML;assembly=MGUI.Core" 
        Left="100" Top="100" Width="200" Height="100"
        BorderBrush="Crimson" BorderThickness="2" Background="White" TextForeground="Black" 
        Padding="10" TitleText="XAML Test" IsUserResizable="False">
    <TextBlock Text="Hello World" Padding="10" Background="LightGray" TextAlignment="Center" />



Assuming you set the default XML namespace to xmlns="clr-namespace:MGUI.Core.UI.XAML;assembly=MGUI.Core", Visual Studio's XAML editor can provide autocomplete suggestions.


A few common properties have optional abbreviated property names:

Property Abbreviation
HorizontalAlignment HA
HorizontalContentAlignment HCA
VerticalAlignment VA
VerticalContentAlignment VCA
Background BG
BorderBrush BB
BorderThickness BT

Referencing XAML Elements in c#

Everything that can be done in XAML can also be done in c#. But not everything that can be done in c# can be done in XAML. Oftentimes you will need to apply a Name to an element defined in XAML.

<Window xmlns="clr-namespace:MGUI.Core.UI.XAML;assembly=MGUI.Core" 
        Left="100" Top="100" Width="200" Height="100"
        IsTitleBarVisible="False" IsUserResizable="False" Padding="0" BorderThickness="0">
    <Button Name="Button_Sample1" Content="Click me" HorizontalContentAlignment="Center" VerticalContentAlignment="Center" />

Then you can retrieve the element in your c# code using MGWindow.GetElementByName<T>(string) instance method:

MGWindow Window1 = XAMLParser.LoadRootWindow(Desktop, XAMLString, false);
MGButton Button_Sample1 = Window1.GetElementByName<MGButton>("Button_Sample1");
Button_Sample1.AddCommandHandler((button, e) =>
    //  This delegate is invoked when the button is clicked

Generic Types

Some MGElement types have a generic type parameter, such as MGComboBox<TItemType, MGListBox<TItemType>, and MGListView<TItemType>. To specify a generic type in XAML, use the x:Type Markup Extension. For example, suppose you have a simple Person object:

public readonly record struct Person(int Id, string FirstName, string LastName, bool IsMale);

And you want to use this type for an MGListView<TItemType>'s ItemsSource.

<Window xmlns="clr-namespace:MGUI.Core.UI.XAML;assembly=MGUI.Core" 
        Left="100" Top="100" Width="300" Height="300"
        TitleText="ListView Sample">

    <!-- Define the namespace where the Person object exists, then set ItemType using the x:Type markup extension -->
    <ListView Name="ListView_Sample1" xmlns:local="clr-namespace:MGUI.Samples;assembly=MGUI.Samples" ItemType="{x:Type local:Person}">

        <ListViewColumn Width="50">
                <TextBlock IsBold="True" TextAlignment="Center" Text="Id" />

        <ListViewColumn Width="*">
                <TextBlock IsBold="True" TextAlignment="Center" Text="First Name" />

        <ListViewColumn Width="*">
                <TextBlock IsBold="True" TextAlignment="Center" Text="Last Name" />

Then in your c# code:

MGWindow Window1 = XAMLParser.LoadRootWindow(Desktop, XAMLString, false);

//  Get the ListView
MGListView<Person> ListView_Sample1 = Window1.GetElementByName<MGListView<Person>>("ListView_Sample1");

//  Set the ItemTemplate of each column
ListView_Sample1.Columns[0].ItemTemplate = (person) => new MGTextBlock(Window1, person.Id.ToString()) { HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center };
ListView_Sample1.Columns[1].ItemTemplate = (person) => new MGTextBlock(Window1, person.FirstName, person.IsMale ? Color.Blue : Color.Pink);
ListView_Sample1.Columns[2].ItemTemplate = (person) => new MGTextBlock(Window1, person.LastName, person.IsMale ? Color.Blue : Color.Pink);

//  Set the row data
List<Person> People = new()
    new(1, "John", "Smith", true),
    new(2, "James", "Johnson", true),
    new(3, "Emily", "Doe", false),
    new(4, "Chris", "Brown", true),
    new(5, "Melissa", "Wilson", false),
    new(6, "Richard", "Anderson", true),
    new(7, "Taylor", "Moore", false),
    new(8, "Tom", "Lee", true),
    new(9, "Joe", "White", true),
    new(10, "Alice", "Wright", false)




Styles allow you to conveniently set properties of all child elements to a particular value.

<Window xmlns="clr-namespace:MGUI.Core.UI.XAML;assembly=MGUI.Core"
        Left="50" Top="50" Width="200" Height="150" IsUserResizable="False" TitleText="Styles Sample">
    <StackPanel Orientation="Vertical" Spacing="5">
            <!-- This is an implicit style. Since it doesn't have a Name, it will affect ALL child TextBlocks 
            (unless the TextBlock explicitly opts out of styling by setting IsStyleable="false") -->
            <Style TargetType="TextBlock">
                <Setter Property="HorizontalAlignment" Value="Right" />

        <!-- This textblock ignores all styles because IsStyleable="false" -->
        <!-- Its HorizontalAlignment remains at the default value of "Stretch" -->
        <TextBlock Background="RGB(40,40,40)" Text="One" IsStyleable="False" />
        <!-- This textblock inherits HorizontalAlignment="Right" from the implicit style defined above -->
        <TextBlock Background="RGB(40,40,40)" Text="Two" />

        <StackPanel Orientation="Vertical">
            <!-- These styles have an explicit name. They will only affect TextBlocks where StyleNames contains the name -->
                <Style TargetType="TextBlock" Name="Explicit1">
                    <Setter Property="HorizontalAlignment" Value="Center" />
                    <Setter Property="Foreground" Value="Red" />
                <Style TargetType="TextBlock" Name="Explicit2">
                    <Setter Property="HorizontalAlignment" Value="Left" />

            <!-- This TextBlock is affected by the implicit style and the "Explicit1" style, in that order. -->
            <!-- So HorizontalAlignment="Right" is applied first, then HorizontalAlignment="Center" and Foreground="Red" are applied -->
            <TextBlock Background="RGB(40,40,40)" Text="Three" StyleNames="Explicit1" />
            <!-- This TextBlock uses a comma delimiter to specify multiple explicit style names that are applied to it. -->
            <!-- The "Explicit1" style sets Foreground="Red", but that value is overridden with Foreground="Orange" -->
            <TextBlock Background="RGB(40,40,40)" Text="Four" StyleNames="Explicit1,Explicit2" Foreground="Orange" />
            <!-- This TextBlock didn't opt in to either Explicit style, so it's only affected by the outer implicit style, setting HorizontalAlignment="Right" -->
            <TextBlock Background="RGB(40,40,40)" Text="Five" Foreground="Blue" />



  • Styles must have a TargetType (Button, TextBlock, Image, CheckBox etc)
  • They may also have a Name
    • If a Name is not specified, the style is implicit. It will be applied to all child elements of the given TargetType
    • If a Name is specified, the style is explicit. It will only be applied to child elements of the given TargetType that also opt in to receiving the style via the StyleNames property
    • Elements can opt in to multiple explicit styles by specifying several style names, separated by a comma. The styles are applied in the order their names are listed.

Type Converters


To specify a Color in XAML, use one of these formats:

Format Example Result
Name LightCoral LightCoral
Hex #F08080 LightCoral
RGB RGB(240, 128, 128) LightCoral
RGBA RGBA(240, 128, 128, 255) LightCoral

You can also apply an opacity scalar, such as Red * 0.8 (Spaces are not required. Red*0.8 is also valid)


<TextBlock Background="rgb(240, 128, 128)" Foreground="Cyan * 0.5" />

(Values are case-insensitive except the HTML Color Name)


Many elements have IFillBrush properties.

If you specify a single color, it will be converted to an MGSolidFillBrush.

<Button Background="Blue" Padding="10" BorderBrush="Red" BorderThickness="2">
    <TextBlock IsBold="true" FontSize="14" TextAlignment="Center" Text="Hello\nWorld" />


If you specify 2 colors, delimited by a pipe | character, it will be converted to an MGDiagonalGradientBrush.

<Button Background="Blue|Yellow" Padding="10" BorderBrush="Red" BorderThickness="2">
    <TextBlock IsBold="true" FontSize="14" TextAlignment="Center" Text="Hello\nWorld" />


If you specify 4 colors, delimited by a pipe | character, it will be converted to an MGGradientFillBrush. (Topleft, Topright, Bottomright, Bottomleft)

<Button Background="Blue|Yellow|Green|Orange" Padding="10" BorderBrush="Red" BorderThickness="2">
    <TextBlock IsBold="true" FontSize="14" TextAlignment="Center" Text="Hello\nWorld" />



Many elements have a BorderBrush property of type IBorderBrush.

If you specify a single IFillBrush, it will be converted to an MGUniformBorderBrush where each edge is comprised of the same IFillBrush.

<Button BorderBrush="rgb(240,50,150)" BorderThickness="10" Padding="10">
    <TextBlock IsBold="true" FontSize="14" TextAlignment="Center" Text="Hello\nWorld" />


If you specify 4 IFillBrushes, separated by a hyphen - character, it will be converted to an MGDockedBorderBrush (Left, Top, Right, Bottom).

<Button BorderBrush="LightGreen-DarkGreen-ForestGreen-GreenYellow" BorderThickness="10" Padding="10">
    <TextBlock IsBold="true" FontSize="14" TextAlignment="Center" Text="Hello\nWorld" />


Note: If all 4 IFillBrushes are MGSolidColorBrush, then the corners of the border will be split diagonally, as seen in the above image.

You don't need to use solid color brushes. If you'd like, you can specify gradient fill brushes. Check out this abomination!

<Button BorderBrush="Purple|Cyan-DarkGreen|White|RoyalBlue|rgb(0,128,240)-ForestGreen-GreenYellow|Gray" BorderThickness="10" Padding="10">
    <TextBlock IsBold="true" FontSize="14" TextAlignment="Center" Text="Hello\nWorld" />


Note: Since not all 4 IFillBrushes are MGSolidColorBrush, the corners aren't split diagonally. Instead, the top and bottom brushes occupy the corners.

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