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Welcome to the Ethical Hacking Repository! This repository serves as a curated collection of notes, essential concepts, and interactive scripts related to ethical hacking. It is designed to be a valuable resource for individuals interested in ethical hacking and cybersecurity.


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Ethical Hacking Repository

Welcome to the Ethical Hacking Repository! This repository serves as a curated collection of notes, essential concepts, and interactive scripts related to ethical hacking. It is designed to be a valuable resource for individuals interested in ethical hacking and cybersecurity. The content provided here is based on personal notes and experiences, particularly in conjunction with the completion of the Ethical Hacker Pro course.


  1. Notes:

    • Comprehensive notes covering various ethical hacking topics.
    • Condensed and organized for quick reference.
  2. Interactive Scripts:

    • A set of interactive scripts related to specific ethical hacking concepts.
    • Designed to provide hands-on experience and reinforce learning.


  1. Cryptography: Explore cryptographic concepts and techniques.

  2. Post-Exploitation: Resources related to post-exploitation activities.

  3. System Hacking: Learn about system hacking techniques and tools.

  4. Denial-of-Service: Understand and mitigate denial-of-service attacks.

  5. Web App Penetration: Dive into web application penetration testing.

  6. IDS Evasion: Techniques for evading Intrusion Detection Systems.

  7. Reconnaissance: Gather information and perform reconnaissance.

  8. Wireless: Explore wireless security and hacking.

  9. Mobile Device Security: Understand security considerations for mobile devices.

  10. Sniffing: Learn about network sniffing and packet analysis.


⚠️ Educational Purpose: This repository is created for educational purposes only. The content and scripts are intended to enhance understanding and knowledge of ethical hacking concepts. Users are encouraged to use these resources responsibly and in compliance with ethical standards.

⚠️ Hacking Legality: It is crucial to emphasize that hacking, if not done ethically and within legal boundaries, is illegal. The term "ethical hacking" refers to the responsible and authorized use of hacking techniques to identify vulnerabilities and improve security. Unethical hacking, such as unauthorized access to systems, is against the law and can result in severe consequences.

⚠️ Not a Substitute for Professional Advice: The information provided in this repository is not a substitute for professional advice. It is essential to consult official documentation and seek guidance from experienced professionals for specific scenarios.

⚠️ No Endorsement: The inclusion of any specific tools, techniques, or concepts does not imply endorsement. Users are encouraged to explore various resources and make informed decisions based on their specific needs.

How to Use

  1. Notes:

    • Browse the Notes directory for detailed notes on different ethical hacking topics.
  2. Interactive Scripts:

    • Explore the Interactive Scripts directory for hands-on scripts.
    • Follow script instructions and guidelines for practical learning.


Contributions to enhance the repository are welcome! If you have valuable notes, scripts, or improvements, feel free to submit a pull request.

Note: By contributing to this repository, you agree that your contributions will be licensed under the MIT License.


This repository is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.

Remember, hacking without ethical considerations and legal authorization is a violation of the law. Stay ethical and hack responsibly!


Welcome to the Ethical Hacking Repository! This repository serves as a curated collection of notes, essential concepts, and interactive scripts related to ethical hacking. It is designed to be a valuable resource for individuals interested in ethical hacking and cybersecurity.







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