This repository contains 2 folders, a client folder with a react app developed with functional components and functional auth (signup, login, logut), as well as the views for these forms and a protected page with user specific data. The server folder contains a NodeJS and Express App to run the application. It contains the Auth Routes, database configurations, middleware setup and cors already prepared
1 - Create your app in Heroku and copy the URL
2 - Fork & Clone this repo
3 - Go to client subfolder and run npm install
4 - Go to server subfolder and run npm install
5 - In server subfolder, run the command git heroku add:remote -a (you can also find this command in the heroku dashboard)
6 - Go to .env file in the server folder and change MONGODB_URI, SESSION_SECRET and HEROKU_URL to your own custom strings
7 - Go to the heroku dashboard and add these 3 config vars in the settings:
- MONGODB_URI = like in .env
- ORIGIN: << this has to be the heroku app name, not localhost >>
- SESSION_SECRET = like in .env
8 - Go to your server terminal, and git push heroku master
9 - Your application should be running in Heroku correctly. If it doesn't, run on the terminal heroku logs --tail to see details of the error
10 - Whenever you want to redeploy changes to your frontend, follow this steps:
-- Delete the build folder in client
-- Create a new one with npm run build
with the terminal in the client subfolder
-- Delete everything inside the public folder in the server subfolder
-- Copy the content from the build folder inside of Client and paste it inside of public in Server. Don't copy the folder, just the content!
-- git add . and git commit your changes on the server folder
-- rerun git push heroku master