Code for A Framework for Unsupervised Online Human Reaching Motion Recognition and Early Prediction
Make sure MATLAB is installed in the machine.
Install pymatlab ( (We suggest using pip
2.1 install pip if needed
$sudo apt-get install python-pip
2.2 install pymatlab by pip
$sudo pip install pymatlab
2.3 Install pymatlab dependencies
$ sudo apt-get install csh
2.4 Add MATLAB directory to $PATH
Run for a simple example. This example file will initialize the model and use a prerecorded trajectory (obsTraj.csv) in order to update the model. It will take another trajectory (testTraj.csv) as the observation and write the predicted trajectory to output file predTraj.csv
Matlab code for unsupervised online learning algorithm.
- Example python code which initializes a model, updates the model with a single trajectory and performs prediction on a second trajectory.
setup.txt is a parameter setup file listing parameters required by the algorithm.
UOLA_init.m is the model initialization function. The function takes an output path as a parameter.
UOLA_learn.m is the learning function. It's inputs are the path to a previously initialized or trained model as well as a csv file which describes a reaching trajectory to train the model with.
UOLA_predict.m is the prediction function. It's inputs are the path of the model, the path of the csv file that stores the observed portion of a trajectory, and the path of the csv file that stores the output predicted trajectory.
The interface between matlab and python is the pymatlab package. Please refer to
The matlab code is based on Incremental EM algorithm, GMM learning, GMR from Sylvain Calinon. Please refer to