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This repository contains the backend code of the GitWize project

Table of Contents


GitWize is an AWS cloud-based application that allows you to extract valuable insights and metrics from a single GitHub repository using git commit logs. Currently, GitWize integrates Okta as the primary identity management service for end-users. Either if you’re a delivery manager, engineering lead, or engineering manager, GitWize will enable you to:

  • Improve your software quality
  • Track your project’s progress on a daily, monthly, or quarterly basis
  • Track your team’s productivity, performance, and health
  • Identify early potential risks and take early measures that can save money, time, and stress

Once you add a GitHub repository to GitWize, you will unlock the following features:

  • Analyze PR statistics such as average PR size and PR rejection rate
  • Calculate code change velocity over time in terms of the number of commits
  • Display reports in either tabular or chart format.

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Local Installation

To set up this project on you local machine, follow the next linux-based instructions.


Ensure you comply with the following prerequisites before you follow the rest of the instructions.

  • Install Go v1.14 or above
    As of August 2022, v1.14 is functional. To check the Go version that you have installed, type in your terminal: go version
  • Install pre-commit hook. A framework for managing and maintaining multi-language pre-commit hooks. To install it using homebrew, type in your terminal: brew install pre-commit
  • Run in your terminal pre-commit install to set up the git hook scripts.
    Now the pre-commit will run automatically on git commit
  • Install Docker

Run the Project Locally

To run the backend project on your machine:

  1. Open Docker Desktop application
  2. Clone the gitwize-be repository
  3. Go to the gitwize-be root directory
  4. Type in your terminal:
docker-compose -f ./docker/docker-compose.yaml up
  1. In a different tab, type in your terminal the following command to run all test cases:
go test -count=1 ./...
  1. In a different tab, type in your terminal the following command to run the project:
go run application.go

If you get the following error:

    ../go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/unix/syscall_darwin.1_13.go:25:3: //go:linkname must refer to declared function or variable
    ../go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/unix/zsyscall_darwin_amd64.1_13.go:27:3: //go:linkname must refer to declared function or variable
    ../go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/unix/zsyscall_darwin_amd64.1_13.go:40:3: //go:linkname must refer to declared function or variable
    ../go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/unix/zsyscall_darwin_amd64.go:28:3: //go:linkname must refer to declared function or variable
    ../go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/unix/zsyscall_darwin_amd64.go:43:3: //go:linkname must refer to declared function or variable
    ../go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/unix/zsyscall_darwin_amd64.go:59:3: //go:linkname must refer to declared function or variable
    ../go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/unix/zsyscall_darwin_amd64.go:75:3: //go:linkname must refer to declared function or variable
    ../go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/unix/zsyscall_darwin_amd64.go:90:3: //go:linkname must refer to declared function or variable
    ../go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/unix/zsyscall_darwin_amd64.go:105:3: //go:linkname must refer to declared function or variable
    ../go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/unix/zsyscall_darwin_amd64.go:121:3: //go:linkname must refer to declared function or variable
    ../go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/unix/zsyscall_darwin_amd64.go:121:3: too many errors

Run the following script to fix the Go source code version mismatching

go get -u
go: downloading v0.0.0-20220804214406-8e32c043e418
go: upgraded v0.0.0-20200302150141-5c8b2ff67527 => v0.0.0-20220804214406-8e32c043e418

As a result you obtain the following welcoming message:

    Hello from gitwize BE
    configuration is {Server:{Port:8080} Database:{GwDbName:gitwize GwDbUser:gitwize_user GwDbPassword:P@ssword123 GwDbHost:localhost GwDbPort:3306} Auth:{AuthDisable:true} Cypher:{PassPhase:} Endpoint:{Frontend:http://localhost:8080 SonarQubeServer:http://localhost} SonarQube:{AdminSecret: ScannerPath:/usr/local/sonarqube/sonar-scanner/bin/sonar-scanner PropertiesPath:/usr/local/sonarqube/sonar-scanner/conf/ BaseDirectory:./}}
    [GIN-debug] [WARNING] Creating an Engine instance with the Logger and Recovery middleware already attached.

    [GIN-debug] [WARNING] Running in "debug" mode. Switch to "release" mode in production.
     - using env:	export GIN_MODE=release
     - using code:	gin.SetMode(gin.ReleaseMode)

    [GIN-debug] POST   /api/v1/admin/:op_id      --> gitwize-be/src/controller.posAdminOperation (4 handlers)
    [GIN-debug] GET    /api/v1/repositories/     --> gitwize-be/src/controller.getListRepos (5 handlers)
    [GIN-debug] GET    /api/v1/repositories/:id  --> gitwize-be/src/controller.getRepos (5 handlers)
    [GIN-debug] POST   /api/v1/repositories/     --> gitwize-be/src/controller.postRepos (5 handlers)
    [GIN-debug] DELETE /api/v1/repositories/:id  --> gitwize-be/src/controller.delRepos (5 handlers)
    [GIN-debug] GET    /api/v1/repositories/:id/stats --> gitwize-be/src/controller.getStats (5 handlers)
    [GIN-debug] GET    /api/v1/repositories/:id/contributor --> gitwize-be/src/controller.getContributorStats (5 handlers)
    [GIN-debug] GET    /api/v1/repositories/:id/impact/weekly --> gitwize-be/src/controller.getWeeklyImpact (5 handlers)
    [GIN-debug] GET    /api/v1/repositories/:id/code-velocity --> gitwize-be/src/controller.getCodeChangeVelocity (5 handlers)
    [GIN-debug] GET    /api/v1/repositories/:id/trends --> gitwize-be/src/controller.getStatsQuarterlyTrends (5 handlers)
    [GIN-debug] GET    /api/v1/repositories/:id/pullrequest-size --> gitwize-be/src/controller.getPullRequestSize (5 handlers)
    [GIN-debug] GET    /api/v1/repositories/:id/code-quality --> gitwize-be/src/controller.getCodeQuality (5 handlers)
    [GIN-debug] Environment variable PORT is undefined. Using port :8080 by default
    [GIN-debug] Listening and serving HTTP on :8080

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Run the Project on the Cloud

To run all test cases, type in your terminal:

go test ./… 

To run the project, type in your terminal:

go run application.go`

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We encourage you to contribute to GitWize! Please check out our Contributing guide

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Branching Model

The branching model follows this convention: <feature|bugfix>-<ticket-id>-<short-description>
Example: feature/GW-1-skeleton-code and bugfix/GW-10-some-blocker

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Review Process

When sending a PR, ensure you include the following information:

What does this PR do?
Where should the reviewer start?
Screenshots & link (if appropriate)

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Versioning follows this convention: <major>.<minor>.<buildnumber>
Example: 1.0.1 and 1.0.11

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@MIT and @CLA

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