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Bruce Ravel edited this page Apr 29, 2015 · 3 revisions

Tables and Database Schema

The principle kind of data held in a XAFS Data Library is XAFS Spectra. Additionally, several other kinds of data can be useful to include, such as for sample preparation, measurement conditions, and so on. Of course, a key feature of a multi-spectral database is to be able to combine several spectra into a Suite of Spectra, and also to identify the people adding data to a library. Thus the XAFS Data Library contains the following main tables:

Table Name Description
spectra main XAS spectra, pointers to other tables
sample Samples
crystal_structure Crystal structures
person People
citation Literature or Other Citations
format Data Formats
suite Spectra Suites
facility Facilities
beamline Beamlines
monochromator Monochromators
mode Modes of Data Collection
ligand Ligands
element names of Elements
edge names of x-ray Edges
energy_units units for energies stored for a spectra
info General Information, version etc

While some of these tables (spectra, sample) are fairly complex, many of the tables are really quite simple, holding a few pieces of information.

In addition there are a few Join Tables to tie together information and allow Many-to-One and Many-to-Many relations. These tables include

Table Name Description
spectra_mode mode(s) used for a particular spectra
spectra_ligand ligand(s) present in a particular spectra
spectra_suite spectra contained in a suite
spectra_rating People's comments and scores for Spectra
suite_rating People's comments and scores for Suites

A key feature of this layout is that a Suite is very light-weight, simply comprising lists of spectra. Multiple suites can contain an individual spectra, and a particular spectra can be contained in multiple suites without repeated data.

The tables are described in more detail below. While many are straightforward, a few tables may need further explanation.

Spectra Table

This is the principle table for the entire database, and needs extensive discussion. Several of the thorniest issues have to be dealt with in this table, making this likely to be the place where most attention and discussion should probably be focused.

create table spectra (
	id integer primary key
	name text not null, 
	notes text, 
	attributes text, 
	file_link text, 
	data_energy text, 
	data_i0 text default '[1.0]', 
	data_itrans text default '[1.0]', 
	data_iemit text default '[1.0]', 
	data_irefer text default '[1.0]', 
	data_dtime_corr text default '[1.0]', 
	calc_mu_trans text default '-log(itrans/i0)', 
	calc_mu_emit text default '(iemit*dtime_corr/i0)', 
	calc_mu_refer text default '-log(irefer/itrans)', 
	notes_i0 text, 
	notes_itrans text, 
	notes_iemit text, 
	notes_irefer text, 
	temperature text, 
	submission_date datetime, 
	collection_date datetime, 
	reference_used integer, 
	energy_units_id   -- > energy_units table
	monochromator_id  -- > monochromator table
	person_id         -- > person table
	edge_id           -- > edge table
	element_z         -- > element table
	sample_id         -- > sample table
	beamline_id       -- > beamline table
	format_id         -- > format table
	citation_id       -- > citatione table
	reference_id      -- > sample table (for sample used as reference

We'll discuss the table entries more by grouping several of them together. First, Each entry in the spectra table contains links to many other tables.

spectra Column Name Description
energy_units_id index of energy_units table
person_id index of person table for person donating spectra
edge_id index of edge table for X-ray Edge
element_z index of element table for absorbing element
sample_id index of sample table, describing the sample
reference_id index of sample table, describing the reference sample
beamline_id index of the beamline where data was collected
monochromator_id index of the monochromator table for mono used
format_id index of the format table for data format used
citation_id index of the citation table for literature citation

Next, the table contains ancillary information (you may ask why some of these are explicit while others are allowed to be put in the attributes field).

spectra Column Name Description
notes any notes on data
attributes JSON-encoded hash table of extra attributes
temperature Sample temperature during measurement
submission_date date of submission
reference_used Boolean (0=False, 1=True) of whether a Reference was used
file_link link to external file

Here, reference_used* means whether data was also measured in the reference channel for additional energy calibration . If 1 (True), the reference sample must be given. The file_link entry would be the file and path name for an external file. This must be relative to the directory containing database file itself, and cannot be an absolute path. It may be possible to include URLs, ....

Finally, we have the information for internally stored data arrays themselves

spectra Column Name Description Default
data_energy JSON data for energy --
data_i0 JSON data for I_0 (Monitor) 1.0
data_itrans JSON data for I_transmission (I_1) 1.0
data_iemit JSON data for I_emisssion (fluorescence, electron yield) 1.0
data_irefer JSON data for I_trans for reference channel 1.0
data_dtime_corr JSON data for Multiplicative Deadtime Correction for I_emit 1.0
calc_mu_trans calculation for mu_transmission -log(dat_itrans/dat_i0)
calc_mu_emit calculation for mu_emission dat_iemit * dat_dtime_corr / dat_i0
calc_mu_refer calculation for mu_reference -log(dat_irefer/dat_itrans)
calc_energy_ev calculation to convert energy to eV None
notes_energy notes on energy
notes_i0 notes on dat_i0
notes_itrans notes on dat_itrans
notes_iemit notes on dat_iemit
notes_irefer notes on dat_irefer

The data*****_ entries will be JSON encoded strings of the array data. The calculations will be covered in more detail below. Note that the spectra_mode table below will be used to determine in which modes the data is recorded.

Data Storage

As alluded to above, the data*****_ will be stored as JSON-encoded strings.

Encoding Calculations

The calculations of mu in the various modes (transmission, fluorescence) are generally well defined, but it is possible to override them by explicitly documenting the expression used to calculate mu. Note that this expression should not be expected to be fully and correctly evaluated by the database -- it is meant for human reading.

Energy Units

There are several distinct conventions for storing the data for energy values from monochromators in the XAFS community. As most beamlines select energy with a double-crystal monochromator, many beamlines store "raw motor positions" or steps for the monochromator angle. Some beamlines store the angle in degrees, and ome store energy in eV or keV. If the details of the monochromator crystal (d-spacing and motor steps per angular unit) are known, then all of these data can be inter-converted.

A possible advantage of saving angular information instead of energy in eV is that energy re-calibration may be easier in some cases. This generally assumes that re-calibration would involve changing an angular offset or monochromator d-spacing, each of which is difficult to tell from a single spectra without additional information about the system. In any event, saving all the "meta data" about the monochromator (d spacing used to convert angle to energy, and possibly steps per angular unit) is recommended.

To use XAFS data, one generally wants the energy units to be eV or keV. Thus, in all cases, knowing how to convert the measured "energy" data, whether it be in steps, degrees, or keV into eV is necessary to use the data.

The energy_units table simply holds conventional names for energy units:

create table energy_units (
	units TEXT NOT NULL, 
	notes TEXT, 
	attributes TEXT, 
	UNIQUE (units)

and will typically be initialized to have these entries:

energy_units units Notes
eV electron Volts
keV kilo-electron Volts
degrees angle in degrees for a Bragg monochromator. Need mono d-spacing!!
step angular steps for a Bragg monochromator. Need mono d-spacing and steps_per_degree!!

more entries can be added as needed.

The monochromator table will hold the details of d-spacing and steps per degree for any particular monochromator.

Since each spectra has an entry for which energy_units and monochromator are used, the data in a Spectra's energy column should be convertible to eV.

Sample Table

The Sample table holds basic information about the sample measured. Each Spectra has a pointer to a Sample entry, and of course one Sample may be measured several times.

-- sample information
create table sample (
	id integer not null,  -- primary key
	name text not null,  -- must be unique!
	notes text, 
	attributes text, 
	formula text, 
	material_source text, 
	person_id integer,   --> person table
	crystal_structure_id integer,  --> crystal_structure table

Note that the material_source and formula information here are plain text. There are also pointers to the Person providing (or documenting) the Sample, and possibly to the Crystal Structure.

Crystal_Structure Table

The Crystal Structure table is meant to hold crystallographic information about a Sample. The idea is that the contents of a file describing the crystal structure (CIFS, PDB format, atoms.inp for example) can be held here. These are plain text values, meant for human reading.

-- crystal information (example format = CIFS , PDB, atoms.inp)
create table crystal (
  id          integer primary key ,  -- primary key
  format      text not null,
  data        text not null,
  notes       text,
  attributes  text);

Ligand Table

The Ligand table holds names of ligands that might be present in a Spectra.

create table ligand (
   id integer primary key, 
   name text,
   notes text);

create table spectra_ligand (
  id       integer primary key, 
  ligand   integer not null,     --> ligand table
  spectra  integer not null);    --> spectra table

Person Table

The Person table holds names and email addresses of people who enter Spectra and Samples, and who make Suites and enter ratings.

create table person (
  id           integer primary key , 
  email        text not null unique,
  first_name   text not null,
  last_name    text not null,
  sha_password text not null);

Citation Table

create table citation (
  id           integer primary key , 
  journal      text,
  authors      text,
  title        text,
  volume       text,
  pages        text,
  year         text,
  notes        text,
  attributes   text,  
  doi          text);

Format Table

-- spectra format: table of data formats
--  name='internal-json' means data is stored as json data in spectra table
create table format (
  id          integer primary key, 
  name        text, 
  notes       text,
  attributes  text);

insert into format (name, notes) values ('internal-json', 'Read dat_*** columns of spectra table as json');

Suite Table

--  Suite:  collection of spectra
create table suite (
  id          integer primary key , 
  person      integer not null,     -- > person table
  name        text not null,
  notes       text,
  attributes  text);

-- SUITE_SPECTRA: Join table for suite and spectra
create table spectra_suite (
  id       integer primary key , 
  suite    integer  not null,     -- > suite table
  spectra  integer  not null);    -- > spectra table

Rating Table

A rating is a numerical score given to a Spectra or a Suite of Spectra by a particular person. Each score can also be accompanied by a comment.

While not enforced within the database itself, the scoring convention should be Amazon Scoring: a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 being best.

create table rating (
  id         integer primary key , 
  person     integer  not null,    -- > person table
  spectra    integer,              -- > spectra table
  suite      integer,              -- > suite table
  score      integer,
  comments   text);

Monochromator and Mode Tables

These two tables simply list standard monochromator types and data collection modes.

-- Monochromator descriptions
create table monochomator (
   id integer primary key, 
   name             text, 
   lattice_constant text, 
   steps_per_degree text, 
   notes            text,
   attributes       text);

-- XAS collection modes ('transmission', 'fluorescence', ...)
create table mode (
   id  integer primary key, 
   name text, 
   notes text);
insert into  mode (name, notes) values ('transmission', 
                                     'transmission intensity through sample');
insert into  mode (name, notes) values ('fluorescence, total yield', 
                                'total x-ray fluorescence intensity, as measured with ion chamber');
insert into  mode (name, notes) values ('fluorescence, energy analyzed', 
                                 'x-ray fluorescence measured with an energy dispersive (solid-state) detector.  These measurements will often need to be corrected for dead-time effects');
insert into  mode (name, notes) values ('electron emission', 'emitted electrons from sample');
insert into  mode (name, notes) values ('xeol', 'visible or uv light emission');

create table spectra_modes (
  id       integer primary key , 
  mode     integer  not null,   -- > collection_mode 
  spectra  integer  not null);  -- > spectra table

Beamline and Facility Tables

These two tables list X-ray (synchrotron) facilities and particular beamlines.

-- beamline description 
--    must have a facility
--    a single, physical beamline can be represented many times for different configurations
create table beamline (
  id            integer primary key ,  
  facility      integer  not null,    --> facility table
  name          text, 
  xray_source   text, 
  monochromator integer,   -- > monochromator table (optional)
  notes         text,
  attributes    text);

-- facilities
create table facility (
  id integer primary key, 
  name         text not null unique, 
  notes        text,
  attributes   text);

Note that a monochromator is optional for a beamline.

Element and Edge Tables

These two tables simply list standard symbols and names of the elements of the periodic table, and the standard names for the x-ray absorption edges. The schema are

create table element (z integer primary key, 
                      symbol text not null unique, 
                      name text);
insert into  element (z, symbol, name) values (1, 'H', 'hydrogen');
insert into  element (z, symbol, name) values (2, 'He', 'helium');

create table edge (id integer primary key, 
                   name text not null unique, 
                   level text);
insert into  edge (name,  level) values ('K', '1s');
insert into  edge (name,  level) values ('L3', '2p3/2');
insert into  edge (name,  level) values ('L2', '2p1/2');
insert into  edge (name,  level) values ('L1', '2s');