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Motorola 68000 instruction documentation to integrate in vscode-amiga-assembly

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Motorola 68000 assembler

Instructions Description
abcd Add decimal with extend
add Add binary
adda Add address
addi Add immediate
addq Add quick
addx Add extended
and AND logical
andi AND immediate
asl asr Arithmetic shift left/right
bcc Branch on condition cc
bchg Test a bit and change
bclr Test a bit and clear
bra Branch always
bset Test a bit and set
bsr Branch to subroutine
btst Test a bit
chk Check register against bounds
clr Clear an operand
cmp Compare
cmpa Compare address
cmpi Compare immediate
cmpm Compare memory with memory
dbcc Test condition, decrement, and branch
divs divu Signed divide, unsigned divide
eor Exclusive OR logical
eori EOR immediate
exg Exchange registers
ext Sign
illegal Illegal instruction
jmp Jump (unconditionally)
jsr Jump to subroutine
lea Load effective address
link Link and allocate
lsl lsr Logical shift left/right
move Copy data from source to destination
movea Move address
movem Move multiple registers
movep Move peripheral data
moveq Move quick (copy a small literal to a destination)
muls mulu Signed multiply, unsigned multiply
nbcd Negate decimal with sign extend
neg Negate
negx Negate with extend
nop No operation
not Logical complement
or OR logical
ori OR immediate
pea Push effective address
reset Reset external devices
rol ror Rotate left/right (without extend)
roxl roxr Rotate left/right with extend
rte Return from exception
rtr Return and restore condition codes
rts Return from subroutine
sbcd Subtract decimal with extend
scc Set according to condition cc
stop Load status register and stop
sub Subtract binary
suba Subtract address
subi Subtract immediate
subq Subtract quick
subx Subtract extended
swap Swap register halves
tas Test and set an operand
trap Trap
trapv Trap on overflow
tst # TST Test an operand
unlk Unlink

Assembler directives

Directive Description
align Insert as much zero bytes as required to reach an address where <bitcount> low order bits are zero
blk Equivalent to dcb.[bdlqswx] <exp>,<fill>
bss Equivalent to section bss,bss
bss_c Equivalent to section bss_c,bss,chip
bss_f Equivalent to section bss_f,bss,fast
cargs Defines <symbol1> with the value of <offset>
clrfo Reset stack-frame offset counter to zero
clrso Reset structure offset counter to zero
cnop Insert as much zero bytes as required to reach an address which can be divided by <alignment>
code Equivalent to section code,code
code_c Equivalent to section code_c,code,chip
code_f Equivalent to section code_f,code,fast
comm Create a common symbol with the given size
comment Everything in the operand field is ignored and seen as a comment
cseg Equivalent to section code,code
data Equivalent to section data,data
data_c Equivalent to section data_c,data,chip
data_f Equivalent to section data_f,data,fast
db Equivalent to dc.b for ArgAsm, BAsm, HX68, Macro68, ProAsm, etc. compatibility
dbc Insert <exp> zero or <fill> bytes/words into the current section
dc Assign the integer or string constant operands into successive bytes/words of memory in the current section
dl Equivalent to dc.l for ArgAsm, BAsm, HX68, Macro68, ProAsm, etc. compatibility
dr Calculates <expN> - <current pc value> and stores it into successive bytes/words of memory in the current section
dw Equivalent to dc.w for ArgAsm, BAsm, HX68, Macro68, ProAsm, etc. compatibility
dx Tries to allocate space in the DataBss portion of a code or data section
echo Prints <string> to stdout
einline End a block of isolated local labels, started by inline
else Assemble the following lines if the previous if condition was false
end Assembly will terminate behind this line
endif Ends a section of conditional assembly
endm Ends a macro definition
endr Ends a repetition block
equ Define a new program symbol with the name <symbol> and assign to it the value of <expression>
erem Ends an outcommented block. Assembly will continue
even Aligns to an even address
fail Show an error message including the <message> string
fequ Define a new program symbol with the name <symbol> and assign to it the floating point value of <expression>
fo Assigns the current value of the stack-frame offset counter to <label>
idnt Sets the file or module name in the generated object file to <name>, when the selected output module supports it
if Conditionally assemble the following lines if <expression> is non-zero
if1 Just for compatibility
if2 Just for compatibility
ifb Conditionally assemble the following lines when <operand> is completely blank, except an optional comment
ifc Conditionally assemble the following lines if <string1> matches <string2>
ifd Conditionally assemble the following lines if <symbol> is defined
ifeq Conditionally assemble the following lines if <expression> is zero
ifge Conditionally assemble the following lines if <expression> is greater than zero or equal
ifgt Conditionally assemble the following lines if <expression> is greater than zero
ifle Conditionally assemble the following lines if <expression> is less than zero or equal
iflt Conditionally assemble the following lines if <expression> is less than zero
ifmacrod Conditionally assemble the following line if <macro> is defined
ifmacrond Conditionally assemble the following line if <macro> is undefined
ifnb Conditionally assemble the following lines when <operand> is non-blank
ifnc Conditionally assemble the following lines if <string1> does not match <string2>
ifnd Conditionally assemble the following lines if <symbol> is undefined
ifne Conditionally assemble the following lines if <expression> is non-zero
ifp1 Just for compatibility. Equivalent to if1
iif Conditionally assemble the <statement> following <expression>
incbin Inserts the binary contents of <file> into the object code at this position
incdir Add another path to search for include files to the list of known paths
include Include source text of <file> at this position
inline Local labels in the following block are isolated from previous local labels and those after einline
list The following lines will appear in the listing file, if it was requested
llen Set the line length in a listing file to a maximum of <len> characters
macro Defines a macro which can be referenced by <name>
mexit Leave the current macro and continue with assembling the parent context
msource Enable or disable source level debugging within a macro context
nolist The following lines will not be visible in a listing file
nopage Never start a new page in the listing file
nref Flag <symbol> as externally defined
odd Aligns to an odd address
offset Switches to a special offset-section
org Sets the base address for the subsequent code
output Sets the output file name to <name> when no output name was given on the command line
page Start a new page in the listing file (not implemented)
plen Set the page length for a listing file to <len> lines
popsection Restore the top section from the internal section-stack and activate it
printt Prints <string> to stdout
printv Evaluate <expression> and print it to stdout out in hexadecimal, decimal, ASCII and binary format
public Flag <symbol> as an external symbol, which means that <symbol> is visible to all modules in the linking process
pushsection Pushes the current section onto an internal stack, where it may be restored from by the popsection directive
rem The assembler will ignore everything from encountering the rem directive until an erem directive was found
rept Repeats the assembly of the block between rept and endr <expression> number of times
rorg Sets the program counter <expression> bytes behind the start of the current section
rs Works like the so directive, with the only difference that the offset symbol is named __RS
rsreset Equivalent to clrso, but the symbol manipulated is __RS
rsset Sets the structure offset counter (__RS) to <expression>
section Starts a new section named <name> or reactivates an old one
set Create a new symbol with the name <symbol> and assign the value of <expression>
setfo Sets the structure offset counter (__FO) to <expression>
setso Sets the structure offset counter (__SO) to <expression>
so Assigns the current value of the structure offset counter to <label>
spc Output <lines> number of blank lines in the listing file
text Equivalent to section code,code
ttl PhxAss syntax. Equivalent to idnt <name>
weak Flag <symbol> as a weak symbol, which means that <symbol> is visible to all modules in the linking process, but may be replaced by any global symbol with the same name
xdef Flag <symbol> as a global symbol, which means that <symbol> is visible to all modules in the linking process
xref Flag <symbol> as externally defined, which means it has to be imported from another module into the linking process

Amiga registers

Address Name Description
BFD000 PRA CIAB Peripheral Data Register A
BFD100 PRB CIAB Peripheral Data Register A
BFD200 DDRA CIAB Data Direction Register A
BFD300 DDRB CIAB Data Direction Register B
BFD400 TALO CIAB Timer A LOw register
BFD500 TAHI CIAB Timer A HIgh register
BFD600 TBLO CIAB Timer B LOw register
BFD700 TBHI CIAB Timer B HIgh register
BFD900 TODMID CIAB Event 8-15
BFDC00 SDR CIAB Serial Data Register
BFDD00 ICR CIAB Interrupt Control Register
BFDE00 CRA CIAB Control register A
BFDF00 CRB CIAB Control register B
BFE001 PRA CIAA Peripheral Data Register A
BFE101 PRB CIAA Peripheral Data Register B
BFE201 DDRA CIAA Data Direction Register A
BFE301 DDRB CIAA Data Direction Register B
BFE401 TALO CIAA Timer A LOw register
BFE501 TAHI CIAA Timer A HIgh register
BFE601 TBLO CIAA Timer B LOw register
BFE701 TBHI CIAA Timer B HIgh register
BFE901 TODMID CIAA Event 8-15
BFEC01 SDR CIAA Serial Data Register
BFED01 ICR CIAA Interrupt Control Register
BFEE01 CRA CIAA Control register A
BFEF01 CRB CIAA Control register B
DFF000 BLTDDAT Blitter destination data register
DFF002 DMACONR DMA Control (and blitter status) read
DFF004 VPOSR Read vert most sig. bits (and frame flop)
DFF006 VHPOSR Read vert and horiz position of beam, or lightpen
DFF008 DSKDATR Disk DMA data read (early read dummy address)
DFF00A JOY0DAT Joystick-mouse 0 data (left vert, horiz)
DFF00C JOY1DAT Joystick-mouse 1 data (right vert, horiz)
DFF00E CLXDAT Collision detection register (read and clear)
DFF010 ADKCONR Audio, Disk, UART Control Read
DFF012 POT0DAT Pot counter data left pair (vert, horiz)
DFF014 POT1DAT Pot counter data right pair (vert, horiz)
DFF016 POTINP Pot pin data read
DFF018 SERDATR Pot pin data read
DFF01A DSKBYTR Disk data byte and status read
DFF01C INTENAR Interrupt enable bits (read)
DFF01E INTREQR Interrupt request bits (read)
DFF020 DSKPT Disk Pointer (high 5 bits) (old-3 bits)
DFF020 DSKPTH Disk Pointer (high 5 bits) (old-3 bits)
DFF022 DSKPTL Disk Pointer (low 15 bits)
DFF024 DSKLEN Disk length
DFF026 DKSDAT Disk DMA data write
DFF028 REFPTR Refresh pointer
DFF02A VPOSW Write most sig. bits (and frame flop)
DFF02C VHPOSW Write vert and horiz position of beam, or lightpen
DFF02E COPCON Coprocessor control register
DFF030 SERDAT Serial port data and stop bits write
DFF032 SERPER Serial port period and control
DFF034 POTGO Pot port (4 bit) bi-direction and data and pot counter start
DFF036 JOYTEST Write to all 4 joystick-mouse counters at once
DFF038 STREQU Strobe for horiz sync with VB (vert blank) and EQU
DFF03A STRVBL Strobe for horiz sync with VB
DFF03C STRHOR Strobe for horiz sync
DFF03E STRLONG Strobe for identification of long horiz line (228CC)
DFF040 BLTCON0 Blitter control register 0
DFF042 BLTCON1 Blitter control register 0 (lower 8 bits) This is to speed up software - the upper bits are often the same.
DFF044 BLTAFWM Blitter first word mask for source A
DFF046 BLTALWM Blitter last word mask for source A
DFF048 BLTCPT Blitter pointer to source C (high 5 bits)
DFF048 BLTCPTH Blitter pointer to source C (high 5 bits)
DFF04A BLTCPTL Blitter pointer to source C (low 15 bits)
DFF04C BLTBPT Blitter pointer to source B (high 5 bits)
DFF04C BLTBPTH Blitter pointer to source B (high 5 bits)
DFF04E BLTBPTL Blitter pointer to source B (low 15 bits)
DFF050 BLTAPT Blitter pointer to source A (high 5 bits)
DFF050 BLTAPTH Blitter pointer to source A (high 5 bits)
DFF052 BLTAPTL Blitter pointer to source A (low 15 bits)
DFF054 BLTDPT Blitter pointer to destination D (high 5 bits)
DFF054 BLTDPTH Blitter pointer to destination D (high 5 bits)
DFF056 BLTDPTL Blitter pointer to destination D (low 15 bits)
DFF058 BLTSIZE Blitter start and size (width, height)
DFF05A BLTCON0L Pot pin data read
DFF05C BLTSIZV Blitter vertical size (15 bit height)
DFF05E BLTSIZH Blitter horizontal size & start (11 bit width)
DFF060 BLTCMOD Blitter modulo for source C
DFF062 BLTBMOD Blitter modulo for source B
DFF064 BLTAMOD Blitter modulo for source A
DFF066 BLTDMOD Blitter modulo for destination D
DFF070 BLTCDAT Blitter source C data register
DFF072 BLTBDAT Blitter source B data register
DFF074 BLTADAT Blitter source A data register
DFF078 SPRHDAT Ext. logic UltraHiRes sprite pointer and data
DFF07A BPLHDAT Ext. logic UHRES bit plane identifier
DFF07C DENISEID Denise/Lisa (video out chip) revision level
DFF07E DSKSYNC Disk sync register, the match code for disk read synchronization See ADKCON bit 10
DFF080 COP1LC Coprocessor first location register (high 5 bits) (old-3 bits)
DFF080 COP1LCH Coprocessor first location register (high 5 bits) (old-3 bits)
DFF082 COP1LCL Coprocessor first location register (low 15 bits)
DFF084 COP2LC Coprocessor second location register (high 5 bits) (old-3 bits)
DFF084 COP2LCH Coprocessor second location register (high 5 bits) (old-3 bits)
DFF086 COP2LCL Coprocessor second location register (low 15 bits)
DFF088 COPJMP1 Coprocessor restart at first location
DFF08A COPJMP2 Coprocessor restart at second location
DFF08C COPINS Coprocessor instruction fetch identity
DFF08E DIWSTRT Display window start (upper left vertical-horizontal position)
DFF090 DIWSTOP Display window stop (lower right vertical-horizontal position)
DFF092 DDFSTRT Display data fetch start (horizontal position)
DFF094 DDFSTOP Display data fetch stop (horizontal position)
DFF096 DMACON DMA Control write (clear or set)
DFF098 CLXCON Collision control
DFF09A INTENA Interrupt enable bits (clear or set bits)
DFF09A POTINP Interrupt enable bits (clear or set bits)
DFF09C INTREQ Interrupt request bits (clear or set)
DFF09E ADKCON Audio, Disk, UART Control Write
DFF0A0 AUD0LC Audio Channel 0 Location (high 5 bits)
DFF0A0 AUD0LCH Audio Channel 0 Location (high 5 bits)
DFF0A2 AUD0LCL Audio Channel 0 Location (low 15 bits)
DFF0A4 AUD0LEN Audio Channel 0 length
DFF0A6 AUD0PER Audio channel 0 period
DFF0A8 AUD0VOL Audio channel 0 volume
DFF0AA AUD0DAT Audio Channel 0 data
DFF0B0 AUD1LC Audio Channel 1 Location (high 5 bits)
DFF0B0 AUD1LCH Audio Channel 1 Location (high 5 bits)
DFF0B2 AUD1LCL Audio Channel 1 Location (low 15 bits)
DFF0B4 AUD1LEN Audio Channel 1 length
DFF0B6 AUD1PER Audio channel 1 period
DFF0B8 AUD1VOL Audio channel 1 volume
DFF0BA AUD1DAT Audio Channel 1 data
DFF0C0 AUD2LC Audio Channel 2 Location (high 5 bits)
DFF0C0 AUD2LCH Audio Channel 2 Location (high 5 bits)
DFF0C2 AUD2LCL Audio Channel 2 Location (low 15 bits)
DFF0C4 AUD2LEN Audio Channel 2 length
DFF0C6 AUD2PER Audio channel 2 period
DFF0C8 AUD2VOL Audio channel 2 volume
DFF0CA AUD2DAT Audio Channel 2 data
DFF0D0 AUD3LC Audio Channel 3 Location (high 5 bits)
DFF0D0 AUD3LCH Audio Channel 3 Location (high 5 bits)
DFF0D2 AUD3LCL Audio Channel 3 Location (low 15 bits)
DFF0D4 AUD3LEN Audio Channel 3 length
DFF0D6 AUD3PER Audio channel 3 period
DFF0D8 AUD3VOL Audio channel 3 volume
DFF0DA AUD3DAT Audio Channel 3 data
DFF0E0 BPL1PT Bit plane 1 pointer (high 5 bits)
DFF0E0 BPL1PTH Bit plane 1 pointer (high 5 bits)
DFF0E2 BPL1PTL Bit plane 1 pointer (low 15 bits)
DFF0E4 BPL2PT Bit plane 2 pointer (high 5 bits)
DFF0E4 BPL2PTH Bit plane 2 pointer (high 5 bits)
DFF0E6 BPL2PTL Bit plane 2 pointer (low 15 bits)
DFF0E8 BPL3PT Bit plane 3 pointer (high 5 bits)
DFF0E8 BPL3PTH Bit plane 3 pointer (high 5 bits)
DFF0EA BPL3PTL Bit plane 3 pointer (low 15 bits)
DFF0EC BPL4PT Bit plane 4 pointer (high 5 bits)
DFF0EC BPL4PTH Bit plane 4 pointer (high 5 bits)
DFF0EE BPL4PTL Bit plane 4 pointer (low 15 bits)
DFF0F0 BPL5PT Bit plane 5 pointer (high 5 bits)
DFF0F0 BPL5PTH Bit plane 5 pointer (high 5 bits)
DFF0F2 BPL5PTL Bit plane 5 pointer (low 15 bits)
DFF0F4 BPL6PT Bit plane 6 pointer (high 5 bits)
DFF0F4 BPL6PTH Bit plane 6 pointer (high 5 bits)
DFF0F6 BPL6PTL Bit plane 6 pointer (low 15 bits)
DFF0F8 BPL7PT Bit plane 7 pointer (high 5 bits)
DFF0F8 BPL7PTH Bit plane 7 pointer (high 5 bits)
DFF0FA BPL7PTL Bit plane 7 pointer (low 15 bits)
DFF0FC BPL8PT Bit plane 8 pointer (high 5 bits)
DFF0FC BPL8PTH Bit plane 8 pointer (high 5 bits)
DFF0FE BPL8PTL Bit plane 8 pointer (low 15 bits)
DFF100 BPLCON0 Bit Plane Control Register 0 (misc, control bits)
DFF102 BPLCON1 Bit Plane Control Register (horizontal, scroll counter)
DFF104 BPLCON2 Bit Plane Control Register (new control bits)
DFF106 BPLCON3 Bit Plane Control Register (enhanced bits)
DFF108 BPL1MOD Bit plane modulo (odd planes)
DFF10A BPL2MOD Bit plane modulo (even planes)
DFF10C BPLCON4 Bit Plane Control Register (display masks)
DFF10E CLXCON2 Extended Collision Control
DFF110 BPL1DAT Bit plane 1 data (parallel to serial convert)
DFF112 BPL2DAT Bit plane 2 data (parallel to serial convert)
DFF114 BPL3DAT Bit plane 3 data (parallel to serial convert)
DFF116 BPL4DAT Bit plane 4 data (parallel to serial convert)
DFF118 BPL5DAT Bit plane 5 data (parallel to serial convert)
DFF11A BPL6DAT Bit plane 6 data (parallel to serial convert)
DFF11C BPL7DAT Bit plane 7 data (parallel to serial convert)
DFF11E BPL8DAT Bit plane 8 data (parallel to serial convert)
DFF120 SPR0PT Sprite 0 pointer (high 5 bits)
DFF120 SPR0PTH Sprite 0 pointer (high 5 bits)
DFF122 SPR0PTL Sprite 0 pointer (low 15 bits)
DFF124 SPR1PT Sprite 1 pointer (high 5 bits)
DFF124 SPR1PTH Sprite 1 pointer (high 5 bits)
DFF126 SPR1PTL Sprite 1 pointer (low 15 bits)
DFF128 SPR2PT Sprite 2 pointer (high 5 bits)
DFF128 SPR2PTH Sprite 2 pointer (high 5 bits)
DFF12A SPR2PTL Sprite 2 pointer (low 15 bits)
DFF12C SPR3PT Sprite 3 pointer (high 5 bits)
DFF12C SPR3PTH Sprite 3 pointer (high 5 bits)
DFF12E SPR3PTL Sprite 3 pointer (low 15 bits)
DFF130 SPR4PT Sprite 4 pointer (high 5 bits)
DFF130 SPR4PTH Sprite 4 pointer (high 5 bits)
DFF132 SPR4PTL Sprite 4 pointer (low 15 bits)
DFF134 SPR5PT Sprite 5 pointer (high 5 bits)
DFF134 SPR5PTH Sprite 5 pointer (high 5 bits)
DFF136 SPR5PTL Sprite 5 pointer (low 15 bits)
DFF138 SPR6PT Sprite 6 pointer (high 5 bits)
DFF138 SPR6PTH Sprite 6 pointer (high 5 bits)
DFF13A SPR6PTL Sprite 6 pointer (low 15 bits)
DFF13C SPR7PT Sprite 7 pointer (high 5 bits)
DFF13C SPR7PTH Sprite 7 pointer (high 5 bits)
DFF13E SPR7PTL Sprite 7 pointer (low 15 bits)
DFF140 SPR0POS Sprite 0 vertical & horizontal start positions data
DFF142 SPR0CTL Sprite 0 position and control data
DFF144 SPR0DATA Sprite 0 image data register A
DFF146 SPR0DATB Sprite 0 image data register B
DFF148 SPR1POS Sprite 1 vertical & horizontal start positions data
DFF14A SPR1CTL Sprite 1 position and control data
DFF14C SPR1DATA Sprite 1 image data register A
DFF14E SPR1DATB Sprite 1 image data register B
DFF150 SPR2POS Sprite 2 vertical & horizontal start positions data
DFF152 SPR2CTL Sprite 2 position and control data
DFF154 SPR2DATA Sprite 2 image data register A
DFF156 SPR2DATB Sprite 2 image data register B
DFF158 SPR3POS Sprite 3 vertical & horizontal start positions data
DFF15A SPR3CTL Sprite 3 position and control data
DFF15C SPR3DATA Sprite 3 image data register A
DFF15E SPR3DATB Sprite 3 image data register B
DFF160 SPR4POS Sprite 4 vertical & horizontal start positions data
DFF162 SPR4CTL Sprite 4 position and control data
DFF164 SPR4DATA Sprite 4 image data register A
DFF166 SPR4DATB Sprite 4 image data register B
DFF168 SPR5POS Sprite 5 vertical & horizontal start positions data
DFF16A SPR5CTL Sprite 5 position and control data
DFF16C SPR5DATA Sprite 5 image data register A
DFF16E SPR5DATB Sprite 5 image data register B
DFF170 SPR6POS Sprite 6 vertical & horizontal start positions data
DFF172 SPR6CTL Sprite 6 position and control data
DFF174 SPR6DATA Sprite 6 image data register A
DFF176 SPR6DATB Sprite 6 image data register B
DFF178 SPR7POS Sprite 7 vertical & horizontal start positions data
DFF17A SPR7CTL Sprite 7 position and control data
DFF17C SPR7DATA Sprite 7 image data register A
DFF17E SPR7DATB Sprite 7 image data register B
DFF180 COLOR00 Color 0
DFF182 COLOR01 Color 1
DFF184 COLOR02 Color 2
DFF186 COLOR03 Color 3
DFF188 COLOR04 Color 4
DFF18a COLOR05 Color 5
DFF18c COLOR06 Color 6
DFF18e COLOR07 Color 7
DFF190 COLOR08 Color 8
DFF192 COLOR09 Color 9
DFF194 COLOR10 Color 10
DFF196 COLOR11 Color 11
DFF198 COLOR12 Color 12
DFF19a COLOR13 Color 13
DFF19c COLOR14 Color 14
DFF19e COLOR15 Color 15
DFF1a0 COLOR16 Color 16
DFF1a2 COLOR17 Color 17
DFF1a4 COLOR18 Color 18
DFF1a6 COLOR19 Color 19
DFF1a8 COLOR20 Color 20
DFF1aa COLOR21 Color 21
DFF1ac COLOR22 Color 22
DFF1ae COLOR23 Color 23
DFF1b0 COLOR24 Color 24
DFF1b2 COLOR25 Color 25
DFF1b4 COLOR26 Color 26
DFF1b6 COLOR27 Color 27
DFF1b8 COLOR28 Color 28
DFF1ba COLOR29 Color 29
DFF1bc COLOR30 Color 30
DFF1be COLOR31 Color 31
DFF1C0 HTOTAL Highest colour clock count in horizontal line
DFF1C2 HSSTOP Horizontal line position for SYNC stop
DFF1C4 HBSTRT Horizontal START position
DFF1C6 HBSTOP Horizontal STOP position
DFF1C8 VTOTAL Highest numbered vertical line (VERBEAMEN = 1)
DFF1CA VSSTOP Vertical position for VSYNC stop
DFF1CC VBSTRT Vertical line for VBLANK start
DFF1CE VBSTOP Vertical line for VBLANK stop
DFF1D0 SPRHSTRT UHRES sprite vertical display start
DFF1D2 SPRHSTOP UHRES sprite vertical display stop
DFF1D4 BLTHSTRT UHRES bit plane vertical stop
DFF1D6 BPLHSTOP UHRES bit plane vertical stop
DFF1D8 HHPOSW DUAL mode hires Hbeam counter write
DFF1DA HHPOSR DUAL mode hires Hbeam counter read
DFF1DC BEAMCON0 Beam Counter Control Bits
DFF1DE HSSTRT Horiz line position for HSYNC stop
DFF1E0 VSSTRT Vertical sync start (VARVSY)
DFF1E2 HCENTER Horizontal position (CCKs) of VSYNC on long field
DFF1E4 DIWHIGH Display window upper bits for start, stop
DFF1E6 BPLHMOD UHRES bit plane modulo
DFF1E8 SPRHPT UHRES sprite pointer (high 5 bits)
DFF1E8 SPRHPTH UHRES sprite pointer (high 5 bits)
DFF1EA SPRHPTL UHRES sprite pointer (low 15 bits)
DFF1EC BPLHPT UHRES (VRAM) bit plane pointer (high 5 bits)
DFF1EC BPLHPTH UHRES (VRAM) bit plane pointer (high 5 bits)
DFF1EE BPLHPTL UHRES (VRAM) bit plane pointer (low 15 bits)
DFF1FC FMODE Memory Fetch Mode

Amiga libraries


Function Description
AvailFonts Inquire available memory & disk fonts.
DisposeFontContents Free the result from NewFontContents. (V34)
NewFontContents Create a FontContents image for a font. (V34)
NewScaledDiskFont Create a DiskFont scaled from another. (V36)
OpenDiskFont OpenDiskFont - load and get a pointer to a disk font.


Function Description
AbortPkt Aborts an asynchronous packet, if possible. (V36)
AddBuffers Changes the number of buffers for a filesystem (V36)
AddDosEntry Add a Dos List entry to the lists (V36)
AddPart Appends a file/dir to the end of a path (V36)
AddSegment AddSegment - Adds a resident segment to the resident list (V36)
AllocDosObject Creates a dos object (V36)
AssignAdd Adds a lock to an assign for multi-directory assigns (V36)
AssignLate Creates an assignment to a specified path later (V36)
AssignLock Creates an assignment to a locked object (V36)
AssignPath Creates an assignment to a specified path (V36)
AttemptLockDosList Attempt to lock the Dos Lists for use (V36)
ChangeMode ChangeMode - Change the current mode of a lock or filehandle (V36)
CheckSignal Checks for break signals (V36)
Cli Returns a pointer to the CLI structure of the process (V36)
CliInitNewcli Set up a process to be a shell from initial packet
CliInitRun Set up a process to be a shell from initial packet
Close Close an open file
CompareDates Compares two datestamps (V36)
CreateDir Create a new directory
CreateNewProc Create a new process (V36)
CreateProc Create a new process
CurrentDir Make a directory lock the current directory
DateStamp Obtain the date and time in internal format
DateToStr Converts a DateStamp to a string (V36)
Delay Delay a process for a specified time
DeleteFile Delete a file or directory
DeleteVar Deletes a local or environment variable (V36)
DeviceProc Return the process MsgPort of specific I/O handler
DoPkt Send a dos packet and wait for reply (V36)
DupLock Duplicate a lock
DupLockFromFH Gets a lock on an open file (V36)
EndNotify Ends a notification request (V36)
ErrorReport Displays a Retry/Cancel requester for an error (V36)
ExAll Examine an entire directory (V36)
Examine Examine a directory or file associated with a lock
ExamineFH Gets information on an open file (V36)
Execute Execute a CLI command
Exit Exit from a program
ExNext Examine the next entry in a directory
Fault Returns the text associated with a DOS error code (V36)
FGetC Read a character from the specified input (buffered) (V36)
FGets Reads a line from the specified input (buffered) (V36)
FilePart Returns the last component of a path (V36)
FindArg FindArg - find a keyword in a template (V36)
FindCliProc returns a pointer to the requested CLI process (V36)
FindDosEntry Finds a specific Dos List entry (V36)
FindSegment FindSegment - Finds a segment on the resident list (V36)
FindVar Finds a local variable (V36)
Flush Flushes buffers for a buffered filehandle (V36)
Format Causes a filesystem to initialize itself (V36)
FPutC Write a character to the specified output (buffered) (V36)
FPuts Writes a string the the specified output (buffered) (V36)
FRead Reads a number of blocks from an input (buffered) (V36)
FreeArgs FreeArgs - Free allocated memory after ReadArgs (V36)
FreeDeviceProc Releases port returned by GetDeviceProc (V36)
FreeDosEntry Frees an entry created by MakeDosEntry (V36)
FreeDosObject Frees an object allocated by AllocDosObject (V36)
FWrite Writes a number of blocks to an output (buffered) (V36)
GetArgStr Returns the arguments for the process (V36)
GetConsoleTask Returns the default console for the process (V36)
GetCurrentDirName returns the current directory name (V36)
GetDeviceProc Finds a handler to send a message to (V36)
GetFileSysTask Returns the default filesystem for the process (V36)
GetProgramDir Returns a lock on the directory the program was loadedfrom (V36)
GetProgramName Returns the current program name (V36)
GetPrompt Returns the prompt for the current process (V36)
GetVar Returns the value of a local or global variable (V36)
Info Returns information about the disk
Inhibit Inhibits access to a filesystem (V36)
Input Identify the program's initial input file handle
InternalLoadSeg Low-level load routine (V36)
InternalUnLoadSeg Unloads a seglist loaded with InternalLoadSeg(V36)
IoErr Return extra information from the system
IsFileSystem returns whether a Dos handler is a filesystem (V36)
IsInteractive Discover whether a file is "interactive"
LoadSeg Scatterload a loadable file into memory
Lock Lock a directory or file
LockDosList Locks the specified Dos Lists for use (V36)
LockRecord Locks a portion of a file (V36)
LockRecords Lock a series of records (V36)
MakeDosEntry Creates a DosList structure (V36)
MakeLink Creates a filesystem link (V36)
MatchEnd Free storage allocated for MatchFirst()/MatchNext() (V36)
MatchFirst Finds file that matches pattern (V36)
MatchNext MatchNext - Finds the next file or directory that matches pattern (V36)
MatchPattern Checks for a pattern match with a string (V36)
MatchPatternNoCase Checks for a pattern match with a string (V37)
MaxCli returns the highest CLI process number possibly in use (V36)
NameFromFH Get the name of an open filehandle (V36)
NameFromLock Returns the name of a locked object (V36)
NewLoadSeg Improved version of LoadSeg for stacksizes (V36)
NextDosEntry Get the next Dos List entry (V36)
Open Open a file for input or output
OpenFromLock Opens a file you have a lock on (V36)
Output Identify the programs' initial output file handle
ParentDir Obtain the parent of a directory or file
ParentOfFH returns a lock on the parent directory of a file (V36)
ParsePattern Create a tokenized string for MatchPattern (V36)
ParsePatternNoCase Create a tokenized string forMatchPatternNoCase (V37)
PathPart Returns a pointer to the end of the next-to-last (V36)component of a path.
PrintFault Returns the text associated with a DOS error code (V36)
PutStr Writes a string the the default output (buffered) (V36)
Read Read bytes of data from a file
ReadArgs ReadArgs - Parse the command line input (V36)
ReadItem ReadItem - reads a single argument/name from command line (V36)
ReadLink Reads the path for a soft filesystem link (V36)
Relabel Change the volume name of a volume (V36)
RemAssignList Remove an entry from a multi-dir assign (V36)
RemDosEntry Removes a Dos List entry from it's list (V36)
RemSegment RemSegment - Removes a resident segment from the resident list (V36)
Rename Rename a directory or file
ReplyPkt replies a packet to the person who sent it to you (V36)
RunCommand Runs a program using the current process (V36)
SameDevice Are two locks are on partitions of the device? (V37)
SameLock returns whether two locks are on the same object (V36)
Seek Set the current position for reading and writing
SelectInput Select a filehandle as the default input channel (V36)
SelectOutput Select a filehandle as the default input channel (V36)
SendPkt Sends a packet to a handler (V36)
SetArgStr Sets the arguments for the current process (V36)
SetComment Change a files' comment string
SetConsoleTask Sets the default console for the process (V36)
SetCurrentDirName Sets the directory name for the process (V36)
SetFileDate Sets the modification date for a file or dir (V36)
SetFileSize Sets the size of a file (V36)
SetFileSysTask Sets the default filesystem for the process (V36)
SetIoErr Sets the value returned by IoErr (V36)
SetMode SetMode - Set the current behavior of a handler (V36)
SetProgramDir Sets the directory returned by GetProgramDir (V36)
SetProgramName Sets the name of the program being run (V36)
SetPrompt Sets the CLI/shell prompt for the current process (V36)
SetProtection Set protection for a file or directory
SetVar Sets a local or environment variable (V36)
SetVBuf set buffering modes and size (V36)
SplitName splits out a component of a pathname into a buffer (V36)
StartNotify Starts notification on a file or directory (V36)
StrToDate Converts a string to a DateStamp (V36)
StrToLong string to long value (decimal) (V36)
SystemTagList Have a shell execute a command line (V36)
UnGetC Makes a char available for reading again. (buffered) (V36)
UnLoadSeg Unload a seglist previously loaded by LoadSeg
UnLock Unlock a directory or file
UnLockDosList Unlocks the Dos List (V36)
UnLockRecord Unlock a record (V36)
UnLockRecords Unlock a list of records (V36)
VFPrintf format and print a string to a file (buffered) (V36)
VFWritef VFWritef - write a BCPL formatted string to a file (buffered) (V36)
VPrintf format and print string (buffered) (V36)
WaitForChar Determine if chars arrive within a time limit
WaitPkt Waits for a packet to arrive at your pr_MsgPort (V36)
Write Write bytes of data to a file
WriteChars Writes bytes to the the default output (buffered) (V36)


Function Description
AbortIO AbortIO - attempt to abort an in-progress I/O request
AddDevice add a device to the system
AddHead insert node at the head of a list
AddIntServer add an interrupt server to a system server chain
AddLibrary add a library to the system
AddMemList AddMemList - add memory to the system free pool
AddPort add a public message port to the system
AddResource add a resource to the system
AddSemaphore initialize then add a signal semaphore to the system
AddTail append node to tail of a list
AddTask add a task to the system
Alert alert the user of an error
AllocAbs allocate at a given location
Allocate Allocate - allocate a block of memory
AllocEntry allocate many regions of memory
AllocMem allocate memory given certain requirements
AllocSignal allocate a signal bit
AllocTrap allocate a processor trap vector
AllocVec allocate memory and keep track of the size (V36)
AttemptSemaphore try to obtain without blocking
AvailMem memory available given certain requirements
CacheClearE CacheClearE - Cache clearing with extended control (V37)
CacheClearU CacheClearU - User callable simple cache clearing (V37)
CacheControl CacheControl - Instruction & data cache control
CachePostDMA CachePostDMA - Take actions after to hardware DMA (V37)
CachePreDMA CachePreDMA - Take actions prior to hardware DMA (V37)
Cause cause a software interrupt
CheckIO get the status of an IORequest
CloseDevice conclude access to a device
CloseLibrary conclude access to a library
ColdReboot ColdReboot - reboot the Amiga (V36)
CopyMem CopyMem - general purpose memory copy function
CopyMemQuick CopyMemQuick - optimized memory copy function
CreateIORequest create an IORequest structure (V36)
CreateMsgPort CreateMsgPort - Allocate and initialize a new message port (V36)
Deallocate deallocate a block of memory
Debug run the system debugger
DeleteIORequest DeleteIORequest() - Free a request made by CreateIORequest (V36)
DeleteMsgPort DeleteMsgPort - Free a message port created by CreateMsgPort (V36)
Disable disable interrupt processing.
DoIO perform an I/O command and wait for completion
Enable permit system interrupts to resume.
Enqueue insert or append node to a system queue
FindName find a system list node with a given name
FindPort find a given system message port
FindResident FindResident - find a resident module by name
FindSemaphore find a given system signal semaphore
FindTask find a task with the given name or find oneself
Forbid forbid task rescheduling.
FreeEntry free many regions of memory
FreeMem deallocate with knowledge
FreeSignal free a signal bit
FreeTrap free a processor trap
FreeVec return AllocVec memory to the system (V36)
GetCC get condition codes in a 68010 compatible way.
GetMsg get next message from a message port
InitCode InitCode - initialize resident code modules (internal function)
InitResident InitResident - initialize resident module
InitSemaphore initialize a signal semaphore
InitStruct InitStruct - initialize memory from a table
Insert insert a node into a list
MakeFunctions construct a function jump table
MakeLibrary construct a library
ObtainSemaphore gain exclusive access to a semaphore
ObtainSemaphoreList get a list of semaphores.
ObtainSemaphoreShared gain shared access to a semaphore (V36)
OldOpenLibrary obsolete OpenLibrary
OpenDevice gain access to a device
OpenLibrary gain access to a library
OpenResource gain access to a resource
Permit permit task rescheduling.
Procure bid for a message lock (semaphore)
PutMsg put a message to a message port
RawDoFmt format data into a character stream.
ReleaseSemaphore make signal semaphore available to others
ReleaseSemaphoreList make a list of semaphores available
RemDevice remove a device from the system
RemHead remove the head node from a list
RemIntServer remove an interrupt server from a server chain
RemLibrary remove a library from the system
Remove remove a node from a list
RemPort remove a message port from the system
RemResource remove a resource from the system
RemSemaphore remove a signal semaphore from the system
RemTail remove the tail node from a list
RemTask remove a task from the system
ReplyMsg put a message to its reply port
SendIO initiate an I/O command
SetExcept define certain signals to cause exceptions
SetFunction change a function vector in a library
SetIntVector set a new handler for a system interrupt vector
SetSignal define the state of this task's signals
SetSR get and/or set processor status register
SetTaskPri get and set the priority of a task
Signal signal a task
StackSwap StackSwap - EXEC supported method of replacing task's stack (V37)
SumKickData compute the checksum for the Kickstart delta list
SumLibrary compute and check the checksum on a library
SuperState enter supervisor state with user stack
Supervisor trap to a short supervisor mode function
TypeOfMem determine attributes of a given memory address
UserState return to user state with user stack
Vacate release a message lock (semaphore)
Wait wait for one or more signals
WaitIO wait for completion of an I/O request
WaitPort wait for a given port to be non-empty


Function Description
AddAnimOb Add an AnimOb to the linked list of AnimObs.
AddBob Adds a Bob to current gel list.
AddFont add a font to the system list
AddVSprite Add a VSprite to the current gel list.
AllocRaster Allocate space for a bitplane.
AndRectRegion Perform 2d AND operation of rectanglewith region, leaving result in region.
AndRegionRegion Perform 2d AND operation of one regionwith second region, leaving result in second region.
Animate Processes every AnimOb in the current animation list.
AreaCircle add a circle to areainfo list for areafill.
AreaDraw Add a point to a list of end points for areafill.
AreaEllipse add a ellipse to areainfo list for areafill.
AreaEnd Process table of vectors and ellipses and produce areafill.
AreaMove Define a new starting point for a newshape in the vector list.
AskFont get the text attributes of the current font
AskSoftStyle Get the soft style bits of the current font.
AttemptLockLayerRom Attempt to Lock Layer structureby rom(gfx lib) code
BitMapScale Perform raster scaling on a bit map. (V36)
BltBitMap Move a rectangular region of bits in a BitMap.
BltBitMapRastPort Blit from source bitmap to destination rastport.
BltClear BltClear - Clear a block of memory words to zero.
BltMaskBitMapRastPort blit from source bitmap to destinationrastport with masking of source image.
BltPattern Using standard drawing rules for areafill,blit through a mask.
BltTemplate Cookie cut a shape in a rectangle to the RastPort.
CBump increment user copper list pointer (bump to next positionin list).
CEND Terminate user copper list.
ChangeSprite Change the sprite image pointer.
CINIT Initialize user copperlist to accept intermediateuser copper instructions.
ClearEOL Clear from current position to end of line.
ClearRectRegion Perform 2d CLEAR operation of rectanglewith region, leaving result in region.
ClearRegion Remove all rectangles from region.
ClearScreen Clear from current position to end of RastPort.
ClipBlit Calls BltBitMap after accounting for windows
CloseFont Release a pointer to a system font.
CloseMonitor close a MonitorSpec (V36)
CMOVE append copper move instruction to user copper list.
CopySBitMap Syncronize Layer window with contents ofSuper BitMap
CWAIT Append copper wait instruction to user copper list.
DisownBlitter DisownBlitter - return blitter to free state.
DisposeRegion Return all space for this region to freememory pool.
DoCollision Test every gel in gel list for collisions.
Draw Draw a line between the current pen positionand the new x,y position.
DrawEllipse Draw an ellipse centered at cx,cy with verticaland horizontal radii of a,b respectively.
DrawGList Process the gel list, queueing VSprites, drawing Bobs.
EraseRect Fill a defined rectangular area using the currentBackFill hook. (V36)
ExtendFont ensure tf_Extension has been built for a font (V36)
FindDisplayInfo search for a record identified by a specific key(V36)
Flood Flood rastport like areafill.
FontExtent get the font attributes of the current font (V36)
FreeColorMap Free the ColorMap structure and return memoryto free memory pool.
FreeCopList deallocate intermediate copper list
FreeCprList deallocate hardware copper list
FreeGBuffers Deallocate memory obtained by GetGBufers.
FreeRaster Release an allocated area to the system free memory pool.
FreeSprite Return sprite for use by others and virtualsprite machine.
FreeVPortCopLists deallocate all intermediate copper lists andtheir headers from a viewport
GetColorMap allocate and initialize Colormap
GetDisplayInfoData query DisplayInfo Record parameters (V36)
GetGBuffers Attempt to allocate ALL buffers of an entire AnimOb.
GetRGB4 Inquire value of entry in ColorMap.
GetSprite Attempt to get a sprite for the simple spritemanager.
GetVPModeID get the 32 bit DisplayID from a ViewPort. (V36)
GfxAssociate associate a graphics extended node with a given pointer(V36)
GfxFree free a graphics extended data structure (V36)
GfxLookUP find a graphics extended node associated with agiven pointer (V36)
GfxNew allocate a graphics extended data structure (V36)
InitArea Initialize vector collection matrix
InitBitMap Initialize bit map structure with input values.
InitGels initialize a gel list; must be called before using gels.
InitGMasks Initialize all of the masks of an AnimOb.
InitMasks Initialize the BorderLine and CollMask masks of a VSprite.
InitRastPort Initialize raster port structure
InitTmpRas Initialize area of local memory for usage byareafill, floodfill, text.
InitView InitView - Initialize View structure.
InitVPort InitVPort - Initialize ViewPort structure.
LoadRGB4 Load RGB color values from table.
LoadView Use a (possibly freshly created) coprocessor instructionlist to create the current display.
LockLayerRom Lock Layer structure by rom(gfx lib) code.
MakeVPort generate display copper list for a viewport.
ModeNotAvailable check to see if a DisplayID isn't available. (V36)
Move Move graphics pen position.
MoveSprite Move sprite to a point relative to top of viewport.
MrgCop Merge together coprocessor instructions.
NewRegion Get an empty region.
NextDisplayInfo iterate current displayinfo identifiers (V36)
OpenFont Get a pointer to a system font.
OpenMonitor open a named MonitorSpec (V36)
OrRectRegion Perform 2d OR operation of rectanglewith region, leaving result in region.
OrRegionRegion Perform 2d OR operation of one regionwith second region, leaving result in second region
OwnBlitter get the blitter for private usage
PolyDraw Draw lines from table of (x,y) values.
QBlit Queue up a request for blitter usage
QBSBlit Synchronize the blitter request with the video beam.
ReadPixel read the pen number value of the pixel at aspecified x,y location within a certain RastPort.
ReadPixelArray8 read the pen number value of a rectangular arrayof pixels starting at a specified x,y location and continuingthrough to another x,y location within a certain RastPort. (V36)
ReadPixelLine8 read the pen number value of a horizontal lineof pixels starting at a specified x,y location and continuingright for count pixels. (V36)
RectFill Fill a rectangular region in a RastPort.
RemBob Macro to remove a Bob from the gel list.
RemFont Remove a font from the system list.
RemIBob Immediately remove a Bob from the gel list and the RastPort.
RemVSprite Remove a VSprite from the current gel list.
ScalerDiv Get the scaling result that BitMapScale would. (V36)
ScrollRaster Push bits in rectangle in raster around bydx,dy towards 0,0 inside rectangle.
ScrollVPort Reinterpret RasInfo information in ViewPort to reflectthe current Offset values.
SetAPen Set the primary pen for a RastPort.
SetBPen Set secondary pen for a RastPort
SetCollision Set a pointer to a user collision routine.
SetDrMd Set drawing mode for a RastPort
SetFont Set the text font and attributes in a RastPort.
SetOPen Change the Area OutLine pen and turn on Outlinemode for areafills.
SetRast SetRast - Set an entire drawing area to a specified color.
SetRGB4 Set one color register for this viewport.
SetRGB4CM Set one color register for this ColorMap.
SetSoftStyle Set the soft style of the current font.
SortGList Sort the current gel list, ordering its y,x coordinates.
StripFont remove the tf_Extension from a font (V36)
SyncSBitMap Syncronize Super BitMap with whatever isin the standard Layer bounds.
Text Write text characters (no formatting).
TextExtent Determine raster extent of text data. (V36)
TextFit TextFit - count characters that will fit in a given extent (V36)
TextLength Determine raster length of text data.
UnlockLayerRom Unlock Layer structure by rom(gfx lib) code.
VBeamPos Get vertical beam position at this instant.
VideoControl Modify the operation of a ViewPort's ColorMap (V36)
WaitBlit Wait for the blitter to be finished before proceedingwith anything else.
WaitBOVP Wait till vertical beam reached bottom ofthis viewport.
WaitTOF Wait for the top of the next video frame.
WeighTAMatch Get a measure of how well two fonts match. (V36)
WritePixel Change the pen num of one specific pixel in aspecified RastPort.
WritePixelArray8 write the pen number value of a rectangular arrayof pixels starting at a specified x,y location and continuingthrough to another x,y location within a certain RastPort. (V36)
WritePixelLine8 write the pen number value of a horizontal lineof pixels starting at a specified x,y location and continuingright for count pixels. (V36)
XorRectRegion Perform 2d XOR operation of rectanglewith region, leaving result in region
XorRegionRegion Perform 2d XOR operation of one regionwith second region, leaving result in second region


Function Description
ActivateGadget Activate a (string or custom) gadget.
ActivateWindow Activate an Intuition window.
AddClass Make a public class available (V36)
AddGadget Add a gadget to the gadget list of a window.
AddGList Add a linked list of gadgets to a window or requester.
AllocRemember AllocMem with tracking to make freeing easy.
AutoRequest Automatically build and get response from a requester.
BeginRefresh Sets up a window for optimized refreshing.
BuildEasyRequestArgs Simple creation of system request. (V36)BuildEasyRequest -- Varargs stub for BuildEasyRequestArgs(). (V36)
BuildSysRequest Build and display a system requester.
ChangeWindowBox Change window position and dimensions. (V36)
ClearDMRequest Clear (detaches) the DMRequest of the window.
ClearMenuStrip Clear (detach) the menu strip from the window.
ClearPointer Clear the mouse pointer definition from a window.
CloseScreen Close an Intuition screen.
CloseWindow Close an Intuition window.
CloseWorkBench Closes the Workbench screen.
CurrentTime Get the current time values.
DisplayAlert Create the display of an alert message.
DisplayBeep Flash the video display.
DisposeObject Deletes a 'boopsi' object. (V36)
DoubleClick Test two time values for double-click timing.
DrawBorder Draw the specified Border structure into a RastPort.
DrawImage Draw the specified Image structure into a RastPort.
DrawImageState Draw an (extended) Intuition Image withspecial visual state. (V36)
EasyRequestArgs Easy alternative to AutoRequest. (V36)EasyRequest -- Varargs stub for EasyRequestArgs(). (V36)
EndRefresh End the optimized refresh state of the window.
EndRequest Remove a currently active requester.
EraseImage Erases an Image. (V36)
FreeClass Frees a boopsi class created by MakeClass. (V36)
FreeRemember Free memory allocated by calls to AllocRemember.
FreeScreenDrawInfo Finish using a DrawInfo structure. (V36)
FreeSysRequest Free resources gotten by a call to BuildSysRequest.
GadgetMouse Calculate gadget-relative mouse position. (V36)
GetAttr Inquire the value of some attribute of an object. (V36)
GetDefaultPubScreen Get name of default public screen. (V36)
GetDefPrefs Get a copy of the the Intuition default Preferences.
GetPrefs Get the current Intuition Preferences structure.
GetScreenData Get copy of a screen data structure.
GetScreenDrawInfo Get pointer to rendering information. (V36)
InitRequester Initialize a Requester structure.
IntuiTextLength Return the length (pixel-width) of an IntuiText.
ItemAddress Returns the address of the specified MenuItem.
LockIBase Invoke semaphore arbitration of IntuitionBase.
LockPubScreen Prevent a public screen from closing. (V36)
LockPubScreenList Prevent changes to the system list. (V36)
MakeClass Create and initialize a boopsi class. (V36)
MakeScreen Do an Intuition-integrated MakeVPort of a screen.
ModifyIDCMP Modify the state of a window's IDCMPFlags.
ModifyProp Modify the current parameters of a proportional gadget.
MoveScreen Attempt to move the screen by the increments provided.
MoveWindow Ask Intuition to move a window.
MoveWindowInFrontOf Arrange the relative depth of a window. (V36)
NewModifyProp ModifyProp, but with selective refresh.
NewObject Create an object from a class. (V36)NewObject -- Varargs stub for NewObjectA(). (V36)
NextObject iterate through the object on an Exec list. (V36)
NextPubScreen Identify next public screen in the cycle. (V36)
ObtainGIRPort Set up a RastPort for a custom gadget. (V36)
OffGadget Disable the specified gadget.
OffMenu Disable the given menu or menu item.
OnGadget Enable the specified gadget.
OnMenu Enable the given menu or menu item.
OpenScreen Open an Intuition screen.
OpenScreenTagList OpenScreen with TagItem extension array. (V36)OpenScreenTags -- Varargs stub for OpenScreenTagList. (V36)
OpenWindow Open an Intuition window.
OpenWindowTagList OpenWindow with TagItem extension. (V36)OpenWindowTags -- Varargs stub for OpenWindowTagList (V36)
OpenWorkBench Open the Workbench screen.
PointInImage Tests whether an image "contains" a point. (V36)
PrintIText Print text described by the IntuiText argument.
PubScreenStatus Change status flags for a public screen. (V36)
QueryOverscan Inquire about a standard overscan region. (V36)
RefreshGadgets Refresh (redraw) the gadget display.
RefreshGList Refresh (redraw) a chosen number of gadgets.
RefreshWindowFrame Ask Intuition to redraw your window border.
ReleaseGIRPort Release a custom gadget RastPort. (V36)
RemakeDisplay Remake the entire Intuition display.
RemoveClass Make a public boopsi class unavailable. (V36)
RemoveGadget Remove a gadget from a window.
RemoveGList Remove a sublist of gadgets from a window.
ReportMouse Tell Intuition whether to report mouse movement.
Request Activate a requester.
ResetMenuStrip Re-attach a menu strip to a window. (V36)
RethinkDisplay Grand manipulation of the entire Intuition display.
ScreenToBack Send the specified screen to the back of the display.
ScreenToFront Make the specified screen the frontmost.
SetAttrsA Specify attribute values for an object. (V36)SetAttrs -- Varargs stub for SetAttrsA(). (V36)
SetDefaultPubScreen Choose a new default public screen. (V36)
SetDMRequest Set the DMRequest of a window.
SetEditHook Set global processing for string gadgets. (V36)
SetGadgetAttrsA Specify attribute values for a boopsi gadget. (V36)SetGadgetAttrs -- Varargs stub for SetGadgetAttrsA(). (V36)
SetMenuStrip Attach a menu strip to a window.
SetMouseQueue Change limit on pending mouse messages. (V36)
SetPointer Specify a pointer sprite image for a window.
SetPrefs Set Intuition preferences data.
SetPubScreenModes Establish global public screen behavior. (V36)
SetWindowTitles Set the window's titles for both window and screen.
ShowTitle Set the screen title bar display mode.
SizeWindow Ask Intuition to size a window.
SysReqHandler Handle system requester input. (V36)
UnlockIBase Surrender an Intuition lock gotten by LockIBase.
UnlockPubScreen Release lock on a public screen. (V36)
UnlockPubScreenList Release public screen list semaphore. (V36)
ViewAddress Return the address of the Intuition View structure.
ViewPortAddress Return the address of a window's viewport.
WBenchToBack Send the Workbench screen in back of all screens.
WBenchToFront Bring the Workbench screen in front of all screens.
WindowLimits Set the minimum and maximum limits of a window.
WindowToBack Ask Intuition to send a window behind others.
WindowToFront Ask Intuition to bring a window to the front.
ZipWindow Change window to "alternate" position anddimensions. (V36)

Source: Amiga Developer Docs from elowar


The amiga libraries ara part of development tools of Commodore Amiga Incorporated licensed by Cloanto Coporation These files are made available here free of charge for learning purposes and without the intention of doing any harm. Please contact the extension developer to discuss any issues.

The source of the instructions documentation is from MOTOROLA M68000 FAMILY Programmer's reference manual and Instruction set digest. Copyright 1992 by Motorola Inc./NXP. Adapted with permission.


Motorola 68000 instruction documentation to integrate in vscode-amiga-assembly






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