Add all changed files, then commit them with a message and push
git add --all
git commit -m "Insert your commit message here"
git push
Connections on the pi can be managed by running:
sudo nano /etc/netplan/50-cloud-init.yaml
This site explains how the LCD launch file can be called at startup using the robot_upstart Package.
This can be enabled using:
rosrun robot_upstart install dingo_peripheral_interfacing/launch/LCD_service.launch --job LCD_ros --symlink
In the line above, dingo_peripheral_interfacing
is the package, LCD_service.launch
is the launch file and LCD_ros
is the new job name that automates the launch file being called at startup.
The --symlink
creates a symbolic link from the launch file to the film in systemctl so that any changes to the original file will update.
You will now be instructed to run:
sudo systemctl daemon-reload && sudo systemctl start LCD_ros
If it doesn’t properly start on startup, LCD can be turned on using:
rosrun dingo_peripheral_interfacing
The LCD module is currently set to run at startup using ROS Upstart, and from the dingo.launch file.
Include the Notion task link in your PR description.
source devel/setup.bash
roslaunch dingo dingo.launch is_physical:=0 is_sim:=1 launch_sim_environment:=1
Make sure dingo.launch has been started first then:
source devel/setup.bash
rostopic echo /task_space_goals
rostopic echo /joint_space_goals
The code uses a matrix of offset angles to ensure the robot’s motors are calibrated. Calibration can be tweaked in two ways
- contains extensive calibration instructions. It requires running the script multiple times and tweaking offset values individually. Note that this file is not used by any other files, so once the offset values have been set here, they can be copied across the the code for use in the main files.
This calibration can be run using:
rosrun dingo_servo_interfacing
- At the bottom of the **** code, there is a section that allows testing by sending all legs to the same set of 3 joint angles (defining hip, upper and lower leg servo angles for the leg. This is not the suggested method but can be good if only a single motor needs to be tweaked. This file can be run using:
rosrun dingo_servo_interfacing