- FashionMNIST_logisticRegression.py: impelments signSGD on logistic Regression using Fashion MNIST dataset
- MNIST_signSGD.py: implements signSGD on neural network using MNIST Handwritten digits as dataset
- FashionMINST_signSGD.py: impements signSGD on neural network using MNIST Fashion as dataset
- hostfile: contains the maximum number of cores that our program need to be run on
- To run FashionMNIST_logisticRegression.py
python3 FashionMNIST_logisticRegression.py
- To run other two files
mpirun --hostfile <hostfile_name> -np <no_of_cores> python3 <filename>.py
localhost slots=<maximum_no_of_cores_as_required>