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A mini Dockerized ML system with MLOPS capabilities (train/deploy). It can train/deploy models for recommendation/classification given user+stores click interaction data set and automatically deploy models to be served by a simple python web API end point. Also can be used to train/compare regression models


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A mini ML system with MLOPS capabilities (train/deploy/switch/predict) which can

  • train some prediction models for recommendation/classification given user+stores click interaction data set and automatically deploy models to be served by a simple python web API end point.
  • train regression models given any regression data such as Airbnb Pirces

The task is to predict the next merchant given the click interaction data of users vs stores. Please see the data folder for sample data.

Steps to run the notebooks/code Used. Run in root mode on Unix Based System

  • If - you@yourmachine:~/somefolder/mlopsdemo/data$ is empty download you can generate fake data usin the notebook create_dataset.ipynb

    • Note that the data in repo is also generated using faker and may not be an true representation of user+store click distribution.
  • Using Docker (preferred way to reproduce, requires active internet connection)

    • Install Docker from here

    • Ensure lines related to keras and tensorflow-gpu are commented in as shown in below snapshot. This is done as Docker image being is of tensorflow base itself. Should be as show below

                # "keras",
                # "tensorflow-gpu",
    • Ensure below lines are commented in and in all the notebooks. Should be as show below

        #from dotenv import load_dotenv
        #load_dotenv(dotenv_path = '.env')
    • Navigate to folder recsysdemo. Once there run below command

        - you@yourmachine:~/somefolder/mlopsdemo$ chmod a+x  && ./ 
    • Open http://localhost:9001/tree/notebooks in your browser to examine the notebooks

    • Open http://localhost:5000/docs in your browser to examine the prediction api.

    -If you system has CUDA + GPU configured properly you can try below command to startup the app.

          ~/mlopsdemo$ chmod a+x  && ./ 
  • Using Venv (tested only on python3.8 and ubuntu may require tweaks on your system)

    • Ensure lines related to keras and tensorflow-gpu are Uncommented in as shown in below snapshot. This is done as Docker image being is of tensorflow base itself. Should be as show below

    • Ensure below lines are Uncommented in and in all the notebooks. Should be as show below

            from dotenv import load_dotenv
            load_dotenv(dotenv_path = '.env')
    • Navigate to folder recsysdemo. Once there run below command

        - you@yourmachine:~/somefolder/mlopsdemo$ chmod a+x  && source ./ 
    • Open http://localhost:8888/tree/ in your browser. You may have to navigate manually to recsysdemo directory

    • Open http://localhost:5000/docs in your browser to examine the prediction api.

Summary of Code (Recommendation/Classification)


  • EDA : See eda.ipynb here for insights

  • Modeling/Training/Deployment : The train notebook does below things

    • Loads data/Extracts features/Splits data.

      • All the 3 data points are joined and some feature transformation is done. Features such as hour_of_day, day_of_week etc. are extracted

      • Data is split on time. The data befroe 2021-11-07 is used for training and leftover for evaluating models

    • Trains Models : 3 models and compares them on Mean Reciprocal Rank(MRR). Train Test Data used is same across all models

      • KNN based : A classical model which consided all the merchants as classes, the problem was formulated as a class prediction task. Based on features such as channel,hour_of_day, day_of_week, device etc. a vector is constructed and then trained on KNN classifier. I was not able to tune params for this.

      • Node2Vec based model which trains a simple model on a graph of user nodes and merchant nodes where the edges betwween them are represented by features such as channel,hour_of_day, day_of_week, device etc.

      • LSTM: Model On sequence of Merchants clicked: This model tries to predict the next merchant based on merchants clicked by user in past. This info has to be extracted after joining the Click Data and Merchant Info. I was not able to add user context info such as time of day or time difference between sesssions. I convertedd the actual click sequence to unique click sequence to see if it improves training but didnt atually help much (m1->m1->m2->m2 is converted to m1->m2 . This model has some bugs when running on a machine which does not have GPU/CUDA configured.

    • Deploys Model: The best model which is automatically picked by by web api serving the model

  • Model Switching : The switch_model notebook can be used to switch models already trained.

  • All above tasks for regression can be achieved using below notebooks

Rest API


  • Predict API : api is a fastapi based rest_api which exposes the deployed models using a rest endpoint. A simple predict end point shoud come up at http://localhost:5000/docs#/make%20predictions/predict_predict_post whenver the container/app comes up. You can see more info at http://localhost:5000/docs.

  • Sample Requests :

  • Test API Request

      curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:5000/predict' \
      --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      --data-raw '{
          "created_at":"2021-09-23 00:34:40",


  • Predict API : api is a fastapi based rest_api which exposes the deployed models using a rest endpoint. A simple predict end point shoud come up at http://localhost:5000/docs#/make%20predictions/predict_predictreg_post whenver the container/app comes up. You can see more info at http://localhost:5000/docs.

  • Sample Requests :

  • Test API Request

          curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:5000/predictreg' \
          --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
          --data-raw '{
              "name":"Clean & quiet apt home by the park",
              "room_type":"Private room",

mlcore package

  • mlcore is a package of helpers scripts used in notebooks as well as rest_api

  • Following scripts deal with training models mainly

  • is what acts as a plug between prediction end point with the trained models and does the model resoultion as well as actual prediction.

  • Other scripts deal mainly with

Other Artefacts

  • models: This folder contains all trained models. You may delete the db and train from scratch.

  • data : This folder contains the origial data provied plus some user hisoty data used for training sequence models.

  • mldb.sqlite contains some training reports and latest deployed model info. Serves as a simple model registry in conjunction with the trained models on file

Future Work:

  • Implement batch prediciton endpoint
  • More Tests
  • absoulute paths at some places should be converted to env vars
  • param tuning


A mini Dockerized ML system with MLOPS capabilities (train/deploy). It can train/deploy models for recommendation/classification given user+stores click interaction data set and automatically deploy models to be served by a simple python web API end point. Also can be used to train/compare regression models








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