This project is meant as an introduction to the Circles SDK. There's a short video about the application on YouTube.
A full-featured client for the v2 contracts can be found here: The code for that client can be found here:
It's split in two parts. The first part is a demo of the application, and the second part is a code tour:
- 0:00 Begin Outlining the setup (two MetaMask wallets simulating two Circles users)
- 0:34 Prompt to get invited to Circles
- 0:56 Inviting a new user to Circles from 5ecret-garden
- 1:11 Receiving the invitation
- 1:15 Brief explanation of Circles profiles
- 1:29 Fund the invited EOA with xDai
- 2:03 Create a Circles profile
- 2:36 Dashboard with balances and trust list
- 2:52 Establish trust with the inviter account
- 3:28 What does 'trust' mean?
- 3:45 Where do Circles come from?
- 4:17 Send the invited account some Circles from 5ecret-garden
- 4:58 Mint new personal Circles
- 5:38 Send Circles to the inviter from the example app (Approval & Transfer)
- 6:49 Send Circles to the inviter from the example app (Transfer)