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A Python class and utility scripts for scheduling and examining SLURM (wikipedia) jobs.

Runs under Python 3.6 to 3.9, and pypy Change log. Build Status

License: MIT.

Funding for the original development of this package came from:

  • the European Union Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, COMPARE grant (agreement No. 643476), and
  • U.S. Federal funds from the Department of Health and Human Services; Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response; Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority, under Contract No. HHSO100201500033C


From conda

Add the conda-forge channel if you don't have it already (check with conda config --show channels):

$ conda config --add channels conda-forge
$ conda config --set channel_priority strict

slurm-pipeline can then be installed with:

$ conda install slurm-pipeline

From PyPI using pip

Using pip:

$ pip install slurm-pipeline

From Git sources

Using git:

# Clone repository.
$ git clone
$ cd slurm-pipeline

# Install, including development dependencies.
$ pip install -e '.[dev]'

# Run the tests.
$ pytest


The bin directory of this repo contains the following Python scripts:

  • schedules programs to be run in an organized pipeline fashion on a Linux cluster that uses SLURM as a workload manager. must be given a TOML or JSON pipeline specification (see next section). It prints a corresponding JSON status that contains the original specification plus information about the scheduling (times, job ids, etc). By pipeline, I mean a collection of programs that are run in order, taking into account (possibly complex) inter-program dependencies.
  • must be given a specification status (as produced by and prints a summary of the status including job status (obtained from sacct). It can also be used to print a list of unfinished jobs (useful for canceling the jobs of a running specification) or a list of the final jobs of a scheduled pipeline (useful for making sure that jobs scheduled in a subsequent run of do not begin until the given pipeline has finished). See below for more information.
  • uses plotly to produce an interactive HTML and/or a static image to show the progress of a number of pipeline runs.
  • prints the version number.
  •, a utility script (described below) for ad hoc scheduling of a command, optionally with its original standard input broken into chunks to be passed to the command and the specification of subsequent scripts to be run on completion of the original SLURM job(s).
  •, a simple helper script for post-processing output files created by SLURM following the use of

Pipeline specification

A pipeline run is scheduled according to a specification file in TOML or JSON format which is passed to Several examples of these can be found under examples. Here's the one from examples/word-count/specification.toml:

name = "one-per-line"
script = "scripts/"

dependencies = ["one-per-line"]
name = "long-words"
script = "scripts/"

collect = true
dependencies = ["long-words"]
name = "summarize"
script = "scripts/"

Or, equivalently, in JSON from examples/word-count/specification.json:

    "steps": [
            "name": "one-per-line",
            "script": "scripts/"
            "dependencies": ["one-per-line"],
            "name": "long-words",
            "script": "scripts/"
            "collect": true,
            "dependencies": ["long-words"],
            "name": "summarize",
            "script": "scripts/"

The example specification above contains most of what you need to know to set up your own pipeline. You'll still have to write the scripts though, of course.


A pipeline run is organized into a series of conceptual steps. These are processed in the order they appear in the specification file. Step scripts will typically use the SLURM sbatch command to schedule the later execution of other programs.

Each step must contain a name key. Names must be unique.

Each step must also contain a script step. This gives the file name of a program to be run. The file must exist at the time of scheduling and must be executable.

Optionally, a step may have a dependencies key which gives a list of step names upon which the step depends. Any dependency named must have already been defined in the specification.

Optionally, a script may specify collect with a true value. This will cause the script to be run when all the tasks (see next section) started by earlier dependent steps have completed.

The full list of specification directives is given below.


A step script may emit one or more tasks. A task is really nothing more than the name of a piece of work that is passed to successive (dependent) scripts in the pipeline. The task name might correspond to a file, to an entry in a database, to a URL - whatever it is that your scripts need to be passed so they can do their work.

The script lets know about tasks by printing lines such as TASK: xxx 39749 39750 to its standard output. In this example, the script is indicating that a task named xxx has been scheduled and that two SLURM jobs (with ids 39749 and 39750) have been scheduled (via sbatch) to complete whatever work is needed for the task.

Any other output from a step script is ignored (it is however stored in the JSON output produced by, provided you are using Python version 3).

When a step depends on an earlier step (or steps), its script will be called with a single argument: the name of a task emitted by the script of the earlier step(s). If a step depends on multiple earlier steps that each emit the same task name, the script will only be called once, with that task name as an argument, once all the jobs from all the dependent steps have finished.

So, for example, a step that starts the processing of 10 FASTA files could just use the file names as task names. This will cause ten subsequent invocations of any dependent step's script, called with each of the task names (i.e., the file names in this example).

If a script emits TASK: xxx with no job id(s), the named task will be passed along the pipeline but dependent steps will not need to wait for any SLURM job to complete before being invoked. This is useful when a script does its work synchronously (i.e., without scheduling anything via SLURM).

If a step specification uses "collect": true, its script will only be called once. The script's arguments will be the names of all tasks emitted by the steps it depends on.

Steps that have no dependencies are called with any additional (i.e., unrecognized) command-line arguments given to For example, given the specification above,

$ cd examples/word-count
$ -s specification.json --scriptArgs texts/*.txt > status.json

will cause from the first specification step to be called with the files matching texts/*.txt. The script of the second step ( will be invoked multiple times (once for each .txt file). The script will be invoked with the task names emitted by (the names can be anything desired; in this case they are the file names without the .txt suffix). The (collect) script ( of the third step will be called with the names of all the tasks emitted by its dependency (the second step).

The standard input of invoked scripts is closed.

The file status.json produced by the above will contain the original specification, updated to contain information about the tasks that have been scheduled, their SLURM job ids, script output, timestamps, etc. See the word-count example below for sample output. options accepts the following options:

  • --specification filename: Described above. Required.
  • --output filename: Specify the file to which pipeline status information should be written to (in JSON format). Defaults to standard output.
  • --force: Will cause SP_FORCE to be set in the environment of step scripts with a value of 1. It is up to the individual scripts to notice this and act accordingly. If --force is not used, SP_FORCE will be set to 0.
  • --firstStep step-name: Step scripts are always run with an environment variable called SP_SKIP. Normally this is set to 0 for all steps. Sometimes though, you may want to start a pipeline from one of its intermediate steps and not re-do the work of earlier steps. If you specify --firstStep step-name, the steps before step-name will be invoked with SP_SKIP=1 in their environment. It is up to the scripts to decide how to act when SP_SKIP=1.
  • --lastStep step-name: Corresponds to --firstStep, except it indicates that step execution should be skipped (i.e., it sets SP_SKIP=1) for steps after the named step. Note that --firstStep and --lastStep may specify an identical step, to just run one step.
  • --skip: Used to tell to tell a step script that it should be skipped. When skipped, a script should make sure that subsequent steps in the pipeline can still proceed. Commonly this will mean just taking its expected input file and copying it unchanged to the place where it normally puts its output, or if the output is already present due to a prior run, just doing nothing. This argument may be repeated to skip multiple steps. See also the skip directive that can be used in a specification file for more permanent disabling of a script step.
  • --startAfter: Specify one or more SLURM job ids that must be allowed to complete (in any state - successful or in error) before the initial steps of the current specification are allowed to run. If you have saved the output of a previous run, you can use --printFinal to output the final job ids of that previous run and give those job ids to a subsequent invocation of (see below for an example).
  • --scriptArgs: Specify arguments that should appear on the command line when initial step scripts are run. The initial steps are those that do not have any dependencies.
  • --printOutput: Print the output of running each step to standard output. Note that the output of each step is also always contained in the JSON status output (which is also printed to standard output unless the --output option is used to redirect it).

It is important to understand that all script steps are always invoked, including when --firstStep or --skip are used. See below for the reasoning behind this. It is up to the scripts to decide what to do (based on the SP_* environment variables). prints an updated specification to stdout or to the file specified with --output. You will probably always want to save this to a file so you can later pass it to If you forget to redirect stdout (and don't use --output), information about the progress of the scheduled pipeline can be very difficult to recover (you may have many other jobs already scheduled, so it can be very hard to know which jobs were started by which run of or by any other method). So if stdout is a terminal, tries to help by writing the status specification to a temporary file (as well as stdout) and prints that file's location (to stderr).

Why are all step scripts always executed?

All scripts are always executed because cannot know what arguments to pass to intermediate step scripts to run them in isolaion. In a normal run with no skipped steps, steps emit task names that are passed through the pipeline to subsequent steps. If the earlier steps are not run, cannot know what task arguments to pass to the scripts for those later steps.

It is also conceptually easier to know that always runs all pipeline step scripts, whether or not they are being skipped (see Separation of concerns below). Skipped steps may also want to log the fact that the pipeline ran and they were skipped, etc.

Specification file directives

You've already seen most of the specification file directives above. Here's the full list:

  • name: the name of the step (required).
  • script: the script to run (required). If given as a relative path, it must be relative to the cwd specification, if any. Note that if your script value does not contain a / and you do not have . in your shell's PATH variable you will need to specify your script with a leading ./ (e.g., ./ or it will not be found (by Python's subprocess module).
  • cwd: the directory to run the script in. If no directory is given, the script will be run in the directory where you invoke
  • collect: for scripts that should run only when all tasks from all their prerequisites have completed.
  • dependencies: a list of previous steps that a step depends on.
  • error step: if true the step script will only be run if one of its dependencies fails. Making a step an error step results in --dependency=afternotok:JOBID being put into the SP_DEPENDENCY_ARG environment variable your step scripts will receive (see below). You will need a recent version of SLURM installed to be able to use error steps. Check the --dependencies option in man sbatch to make sure afternotok is supported.
  • skip: if true, the step script will be run with SP_SKIP=1 in its environment. Otherwise, SP_SKIP will always be set and will be 0.

Step script environment variables

Step scripts inherit environment variables that are set when is run. The following additional variables are set:

  • SP_ORIGINAL_ARGS will contain the (space-separated) list of arguments originally passed to using the --scriptArgs argument. Most scripts will not need to know this information, but it might be useful. Scripts for initial steps (those that have no dependencies) will be run with these arguments on the command line. Note that if an original command-line argument contained a space (or shell metacharacter), and you split SP_ORIGINAL_ARGS on spaces, you'll have two strings instead of one (or other unintended result). For this reason, SP_ORIGINAL_ARGS has each argument wrapped in single quotes. The best way to process this variable (in bash) is to use eval set "$SP_ORIGINAL_ARGS" and then examine $1, $2, etc. It is currently not possible to pass an argument containing a single quote to a step script.
  • SP_FORCE will be set to 1 if --force is given on the command line. This can be used to inform step scripts that they may overwrite pre-existing result files if they wish. If --force is not specified, SP_FORCE will be set to 0.
  • SP_SKIP will be set to 1 if the step should be skipped, and 0 if not. See the description of --firstStep and --lastStep above for how to turn step skipping on and off. When a step is skipped, its script should just emit its task name(s) as usual, but without SLURM job ids. The presumption is that a pipeline is being re-run and that the work that would normally be done by a step that is now being skipped has already been done. A script that is called with SP_SKIP=1 might want to check that its regular output does in fact already exist, but there's no need to exit if not.
  • SP_DEPENDENCY_ARG contains a string that must be used when the script invokes sbatch to guarantee that the execution of the script does not begin until after the tasks from all dependent steps have finished successfully.
  • SP_NICE_ARG contains a string that should be put on the command line when calling sbatch. This sets the priority level of the SLURM jobs. The numeric nice value can be set using the --nice option when running See man sbatch for details on nice values. Note that calling sbatch with this value is not enforced. The --nice option simply provides a simple way to specify a priority value on the command line and to pass it to scripts. Scripts can always ignore it or use their own value. If no value is given, SP_NICE_ARG will contain just the string --nice, which will tell SLURM to use a default nice value. It is useful to use a default nice value as it allows a regular user to later submit jobs with a higher priority (lower nice value). A regular user cannot use a negative nice value, so if a default nice value was not used, all jobs get nice value 0 which prevents the user from submitting higher priority jobs later on.

Calling sbatch with SP_DEPENDENCY_ARG and SP_NICE_ARG

The canonical way to use SP_DEPENDENCY_ARG and SP_NICE_ARG when calling sbatch in a step (bash) shell script is as follows:

jobid=$(sbatch $SP_DEPENDENCY_ARG $SP_NICE_ARG | cut -f4 -d' ')
echo TASK: task-name $jobid

This calls sbatch with the dependency and nice arguments (if any) and gets the job id from the sbatch output (sbatch prints a line like Submitted batch job 3779695) and the cut in the above pulls out just the job id. The task name (here task-name) is then output, along with the SLURM job id.

Separation of concerns doesn't actually interact with SLURM at all. Actually, the only things it knows about SLURM is how to construct --dependency and --nice arguments for sbatch. The command will however run sacct to get job status information.

To use you need to make a specification file such as the one above to indicate the steps in your pipeline, their scripts, and their dependencies.

Secondly, you need to write the scripts and arrange for them to produce output and find their inputs. How you do this is totally up to you.

If your pipeline will process a set of files, it will probably make sense to have an initial script emit the file names (or their basenames) as task names. That will make it simple for later scripts to find the files from earlier processing and to make file names to hold their own output.

You can confirm that doesn't even require that SLURM is installed on a machine by running the examples in the examples directory. The scripts in the examples all do their work synchronously (they emit fake SLURM job ids using the Bash shell's RANDOM variable, just to make it look like they are submitting jobs to sbatch). options accepts the following options:

  • --specification filename: must contain a status specification, as printed by Required.

  • --fieldNames: A comma-separated list of job status field names. These will be passed directly to sacct using its --format argument (see sacct --helpformat for the full list of field names). The values of these fields will be printed in the summary of each job in the output. For convenience, you can store your preferred set of field names in an environment variable, SP_STATUS_FIELD_NAMES, to be used each time you run

  • --printFinished: If specified, print a list of job ids that have finished.

  • --printUnfinished: If specified, print a list of job ids that have not yet finished. This can be used to cancel a job, via e.g.,

    $ --specification spec.json --printUnfinished  | xargs -r scancel
  • --printFinal: If specified, print a list of job ids issued by the final steps of a pipeline. This can be used with the --startAfter option to to make it schedule a different pipeline to run only after the first one finishes. E.g.,

    # Start a first pipeline and save its status:
    $ --specification spec1.json > spec1-status.json
    # Start a second pipeline once the first has finished (this assumes your shell is bash):
    $ --specification spec2.json \
        --startAfter $( --specification spec1-status.json --printFinal) \
        > spec2-status.json

If none of --printUnfinished, --printUnfinished, or --printFinal is given, will print a detailed summary of the status of the specification it is given. This will include the current status (obtained from sacct) of all jobs launched. Output will resemble the following example:

$ --specification spec.json > status.json
$ --specification status.json
Scheduled by: tcj25
Scheduled at: 2018-04-15 21:20:23
Scheduling arguments:
  First step: None
  Force: False
  Last step: None
  Nice: None
  Sleep: 0.00
  Script arguments: <None>
  Skip: <None>
  Start after: <None>
Steps summary:
  Number of steps: 3
  Jobs emitted in total: 5
  Jobs finished: 5 (100.00%)
    sleep: 1 job emitted, 1 (100.00%) finished
    multisleep: 3 jobs emitted, 3 (100.00%) finished
    error: 1 job emitted, 1 (100.00%) finished
Step 1: sleep
  No dependencies.
  1 task emitted by this step
    Summary: 1 job started by this task, of which 1 (100.00%) are finished
        Job 1349824: JobName=sleep, State=COMPLETED, Elapsed=00:00:46, Nodelist=cpu-e-131
  Collect step: False
  Working directory: 01-sleep
  Scheduled at: 2018-04-15 21:20:23
  Skip: False
  Slurm pipeline environment variables:
    SP_FORCE: 0
    SP_NICE_ARG: --nice
    SP_SKIP: 0
Step 2: multisleep
  1 step dependency: sleep
    Dependent on 1 task emitted by the dependent step
    Summary: 1 job started by the dependent task, of which 1 (100.00%) are finished
    Dependent tasks:
        Job 1349824: JobName=sleep, State=COMPLETED, Elapsed=00:00:46, Nodelist=cpu-e-131
  3 tasks emitted by this step
    Summary: 3 jobs started by these tasks, of which 3 (100.00%) are finished
        Job 1349825: JobName=multisleep, State=COMPLETED, Elapsed=00:01:32, Nodelist=cpu-e-131
        Job 1349826: JobName=multisleep, State=COMPLETED, Elapsed=00:01:32, Nodelist=cpu-e-131
        Job 1349827: JobName=multisleep, State=COMPLETED, Elapsed=00:01:32, Nodelist=cpu-e-131
  Collect step: False
  Working directory: 02-multisleep
  Scheduled at: 2018-04-15 21:20:23
  Skip: False
  Slurm pipeline environment variables:
    SP_DEPENDENCY_ARG: --dependency=afterok:1349824
    SP_FORCE: 0
    SP_NICE_ARG: --nice
    SP_SKIP: 0
Step 3: error
  1 step dependency: multisleep
    Dependent on 3 tasks emitted by the dependent step
    Summary: 3 jobs started by the dependent task, of which 3 (100.00%) are finished
    Dependent tasks:
        Job 1349825: JobName=multisleep, State=COMPLETED, Elapsed=00:01:32, Nodelist=cpu-e-131
        Job 1349826: JobName=multisleep, State=COMPLETED, Elapsed=00:01:32, Nodelist=cpu-e-131
        Job 1349827: JobName=multisleep, State=COMPLETED, Elapsed=00:01:32, Nodelist=cpu-e-131
  1 task emitted by this step
    Summary: 1 job started by this task, of which 1 (100.00%) are finished
        Job 1349828: JobName=error, State=CANCELLED, Elapsed=00:00:00, Nodelist=None assigned
  Collect step: True
  Working directory: 03-error
  Scheduled at: 2018-04-15 21:20:23
  Skip: False
  Slurm pipeline environment variables:
    SP_DEPENDENCY_ARG: --dependency=afternotok:1349825?afternotok:1349826?afternotok:1349827
    SP_FORCE: 0
    SP_NICE_ARG: --nice
    SP_SKIP: 0

usage: [-h] [--nameRegex REGEX]
    [--html FILE.html] [--image FILE.png]
    status1.json [status2.json, ...] [status1.json [status2.json, ...] ...]

Create a plot showing the progress of a SLURM pipeline run (or runs).

positional arguments:
  status1.json [status2.json, ...]
    The JSON (files previously created by to examine.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --nameRegex REGEX     A regex with a single capture group to use to extract
      the name to associate with each status file. The regex will be
      matched against the status filenames. If not given, the parent directory
      of each specification status file will be used as its name.
  --html FILE.html      The (optional) output HTML file.
  --title TITLE         The overall plot title.
  --xtitle TITLE        The x-axis title.
  --ytitle TITLE        The y-axis title.
  --image FILE.png      An (optional) output image file. Output format is set
      according to file suffix.


There are some simple examples in the examples directory:

Word counting

examples/word-count (whose specification.json file is shown above) ties together three scripts to find the most commonly used long words in three texts (see the texts directory). The scripts are in the scripts directory, and each of them reads and/or writes to files in the output directory. You can run the example via

$ cd examples/word-count
$ make
rm -f output/*
../../bin/ -s specification.json --scriptArgs texts/*.txt > status.json

You can also run this example (and all others below) using the TOML specification file via make run-toml.

This example is more verbose in its output than would be typical. Here's what the output directory contains after completes:

$ ls -l output/
total 104
-rw-r--r--  1 terry  staff  2027 Oct 24 01:02 1-karamazov.long-words
-rw-r--r--  1 terry  staff  3918 Oct 24 01:02 1-karamazov.words
-rw-r--r--  1 terry  staff  3049 Oct 24 01:02 2-trial.long-words
-rw-r--r--  1 terry  staff  7904 Oct 24 01:02 2-trial.words
-rw-r--r--  1 terry  staff  1295 Oct 24 01:02 3-ulysses.long-words
-rw-r--r--  1 terry  staff  2529 Oct 24 01:02 3-ulysses.words
-rw-r--r--  1 terry  staff   129 Oct 24 01:02 MOST-FREQUENT-WORDS
-rw-r--r--  1 terry  staff   168 Oct 24 01:02 long-words-1-karamazov.out
-rw-r--r--  1 terry  staff   163 Oct 24 01:02 long-words-2-trial.out
-rw-r--r--  1 terry  staff   166 Oct 24 01:02 long-words-3-ulysses.out
-rw-r--r--  1 terry  staff   169 Oct 24 01:02 one-word-per-line.out
-rw-r--r--  1 terry  staff   318 Oct 24 01:02 summarize.out

The MOST-FREQUENT-WORDS file is the final output (produced by scripts/ The .out files contain output from the scripts. The .words and .long-words files are intermediates made by scripts. The intermediate files of one step would normally be cleaned up after being used by a subsequent step.

If you want to check the processing of this pipeline, run make sh to see the same thing done in a normal UNIX shell pipeline. The output should be identical to that in MOST-FREQUENT-WORDS.

The file status.json produced by the above command contains an updated status:

  "user": "sally",
  "firstStep": null,
  "force": false,
  "lastStep": null,
  "scheduledAt": 1482709202.618517,
  "scriptArgs": [
  "skip": [],
  "startAfter": null,
  "steps": [
      "name": "one-per-line",
      "scheduledAt": 1482709202.65294,
      "script": "scripts/",
      "skip": false,
      "stdout": "TASK: 1-karamazov 22480\nTASK: 2-trial 26912\nTASK: 3-ulysses 25487\n",
      "taskDependencies": {},
      "tasks": {
        "1-karamazov": [
        "2-trial": [
        "3-ulysses": [
      "dependencies": [
      "name": "long-words",
      "scheduledAt": 1482709202.68266,
      "script": "scripts/",
      "skip": false,
      "stdout": "TASK: 3-ulysses 1524\n",
      "taskDependencies": {
        "1-karamazov": [
        "2-trial": [
        "3-ulysses": [
      "tasks": {
        "1-karamazov": [
        "2-trial": [
        "3-ulysses": [
      "collect": true,
      "dependencies": [
      "name": "summarize",
      "scheduledAt": 1482709202.7016,
      "script": "scripts/",
      "skip": false,
      "stdout": "",
      "taskDependencies": {
        "1-karamazov": [
        "2-trial": [
        "3-ulysses": [
      "tasks": {}

Each step in the output specification has a tasks key that holds the taks that the step has scheduled and a taskDependencies key that holds the tasks the step depends on. Note that the job ids will differ on your machine due to the use of the $RANDOM variable to make fake job id numbers in the pipeline scripts.

Word counting, skipping the long words step

The examples/word-count-with-skipping example is exactly the same as examples/word-count but provides for the possibility of skipping the step that filters out short words. If you execute make run (or make run-toml) in that directory, you'll see called with --skip long-words. The resulting output/MOST-FREQUENT-WORDS output file contains typical frequent (short) English words such as the, and, etc.

make run actually runs the following command:

$ -s specification.json --scriptArgs  texts/*.txt > output/status.json

If you look in output/status.json you'll see JSON that holds information about the pipeline submission. This is all the information that was in the specification file (specification.json) plus the submission time, arguments, job ids, script output, etc. In a real scenario (i.e., when SLURM is actually invoked, not in this trivial example) you can give this status file to and it will print it in a readable form and also look up (using the sacct command) the status of all the SLURM jobs that were submitted by your pipeline scripts.

Simulated BLAST

examples/blast simulates the running of BLAST on a FASTA file. This is done in 5 steps:

  1. Write an initial message and timestamp to a log file (pipeline.log).
  2. Split the FASTA file into smaller pieces.
  3. Run a simulated BLAST script on each piece.
  4. Collect the results, sort them on BLAST bit score, and write them to a file (BEST-HITS).
  5. Write a final message to the log file.

All the action takes place in the same directory and all intermediate files are removed along the way (uncomment the clean up rm line in and and re-run to see the 200 intermediate files).

Simulated BLAST with --force and --firstStep

examples/blast-with-force-and-skipping simulates the running of BLAST on a FASTA file, as above.

In this case the step scripts take the values of SP_FORCE and SP_SKIP into account.

As in the examples/blast example, all the action takes place in the same directory, but intermediate files are not removed along the way. This allows the step scripts to avoid doing work when SP_SKIP=1 and to detect whether their output already exists, etc. A detailed log of the actions taken is written to pipeline.log.

The Makefile has some convenient targets: run, rerun, and force. You can (and should) of course run from the command line yourself, with and without --force and using --firstStep and --lastStep to control which steps are skipped (i.e., receive SP_SKIP=1 in their environment) and which are not.

Use make clean to get rid of the intermediate files.

Two collect scripts

Another scenario you may want to deal with might involve a first phase of data processing, followed by grouping the initial processing, and then a second phase based on these groups. The examples/double-collect example illustrates such a situation.

In this example, we imagine we've run an experiment and have data on 5 species: cat, cow, dog, mosquito, and tick. We've taken some sort of measurement on each and stored the results into files data/cat, data/cow, etc. In the first phase we want to add up all the numbers for each species and print the number of observations and their total. In the second phase we want to compute the sum and mean for two categories, the vertebrates and invertebrates.

The categories are defined in a simple text file, categories:

The script emits a task name for each species (based on files found in the data directory). receives a species name and does the first phase of counting, leaving its output in output/NAME.result where NAME is the species name. The next script,, a collect script, runs when all the tasks given to have finished. This step just emits a set of new task names, vertebrate and invertebrate (taken from the categories file). It doesn't do any work, it's just acting as a coordination step between the end of the first phase and the start of the second. The next step, receives a category name as its task and looks in the categories file to see which phase one files it should examine. The final output is written to output/SUMMARY:

Category vertebrate:
10 observations, total 550, mean 55.00

Category invertebrate:
5 observations, total 75, mean 15.00

Note that in this example in the first phase task names are species names but in the second phase they are category names. In the first phase there are 5 tasks being worked on (cat, cow, dog, mosquito, and tick) and in the second phase just two (vertebrate, invertebrate). You can think of the script as absorbing the initial five tasks and generating two new ones. The initial tasks are absorbed because the does not emit their names.

Use make to run the example. Then look at the files in the output directory. Run make clean to clean up.

A real-life example

A much more realistic example pipeline can be seen in another of my repos, neo-pipeline-spec. You wont be able to run that example unless you have various bioinformatics tools installed. But it should be instructive to look at the specification file and the scripts. The scripts use sbatch to submit SLURM jobs, unlike those (described above) in the examples directory. Note the treatment of the various SP_* variables in the scripts and also the conditional setting of --exclusive depending on whether steps are being skipped or not.


SLURM allows users to submit scripts for later execution. Thus there are two distinct phases of operation: the time of scheduling and the later time(s) of script excecution. When using it is very important to keep this distinction in mind.

The reason is that only examines the output of scheduling scripts for task names and job ids. If a scheduling script calls sbatch to execute a later script, the output of that later script (when it is finally run by SLURM) cannot be checked for TASK: xxx 97322 style output because is completely unaware of the existence of that script. In other words, all tasks and job dependencies must be established at the time of scheduling.

Normally this is not an issue, as many pipelines fall nicely into the model used by But sometimes it is necessary to write a step script that performs a slow synchronous operation in order to emit tasks. For example, you might have a very large input file that you want to process in smaller pieces. You can use split to break the file into pieces and emit task names such as xaa, xab etc, but you must do this synchronously (i.e., in the step script, not in a script submitted to sbatch by the step script to be executed some time later). This is an example of when you would not emit a job id for a task, seeing as no further processing is needed to complete the tasks (i.e., the split has already run) and the next step in the pipeline can be run immediately.

In such cases, it may be advisable to allocate a compute node (using salloc) to run on (instead of tying up a SLURM login node), or at least to run using nice.

You might also find the simple SLURM loop scripts useful as a way to run a slurm-pipeline repeatedly, testing after each iteration whether it should be rescheduled. The README shows how you could do that using the --printFinal argument to allows you to quickly run simple ad hoc SLURM pipelines from the command line with no need to for any configuration files. You give it a command to run and, optionally, tell it how many lines of standard input to pass to each invocation. This is similar to what you can achieve by running GNU parallel with the --pipe and -N arguments, except all the invocations take place on compute nodes, as scheduled by SLURM. prints a JSON summary of SLURM job ids to standard output (unless --noJobIds is used). See below for output format details.

Output from each invocation of the command will appear in a file ending in .out in the directory specified by --dir. These files are numbered with leading zeroes so you can e.g., cat out/*.out and the order of the collected output will correspond to the order of lines on standard output. Use --digits to adjust the number of digits if the default (currently 5) is not enough.

Error output from running the command will be placed in files ending in .err in the --dir directory. These will normally be removed if the command exits with status zero and the .err file is empty. Use --keepErrorFiles to unconditionally keep them.

An input file (or files) ending in .in.bz2 will also be placed in the --dir directory. These will also be removed once the command completes without error. Use --keepInputs to unconditionally keep them. Use --uncompressed to generate input files that are not compressed. See also the --inline option, below, to avoid making input files (though with a caveat).

Any output from SLURM that is not a result of running your command will appear in files ending in .slurm, which are also removed if no error occurs and the file is empty. Use --keepSlurmFiles to unconditionally keep them.

If --dir is not specified, a directory will be created (via tempfile.mkdtemp) and its path printed.

By default, jobs are submitted to SLURM using a Job Array for efficient scehduling of a potentially large number of jobs. This can be disabled with the --noArray option (though see below).

Use --dryRun (or -n) to have write out the files it would submit to SLURM via sbatch (these will be put into the directory specified by --dir, each with a .sbatch suffix). If you like what you see, you can then submit the job to SLURM, via sbatch dir/initial.sbatch (where dir is the value you gave to the --dir option, or the temporary directory makes for you if you don't specify one).

You can optionally specify commands that should be scheduled to run after all of standard input is processed, using the --then and (for error handling) --else options, or --finally for commands that should be run at the end, irrespective of the exit status of the initial commands. This is intended to make it easy to do the rough equivalent of a shell command line, but the processing starts by (optionally) splitting standard input and the downstream commands are scheduled by SLURM instead of running on the same host with their I/O tied together via local UNIX kernel pipelines. Your downstream commands can make use of the earlier processing because the output files are predictably named and sorted. You can use --prefix to give output files a unique prefix if necessary.

If standard input starts with a (single) header line (e.g., is a CSV or TSV file), use --header to tell to put an identical header at the start of each input file in the case that multiple jobs are scheduled.

The helper script can be used to remove repeated headers from output files if these each contain a header. This allows you to cat all output files into to produce a single output file with a single header line (this may of course differ from the header in standard input, if any).

Unless invoked with --noJobIds, prints a JSON summary of SLURM jobs ids, as in the following example:

  "initial": [
  "then": [
  "else": [
  "finally": [
  "all": [

It may be useful to save this output to a file for later use with commands such as sacct, squeue, and scancel. This can be very conveniently done if you install jq. For example, if you had stored the above into a file called jobids.json (and you have a POSIX shell, such as bash), you could run one of the following:

$ sacct  --jobs $(jq '.all | join(",")' jobids.json | tr -d \")
$ squeue --jobs $(jq '.all | join(",")' jobids.json | tr -d \")
$ scancel       $(jq '.all | join(",")' jobids.json | tr -d \")

Or, to launch a second command via, starting only afer the last of the then jobs (4555554 in the above example) completes successfully:

$ --afterOk $(jq '.then[-1]' jobids.json) ...

See --help for additional usage options (e.g., to specify memory, CPUs, job names, time, SLURM partition, etc).

This script has the limitation that the SLURM resources requested for all the initial commands will also be requested for any --then, --else, or --finally commands.

Example usage

Dummy input data

To create some dummy input data, use seq to print numbers

$ seq 5

$ seq 1000000 | wc -l

Dummy work

The commands below send numbers on standard input to gzip but throw the gzip output away. E.g.

$ seq 10000 | gzip > /dev/null

Dummy output processing

Some examples will use use awk to add up numbers. E.g., add the first 10,000 natural numbers:

$ seq 10000 | awk '{sum += $1} END {print sum}'

Using parallel on a compute node

First, here's a command that can simply be run with GNU parallel on a single compute node (nothing to do with SLURM).

# Get a compute node with 32 cores.
$ srun --pty --cpus-per-task 32 --mem=8G bash -i

# This takes about 30 seconds on the node.
$ seq 10000 | parallel --progress 'seq {} | gzip > /dev/null'


We can use to do the above, but splitting the input into chunks and running each chunk via parallel on a separate compute node:

$ seq 10000 | --dir out --linesPerJob 1000 \
              "parallel 'seq {} | gzip > /dev/null'"

Use --makeDoneFiles to create empty .done files in the --dir directory when jobs finish (successfully).

Use --dryRun (or -n) to tell not to run sbatch but just to write out the various files that could later be given to sbatch:

$ seq 10000 | --dir out --linesPerJob 1000 --dryRun \
              "parallel 'seq {} | gzip > /dev/null'"

To see the input files that were used, use --keepInputs, then you'll find .in.bz2 files in the --dir directory (with no .bz2 suffix if you use --uncompressed).

Use --noArray to create separate .sbatch command scripts for each job, and --inline to use "here" documents in the scripts, to save on making input files. Note that using --noArray will mean more calls to sbatch to submit jobs. This can be a bad idea, so --noArray should be used with care, preferably after running with --dryRun to see how many sbatch scripts and input files are created.

Post-processing with --then

You can use --then to schedule a command to be run after everything completes (successfully).

So we change the original processing to also echo the number (see echo {} below), and when everything is done, cat all the result files, add the numbers, and put the sum into a file called RESULT.

$ seq 10000 | --dir out --linesPerJob 1000 \
              "parallel 'seq {} | gzip > /dev/null; echo {}'" \
              --then 'cat out/initial*.out | awk "{sum += \$1} END {print sum}" > RESULT'
$ cat RESULT

Or add the numbers, send the result into Slack, and then do some clean-up:

seq 10000 | --dir out --linesPerJob 1000 \
              "parallel 'seq {} | gzip > /dev/null; echo {}'" \
              --then 'cat out/initial*.out | awk "{sum += \$1} END {print sum}" > RESULT' \
              --then " '$USER, your job has finished (total = $(cat RESULT)).'" \
              --then 'rm -r out' \
              --else " '$USER, your job failed. Have a look in $(pwd)/out'"

Error post-processing with --else

Use --else for error handling (may be repeated):

seq 10000 | --dir out --linesPerJob 1000 \
              "parallel 'seq {} | gzip > /dev/null; echo {}'" \
              --then 'cat out/initial*.out | awk "{sum += \$1} END {print sum}" > RESULT' \
              --then " '$USER, your job has finished (total = $(cat RESULT)).'" \
              --else " '$USER, your job failed. Have a look in $(pwd)/out'"

Final post-processing with --finally

Add unconditional final commands via --finally (may also be repeated):

$ seq 10000 | --dir out --linesPerJob 1000 \
              "parallel 'seq {} | gzip > /dev/null; echo {}'" \
              --then 'cat out/initial*.out | awk "{sum += \$1} END {print sum}" > RESULT' \
              --finally 'rm -r out' \
              --finally 'echo Run finished at $(date) > DONE'


If you would like to work on the code or just to run the tests after cloning the repo, you'll probabaly want to install some development modules. The easiest way is to just

$ pip install -r requirements-dev.txt

though you might want to be more selective (e.g., you don't need to install Twisted unless you plan to run make tcheck to use their trial test runner).

Running tests

Any/all of the following should work:

$ tox # To run the tests on multiple Python versions (see tox.ini).
$ make check  # Run tests with pytest.
$ make tcheck # If you "pip install Twisted" first.
$ python -m discover -v  # If you run "pip install discover" first.


  • Make it possible to pass the names (or at least the prefix) of the environment variables (currently hard-coded as SP_ORIGINAL_ARGS and SP_DEPENDENCY_ARG, etc.) to the SlurmPipeline constructor.
  • (Possibly) make it possible to pass a regex for matching task name and job id lines in a script's stdout to the SlurmPipeline constructor (instead of using the currently hard-coded TASK: name [jobid1 [jobid2 [...]]]).


This code was originally written (and is maintained) by Terry Jones (@terrycojones).

Contributions have been received from:

Pull requests very welcome!


A Python class for scheduling SLURM jobs







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