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cati: Communities Assembly by Traits: Individuals and beyond

GPLv3 Travis-CI Build Status CRAN by month CRAN Total DOI Research software impact

A R package to detect communities assembly processes by functionnal traits

The package is described in Ecography: cati: an R package using functional traits to detect and quantify multi-level community assembly processes.

Install the latest versions of all dependencies from CRAN:

install.packages(c("devtools", "e1071", "mice", "rasterVis", "hypervolume", "FD", "geometry", "vegan", "nlme", "ade4", "ape"))

Install cati's current development version from Github:


Install cati's cran version:


Attach the package and you are ready to start:


There's a tutorial which illustrate the cati package using Darwin finches data.

How to cite?

"Taudiere, A. and Violle, C. (2016), cati: an R package using functional traits to detect and quantify multi-level community assembly processes. Ecography. doi: 10.1111/ecog.01433"