The video/music nft minting contract
This is the decentralized marketplace for selling nft tokens
This contract allows you to split an agora Nft into shareable and purchasable bits(token)
- This contract is
- This contract splits payment amongs investors/ token owners of an Agora Nft after a huge buyout
- This splitter is re-deployed everytime by a method from the frontend, and burns 100% sharedDrops of an Agora NFT
This streams payment to the content creator to ensure they don't runaway with investor's funding
share the token or auction at marketplace
- Investor Buyout
- checkout line 140 to 143 and 145 agoraSharetests.js to implement buyout on the frontEnd
- Investor Executes Order
- install
on your local system here - run
npm i
to install dependencies
npx hardhat
- Don't override config files
npx hardhat node --fork
npx hardhat compile
npx hardhat test
npx hardhat run scripts/deployAgora.js
create(string memory hash)
baseTokenURI(hash) { returns the external Url which could the link }
formatTokenURI(tokenURL) { returns the token metadata }
openOrder(uint256 _tokenId, uint256 _price){ emits event }
executeOrder(uint256 _orderId){ emits event }
cancelOrder(uint256 _orderId){ emits event }
function shareAgoraNft(uint _tokenId, uint priceinWei) { emits event }
function buyShares(uint16 _sharedId, uint16 amount) external payable { emits event }
function redeem ( uint _sharedId ) external {}
function getInvestorNShares(uint16 _sharedId) external returns (address [] memory, uint [] memory) {}