A package that quickly provide blog system.
It's only working with Airdev web base project.
composer require airdev/blog
Next, add it to the Laravel's package providers in config/app.php
* Package Service Providers...
Publish migrations, configure it if needed, the migrate.
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=airdev-blog-migrations
php artisan migrate
Publish the TiniMCE config file :
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Kraftbit\NovaTinymce5Editor\FieldServiceProvider"
Add your TinyMCE cloud API key here or to your .env file like this :
Then, publish airdev/blog config file :
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=airdev-blog-config
You can now edit some configuration.
return [
'user-nova-resource' => \App\Nova\User::class,
'user-model' => \App\Models\User::class,
// Preview url for posts
// for exemple : example.com/blog/your-post-slug
'blog-preview-route' => '/blog',
// Str::limit to shorten the intro text
// If set to 'null', it will not short it
'blog_intro_limit' => 200,
You can now access to blog ressources on Nova's Interface.
You can now create routes that will fetch the posts. Do not forget to create views.
Route::get('/blog', function() {
// If no number of posts specified, it will take all posts
return view('blog', ['posts' => AirdevPostController::get_posts(5)]);
Route::get('/blog/{slug}', function($slug) {
$post = AirdevPostController::get_post_by_slug($slug);
// Post doesn't exists
if ($post == null)
// Post exists but isn't active
if (!$post->isPublishable)
return redirect(route('blog'), 302);
return view('post', ['post' => $post]);
Example for listing all available posts
@foreach ($posts as $post)
<div class="col-4">
<div class="card">
<x-airdev-picture :media="$post->getFirstMedia('post_image')" slug="{{ $post->slug }}" class="card-img-top"></x-airdev-picture>
<div class="card-body">
<h3 class="card-title">{{ $post->title }}</h3>
<div class="card-text">{{ $post->intro }}</div>
<a href="{{ route('blog.post', $post->slug) }}">En savoir plus</a>