The Android SDK depends on the Box Java SDK, so you must first import it into your workspace and make sure it builds. Import the Android SDK second and make the Java SDK a build dependency.
First clone the Box Java SDK and follow the instructions in its
readme on how to build it. Copy the the built BoxJavaLibraryV2.jar to
BoxAndroidLibraryV2/libs. You can then use Ant to build the project like you
would with any other Android library. The simplest way to do this is by running
ant debug
There is also experimental support for Gradle, allowing you to use the SDK with Android Studio. You must have Gradle 1.6 installed.
Before the Android SDK can be built, you must first install the Box Java SDK to your local Maven repository. This can be done by following the Gradle build instructions included in the Java SDK's readme.
The Android SDK also depends on the Android Support Library. Unfortunately, telling Gradle to look for the android-support JAR directly will likely result in dex merge conflicts if more than one project uses the support library. The easiest way to get around this is by also installing android-support-v4.jar to your local Maven repo. Run the following command, where $ANDROID_HOME points to your Android SDK root (you must have Maven installed).
mvn install:install-file \
-Dfile=$ANDROID_HOME/extras/android/support/v4/android-support-v4.jar \ \
-DartifactId=support-v4 \
-Dversion=r13 \
You can now run gradle build
to build the SDK. However, building the library
by itself isn't very useful. To reference the SDK from another Android Gradle
project, add the following to your list of dependencies:
dependencies {
compile project(':box-android-sdk-private:BoxAndroidLibraryV2')
You can refer to the Android Gradle guide on multi project setups here .
Authenticate the client with OAuth. See the authentication section below for more information.
boxClient.authenticate(oAuthView, autoRefreshToken, listener);
Our sdk auto refreshes OAuth access token when it expires. You will want to listen to the refresh events and update your stored token after refreshing.
boxClient.addOAuthRefreshListener(OAuthRefreshListener listener) {
new OAuthRefreshListener() {
public void onRefresh(IAuthData newAuthData) {
// TODO: save the auth data.
After you exit the app and return back, you can use the stored oauth data to authenticate:
BoxFile boxFile = boxClient.getFilesManager().getFile(fileId, null);
Get default file info plus its description and SHA1.
BoxDefaultRequestObject requestObj =
(new BoxDefaultRequestObject()).addField(BoxFile.FIELD_SHA1);
BoxFile boxFile = boxClient.getFilesManager().getFile(fileId, requestObj);
Get 30 child items, starting from the 20th one, requiring etag, description, and name to be included.
BoxFolderRequestObject requestObj =
BoxFolderRequestObject.getFolderItemsRequestObject(30, 20)
BoxCollection collection =
boxClient.getFoldersManager().getFolderItems(folderId, requestObj);
BoxFileUploadRequestObject requestObj =
BoxFileUploadRequestObject.uploadFileRequestObject(parent, "name"�, file);
BoxFile bFile = boxClient.getFilesManager().uploadFile(requestObj);
BoxFileUploadRequestObject requestObj =
BoxFileUploadRequestObject.uploadFileRequestObject(parent, "name", file)
BoxFile bFile = boxClient.getFilesManager().uploadFile(requestObj);
boxClient.getFilesManager().downloadFile(fileId, null);
Delete a file, but only if the etag matches.
BoxFileRequestObject requestObj =
boxClient.deleteFile(fileId, requestObj);
You can find a full example of how to perform authentication in the sample app.
The easiest way to authenticate is to use the OAuthActivity, which is included in the SDK. Add it to your manifest to use it.
Intent intent = OAuthActivity.createOAuthActivityIntent(this, clientId,
public void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
if (resultCode == Activity.RESULT_CANCELED) {
// Get the error message for why authentication failed.
String failMessage = data.getStringExtra(OAuthActivity.ERROR_MESSAGE);
// Implement your own logic to handle the error.
} else {
// You will get an authenticated oath token object back upon success.
BoxAndroidOAuthData oauth = data.getParcelableExtra(OAuthActivity.BOX_CLIENT_OAUTH);
BoxAndroidClient client = new BoxAndroidClient(clientId, clientSecret, null, null);
Alternatively, you can use your own custom login activity with a WebView for authentication.
oauthView = (OAuthWebView) findViewById(;
oauthView.initializeAuthFlow(this, clientId, clientSecret);
boxClient.authenticate(oauthView, autoRefreshOAuth, getOAuthFlowListener());
// Create a listener listening to OAuth flow. The most important part you need
// to implement is onAuthFlowEvent and catch the OAUTH_CREATED event. This event
// indicates that the OAuth flow is done, the BoxClient is authenticated and
// that you can start making API calls.
private OAuthWebViewListener getOAuthFlowListener() {
return new OAuthWebViewListener() {
public onAuthFlowEvent(final IAuthEvent event,
final IAuthFlowMessage message) {
// Authentication is done, you can start using your BoxClient
// instance.
// You can get a BoxOAuthToken and use it to authenticate the client at a later
// time or in a different activity.
BoxOAuthToken oauthObject = boxClient.getAuthData();
// Re-authenticate using the previously obtained OAuth object.