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This set of source files represents a Neo4j-based implementation of the LDBC Social Network Benchmark's Interactive Workload. This implementation is completely distinct from the implementation mentioned in the LDBC report specifying the benchmark [1].


  • this file
  • COPYING: license
  • ERRATA: known bugs
  • build.gradle: build/run script
  • src: Java source files
  • scripts: scripts for conditioning input and run tests


This document assumes the reader is familiar with the LDBC Social Network Benchmark. Good sources of information include the LDBC Social Network Benchmark specification [1] and the LDBC SNB Data Generator project hosted at GitHub, Inc. [2].

Running modes

This distribution supports two running modes. First and foremost you can run the LDBC benchmark with its provided driver [3]. However, you can also run some of the queries individually or in what I call standalone mode. That mode might be useful for debugging or microbenchmarking. In that mode a query runs on a single thread and processes input arguments as quickly as possible. Currently only the read queries (both complex and short) can be run that way. To run a complex query in standalone mode require a substitution parameter-like file (the same as the ones produced by the LDBC data generator with the PARAM_GENERATION environment variable set to 1). Parameters for the short read queries are passed on the command line. See below for details.

Important Parameters

Two key parameters controls the benchmark's behavior.

  • Version of Neo4j

    A database created with one version of Neo4j may not be read by queries linked against another version.

    When does this parameter come into play?

    • When configuring the data importer
    • When configuring the gradle build file
  • Scale factor

    The LDBC Socal Network Benchmark defines several scale factors covering a range of system's costs and sizes.

    When does this parameter come into play?

    • When configuring the data generator
    • When configuring a benchmark run


  • Neo4j version 3.0 (or later)
  • gradle version 3.4.1 (or later)
  • java 1.8 (or later)
  • My version of the Neo4j Data Importer for the LDBC Social Network Benchmark [5]
  • maven 3.5.2 (or later)
  • hadoop 2.6.0 (or later)


I tested these instructions on Ubuntu running Bionic Beaver (18.04).

These instructions assume that you cloned the various source packages mentioned here (data generator, benchmark driver, data importer, this project) in the same directory. They also assume that in most cases each project generates data in their own subdirectories. These assumptions not need to be the case; it should be straightforward to choose a different naming discipline.

Edit build.gradle

Edit build.gradle to change the version of Neo4j you want to use and paths to the database and substitution files when running the individual query drivers.

Install Neo4j

You should not have to install Neo4j. Gradle will pick up the package from maven central.

Generate data

Generate a dataset using the LDBC SNB data generator [2] with the scale factor of your choice, the PARAM_GENERATION environment variable set to 1, and most other parameters left to their default values. In the end the goal is to have ../ldbc_snb_datagen/social_network/ holding the CSV files to seed the benchmark graph database and ../ldbc_snb_datagen/substitution_parameters/ containing files used as input to the LDBC benchmark or to the complex queries run in standalone mode. You may have to issue a command like bin/hdfs dfs -get social_network/ ../ldbc_snb_datagen/social_network/ to retrieve your data.

Load the database

  1. Merge the CSV files. The data generator mentioned in the previous section may split entities across multiple files. Use the provided concatenation script to merge the results (e.g., ./scripts/ ../ldbc_snb_datagen/social_network/ ../ldbc_snb_datagen/social_network_merged/).

  2. Prepare the loader. I use a loader available elsewhere [4] with my own set of modifications available in the branch of a fork [5]. Clone that repository. Check out the fixes-and-additions branch. Edit ../ldbc_socialnet_bm_neo4j/pom.xml to change the key 'neo4j-version' with the version of Neo4j you are using. Edit ../ldbc_socialnet_bm_neo4j/src/main/resources/ to change 'data_dir' with the directory containing the merged CSV files produced in the previous step (e.g., "../ldbc_snb_datagen/social_network_merged/") and 'db_dir' to "../ldbc_socialnet_bm_neo4j/db/".

  3. Build the loader (e.g., cd ../ldbc_socialnet_bm_neo4j/; ./ Note that you must rebuild the project after every change to its properties.

  4. Load the database (e.g., cd ../ldbc_socialnet_bm_neo4j/; mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass=com.ldbc.socialnet.workload.neo4j.load.LdbcSocialNeworkNeo4jImporter). The database will be located in ../ldbc_socialnet_bm_neo4j/db/.

Install ldbc_driver

$ git clone

$ cd ../ldbc_driver/

$ git checkout 0.2

$ mvn clean package -DskipTests

$ mvn install -DskipTests

Build our queries

$ gradle build

Prepare a benchmark run

Copy the property file corresponding to the chosen scale factor and name it (e.g., cp ../ldbc_driver/workloads/ldbc/snb/interactive/ ./ Copy the update stream property file produced by the data generation process (e.g, cp ../ldbc_data_gen/social_network/ .). Edit ./ to configure your benchmark run. For instance,

  • set 'database' to "ldbc.glue.Neo4jDb"

  • add 'url' to point to the correct database (e.g., "../ldbc_socialnet_bm_neo4j/db/")

  • add 'operation_count' and set it to the desired value

  • set 'ldbc.snb.interactive.parameters_dir' to the query parameter files produced by the data generation phase (e.g., "../ldbc_snb_datagen/substitution_parameters/")

  • set 'ldbc.snb.interactive.updates_dir' to the directory containing the update stream files produced by the data generation phase (e.g., "../ldbc_snb_datagen/social_network/")

Run the benchmark

$ gradle -q ldbc

Run complex query X

$ gradle -q queryX

Run short read query Y

where Y is 1, 2, or 3:

$ gradle -q -PpersonId=ID shortqueryY

where Y is 4, 5, 6, or 7:

$ gradle -q -PmessageId=ID shortqueryY

Validate the implementation

Follow the instructions that come with the LDBC SNB interactive validation project [6].

  1. Clone the project in ../ldbc_snb_interactive_validation/.

  2. Untar the content of ldbc_snb_interactive_validation/neo4j/neo4j--validation_set.tar.gz in, say, ../ldbc_snb_interactive_validation/neo4j/e/.

  3. Concatenate CSV content of ldbc_snb_interactive_validation/neo4j/e/social_network/string_date/ into ../ldbc_snb_interactive_validation/neo4j/e/social_network/string_date_merged/ (e.g., ./scripts/ ../ldbc_snb_interactive_validation/neo4j/e/social_network/string_date/ ../ldbc_snb_interactive_validation/neo4j/e/social_network/string_date_merged/).

  4. Load CSV files into a database using my version of the Neo4j Data Importer [5] into ../ldbc_socialnet_bm_neo4j/validation_db/.

  5. Copy the property file provided with that project and name it (e.g., cp ../ldbc_snb_interactive_validation/neo4j/ ./ Edit the LDBC driver configuration section of Set 'database' to 'ldbc.glue.Neo4jDb', 'url' to '../ldbc_socialnet_bm_neo4j/validation_db/', 'validate_database' to '../ldbc_snb_interactive_validation/neo4j/e/validation_params.csv', and 'ldbc.snb.interactive.parameters_dir' to '../ldbc_snb_interactive_validation/neo4j/e/substitution_parameters/'.

  6. Issue the command 'gradle validate'.

  7. Important: must reload the validation database from scratch (step 4) every time you run validation.


[1] Arnau Prat (Editor). LDBC Social Network Benchmark (SNB), v0.2.2 First Public Draft, release 0.2.2. Retrieved December 17, 2015.

[2] LDBC SNB Data Generator., last retrieved March 18th, 2016, with, then, latest commit 2645cc0.

[3] LDBC SNB Benchmark Driver., last retrieved March 30th, 2016, version 0.2, commit 55f7ac0.

[4] Neo4j Data Importer & Workload Runner for the LDBC Social Network Benchmark., last retrieved March 18th, 2016, with, then, latest commit d75addf.

[5] Alain Kägi's fork of the Neo4j Data Importer & Workload Runner for the LDBC Social Network Benchmark., last retrieved April 11th, 2016, with, then, latest commit 259be60 on branch fixes-and-additions.

[6] LDBC SNB Interactive Validation Project., last retrieved April 5th, 2016, with then, the latest commit 03c34c0.


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