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Slack Tipbot

coin-agnostic crypto Tipbot for Slack


We're using so these instructions will be specific to that plaform.

Create and configure droplet

Create droplet

  • Go to and create a new droplet
    • hostname: CoinTipper
    • Size
      • I usually go w/ 2GB/2CPUs $20 month
    • Region
      • San Francisco
    • Linux Distributions
      • Ubuntu 14.04 x64
    • Applications
      • Dokku
    • Add SSH keys

Configure hostname

  • Copy/Paste IP address into URL bar
    • Put in hostname
    • Check `Use virtualhost naming for apps
      • http://<app-name>
    • Finish Setup


  • You'll need a domain for this. For this documentation I'm using
  • Point your domain's nameservers to digitalocean
  • In digitalocean's DNS section set an A-Record for your hostname from your previous step
    • Make the hostname be the name of your app
      • foocointipper
    • Make the IP address be the one provided by digitalocean for your droplet.
  • After the DNS propogates
    • In the Zone file of the DNS section of digital ocean you'll see:
      • foocointipper IN A
    • ping
      • PING ( 56 data bytes

SSH into your new virualized box

  • ssh [email protected]
    • If you correctly added your SSH keys you'll get signed in
    • Remove root login w/ password
      • sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config
        • PermitRootLogin without-password

Compile your coin

For this example I'm using litecoin but the instructions should be similar for most other coins.

  • Update and install dependencies
    • apt-get update && apt-get upgrade
    • apt-get install ntp git build-essential libssl-dev libdb-dev libdb++-dev libboost-all-dev libqrencode-dev
    • wget && tar -zxf download.php\?file\=miniupnpc-1.8.tar.gz && cd miniupnpc-1.8/
    • make && make install && cd .. && rm -rf miniupnpc-1.8 download.php\?file\=miniupnpc-1.8.tar.gz
  • Download the source code
    • git clone
  • Compile litecoind
    • cd litecoin/src
    • make -f makefile.unix USE_UPNP=1 USE_QRCODE=1 USE_IPV6=1
    • strip litecoind
  • Add a user and move litecoind
    • adduser litecoin && usermod -g users litecoin && delgroup litecoin && chmod 0701 /home/litecoin
    • mkdir /home/litecoin/bin
    • cp ~/litecoin/src/litecoind /home/litecoin/bin/litecoind
    • chown -R litecoin:users /home/litecoin/bin
    • cd && rm -rf litecoin
  • Run the daemon
    • su litecoin
    • cd && bin/litecoind
    • On the first run, litecoind will return an error and tell you to make a configuration file, named litecoin.conf, in order to add a username and password to the file.
      • nano ~/.litecoin/litecoin.conf && chmod 0600 ~/.litecoin/litecoin.conf
      • Add the following to your config file, changing the username and password
      • to something secure. Make sure to take note of the rpcuser and * rpcpassword because you'll need them in a couple of steps
        • daemon=1
        • rpcuser=litecoinrpc
        • rpcpassword=f0000b4444r
        • port=9333
        • rpcport=8332
        • rpcthreads=100
        • irc=0
        • dnsseed=1
    • Run the daemon again
      • cd && bin/litecoind
    • To confirm that the daemon is running
      • cd && bin/litecoind getinfo
    • Now wait for the blockchain to sync

Clone the CoinTipper Bot git repo

  • git clone
  • Install bundler
    • apt-get install bundler
  • Install Ruby 2.1.1 and rvm
    • \curl -sSL | bash -s stable --ruby
    • To start using RVM you need to run source /usr/local/rvm/scripts/rvm
  • Run bundle

Set up the Slack integration: as an "outgoing webhook"

Give your bot some attitude!

  • Copy coin_config/litecoin.rb to a file in coin_config/ and name it after your coin.
  • Open your newly copied file and change the name of the module to the same name as your coin.
  • This file contains all the snippets of text, emojis, and variables needed to customize your bot's behavior and attitude

Launch the server!

  • RPC_USER=litecoinrpc RPC_PASSWORD=your_pass SLACK_API_TOKEN=your_api_key COIN=litecoin bundle exec ruby tipper.rb -p 4567


  • Tip - send someone coins

    litecointipper tip @somebody 100

  • Deposit - put coin in

    litecointipper deposit

  • Withdraw - take coin out

    litecointipper withdraw LKzHM7rUB2sP1dgVskVFfdSoysnojuw2pX 100

  • Balance - find out how much is in your wallet

    litecointipper balance

  • Networkinfo - Get the output of getinfo. Note: this will disclose the entire aggregate balance of the hot wallet to everyone in the chat

    litecointipper networkinfo

Tested coins

This has been tested w/

  • btc
  • ltc
  • florincoin
  • doge
  • zeta

Please let me know when you try it with other coins so that I can update the list.


This runs an unencrypted hot wallet on your server. You should not store significant amounts of cryptocoins in this wallet. Withdraw your tips to an offline wallet often.


This project was originally forked from dogetip-slack by tenforwardconsulting


Like what you see or using this with your team? You can support the developer with bitcoin at 1Jwdn9NjhPHkUiEg4gHNaTrYe6s9RkXTs1

Further the developer is a founding member of the Blockchain Technology Group that currently is developing open-source software, hardware and altcoins in the crypto-currency space. If you would like to support BlockTech, you may donate at 1PYNQ3iUSRrzJjEB2FniGruLaz11vMuPmo.


coin-agnostic crypto Tipbot for Slack






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