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Utility functions for working with HTLC-based transfers.

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Supported networks:

  • btc: Bitcoin mainnet
  • btctestnet: Bitcoin testnet3

Swap Execution

An HTLC swap is carried out in two phases.

In the first phase, the swap partners setup the details of the swap. Once the first phase is set, the funding party funds an HTLC with those details on-chain.

In the second phase either party sweeps the funds using either the successful claim path or the unsuccessful refund path.

Phase 1: Setup

In this phase, the following elements must be synchronized between the swappers:

  • A claim public key
  • A refund public key
  • A timeout block height
  • A claim hash
  • A number of tokens

Aside from tokens, these values are the inputs to the swapScript or swapScriptV2 method that produces the witness script.

This script may be converted into an address with addressForScript, and phase 1 completes when the funder spends to this address with the given tokens.

Phase 2: Resolution

In this phase each party must derive an address to sweep the funds out to, and they must determine the UTXO or UTXOs that they will sweep.

The funder knows the UTXO details because they crafted the output, but either party can use findDeposit to find a UTXO given the swap address.

Now either party can attempt to claim the funds out to their address, through either claimTransaction or refundTransaction.

These transactions will also require a fee rate, which can be derived from a backing estimator using getChainFeeRate or it can be derived using blind RBF with confirmationFee

And they will require a chain height, which can be retrieved using getHeight.

Once a transaction is formed, it can be broadcast with broadcastTransaction.



Attempt a refund

  [fee_tokens_per_vbyte]: <Fee Tokens Per Virtual Byte Number>
  hash: <Swap Hash Hex String>
  [lnd]: <Authenticated LND API gRPC Object>
  [network]: <Network Name String>
  refund_private_key: <Refund Private Key Hex String>
  [request]: <Request Function>
  service_public_key: <Service Public Key Hex String>
  start_height: <Swap Start Height Number>
  sweep_address: <Sweep Address String>
  timeout_height: <Timeout Block Height Number>
  tokens: <Swap Tokens Number>
  [version]: <Swap Version Number>

@returns via cbk or Promise
  refund_transaction: <Transaction Hex String>
  transaction_id: <Transaction Id Hex String>
  transaction_vout: <Transaction Vout Number>


Attempt a sweep

  current_height: <Current Chain Height Number>
  deadline_height: <Ultimate Target Chain Height Number>
  [is_dry_run]: <Avoid Broadcasting Transaction Bool>
  [lnd]: <Authenticated gRPC LND API Object>
  [min_fee_rate]: <Minimum Relay Fee Tokens Per VByte Number>
  max_fee_multiplier: <Maximum Fee Multiplier Number>
  network: <Network Name String>
  private_key: <Sweep Claim Key Private Key Hex String>
  [request]: <Request Function>
  secret: <Secret Preimage Hex String>
  [sends]: [{
    address: <Send to Address String>
    tokens: <Send Tokens Number>
  start_height: <Starting Height of Attempts Number>
  sweep_address: <Bech32 Sweep Address String>
  tokens: <Sweep Tokens Number>
  transaction_id: <Deposit Transaction Id String>
  transaction_vout: <Deposit Transaction Vout Number>
  witness_script: <Swap Redeem Script Hex String>

@returns via cbk or Promise
  fee_rate: <Fee Rate Number>
  min_fee_rate: <Minimum Tokens Per VByte Fee Rate Number>
  transaction: <Raw Transaction Hex String>


Cancel a swap out

  id: <Funding Request Payment Hash Hex String>
  [is_taproot]: <Use Taproot Swap Service Protocol Bool>
  metadata: <Authentication Metadata Object>
  payment: <Funding Request Payment Identifier Hex String>
  service: <Swap Service Object>

@returns via cbk or Promise
const {cancelSwapOut} = require('goldengate');
const {parsePaymentRequest} = require('ln-service');

// use createSwapOut to get fund request
const {id, payment} = parsePaymentRequest({request: swap.swap_fund_request});

// Get metadata from lightningLabsSwapAuth
await cancelSwapOut({id, metadata, payment, service});


Create a swap in

  fee: <Fee Tokens Number>
  [in_through]: <Request Payment In Through Peer With Public Key Hex String>
  [macaroon]: <Base64 Encoded Macaroon String>
  max_timeout_height: <Max Timeout Height Number>
  [preimage]: <Authentication Preimage Hex String>
  [private_key]: <Refund Private Key Hex String>
  [public_key]: <Refund Public Key Hex String>
  request: <BOLT 11 Payment Request String>
  service: <gRPC Swap Service API Object>

@returns via cbk or Promise
  address: <Swap Chain Address String>
  id: <Swap Preimage Hash Hex String>
  nested_address: <Swap P2SH Wrapped P2WSH Chain Address String>
  [private_key]: <Private Key Hex String>
  script: <Witness Script Hex String>
  [service_message]: <Service Message String>
  service_public_key: <Service Public Key Hex String>
  timeout: <Swap Timeout Chain Height Number>
  tokens: <Tokens To Pay to Address Number>
  version: <Swap Script Version Number>


const {createSwapIn, getSwapInQuote} = require('goldengate');
const {lightningLabsSwapService} = require('goldengate');

const tokens = 1000000;
const {fee} = await getSwapInQuote({service, tokens});

const currentBlockHeight = 1500000;
const request = 'bolt11RequestForTokensMinusFee';
const {service} = lightningLabsSwapService({network: 'btctestnet'});

const {address} = await createSwapIn({
  max_timeout_height: currentBlockHeight + 1000,
// address is the swap on-chain address to send to for the swap


Create a swap out request

Get the timeout value by getting swap out terms to determine a CLTV delta

  [fund_at]: <Request Funding On-Chain Before ISO 8601 Date String>
  [hash]: <Swap Hash String>
  [macaroon]: <Base64 Encoded Macaroon String>
  network: <Network Name String>
  [preimage]: <Authentication Preimage Hex String>
  [private_key]: <Private Key Hex String>
  [public_key]: <Public Key Hex String>
  [secret]: <Secret Hex String>
  service: <gRPC Swap Service Object>
  timeout: <Requested Timeout Height Number>
  tokens: <Swap Tokens Number>

@returns via cbk or Promise
  address: <Swap Chain Address String>
  [private_key]: <Claim Private Key Hex String>
  script: <Redeem Script Hex String>
  [secret]: <Swap Preimage Hex String>
  [service_message]: <Service Message String>
  service_public_key: <Service Public Key Hex String>
  swap_execute_request: <Execute Swap Payment Request String>
  swap_fund_request: <Swap Funding Payment Request String>
  timeout: <Swap Timeout Chain Height Number>
  version: <Swap Version Number>
const {createSwapOut, lightningLabsSwapService} = require('goldengate');

const swap = await createSwapOut({
  network: 'btctestnet',
  service: lightningLabsSwapService({network: 'btctestnet'}).service,
  tokens: 1000000,

// swap.address: Address to watch to sweep incoming funds
// swap.private_key: Private key to use to sweep incoming funds
// swap.secret: Preimage to use to sweep incoming funds
// swap.swap_execute_request: Payment request for pre-paying
// swap.swap_fund_request: Payment request for funding the swap
// swap.timeout: Server refund timeout height
// swap.version: HTLC script version number


Decode encoded swap recovery blob

  recovery: <Raw Recovery Hex String>

@returns via cbk or Promise
  [claim_private_key]: <Claim Private Key Hex String>
  [claim_public_key]: <Claim Public Key Hex String>
  [execution_id]: <Swap Execution Id Hex String>
  [id]: <Swap Funding Payment Id Hex String>
  [refund_private_key]: <Refund Private Key Hex String>
  [refund_public_key]: <Refund Public Key Hex String>
  script: <Swap Script Hex String>
  [secret]: <Preimage Secret Hex String>
  start_height: <Start Height Number>
  [sweep_address]: <Sweep Address String>
  timeout: <Swap Timeout Height Number>
  tokens: <Swap Tokens Number>
  [version]: <Swap Script Version Number>
const {decodeSwapRecovery} = require('goldengate');

// Recovery blob is a hex encoded blob with swap refund details

const recoveryDetails = await decodeSwapRecovery({recovery});
// Details to use to attempt a refund from a swap


Encode recovery blob

Note: Make sure to encode the version given by swap creation

Either a private key or public key is required for claim/refund

Either the secret preimage or the preimage hash is required for claim/refund

  [claim_private_key]: <Claim Private Key Hex String>
  [claim_public_key]: <Claim Public Key Hex String>
  [execution_id]: <Swap Execution Id Hex String>
  [id]: <Preimage Hash Hex String>
  [refund_private_key]: <Refund Private Key Hex String>
  [refund_public_key]: <Refund Public Key Hex String>
  [secret]: <Preimage Secret Hex String>
  start_height: <Start Height Number>
  [sweep_address]: <Sweep Address String>
  timeout: <Swap Timeout Height Number>
  tokens: <Swap Tokens Number>
  [version]: <Recovery Blob Version Number>


  recovery: <Recovery CBOR Blob Hex String>
const {encodeSwapRecovery} = require('goldengate');

const {recovery} = encodeSwapRecovery({
  claim_public_key: serverSwapPublicKey,
  execution_id: executionPaymentRequestPreimageHash,
  id: fundingPaymentRequestPreimageHash,
  refund_private_key: refundPrivateKey,
  start_height: swapStartedAtBlockHeightNumber,
  sweep_address: sendRefundFundsToChainAddress,
  timeout: swapTimeoutNumber,
  tokens: swapTokensAmount,
  version: swapVersionNumber,
// Recovery is a blob with the inputs required for a refund attempt


Generic swap service

For fetch, pass a function like @alexbosworth/node-fetch that returns a URL

  fetch: <Fetch Function>
  socket: <Custom Socket String>


  service: <Swap Service API Object>


Get a PSBT from a raw transaction

  network: <Network Name String>
  request: <Request Function>
  transaction: <Raw Transaction Hex String>

@returns via cbk or Promise
  psbt: <Finalized PSBT Hex String>


Get swap in quote from swap service

  service: <Swap Service Object>
  tokens: <Tokens to Swap Number>

@returns via cbk or Promise
  cltv_delta: <CLTV Delta Number>
  fee: <Total Fee Tokens Number>
const {getSwapInQuote, lightningLabsSwapService} = require('goldengate');

const {fee} = await getSwapInQuote({
  service: lightningLabsSwapService({network: 'btctestnet'}).service,
  tokens: 1000000,
// Fee required to complete a swap in


Get swap terms from swap service

  [macaroon]: <Base64 Encoded Macaroon String>
  [preimage]: <Authentication Preimage Hex String>
  service: <Swap Service Object>

@returns via cbk or Promise
  max_tokens: <Maximum Swap Tokens Number>
  min_tokens: <Minimum Swap Tokens Number>
const {getSwapInTerms, lightningLabsSwapService} = require('goldengate');

const {service} = lightningLabsSwapService({network: 'btctestnet'});

const maxTokens = (await getSwapInTerms({service})).max_tokens;


Get an unpaid swap macaroon that can be converted to a paid one by paying

  service: <Unauthenticated Swap Service Object>

@returns via cbk or Promise
  macaroon: <Base64 Encoded Unpaid Macaroon String>
  request: <Payment Request To Activate Macaroon BOLT 11 String>
const {getSwapMacaroon} = require('goldengate');
const {lightningLabsSwapService} = require('goldengate');

const {service} = lightningLabsSwapService({network: 'btctestnet'});

const {macaroon, request} = await getSwapMacaroon({service});


Get swap quote from swap service

Obtain CLTV delta for timeout by getting swap terms

  [delay]: <Delay Swap Funding Until ISO 8601 Date String>
  [macaroon]: <Base64 Encoded Macaroon String>
  [preimage]: <Authentication Preimage Hex String>
  service: <Swap Service Object>
  timeout: <Timeout Height Number>
  tokens: <Tokens Number>

@returns via cbk or Promise
  deposit: <Deposit Tokens Number>
  destination: <Destination Public Key Hex String>
  fee: <Total Fee Tokens Number>
const {getSwapOutQuote, lightningLabsSwapService} = require('goldengate');

const {service} = lightningLabsSwapService({network: 'btctestnet'});

const {fee} = await getSwapOutQuote({service, tokens: 1000000});
// Fee is the service fee to perform a swap out


Get swap terms from swap service

  [macaroon]: <Base64 Encoded Macaroon String>
  [preimage]: <Authentication Preimage Hex String>
  service: <Swap Service Object>

@returns via cbk or Promise
  max_cltv_delta: <Maximum Permissible CLTV Delta Number>
  max_tokens: <Maximum Swap Tokens Number>
  min_cltv_delta: <Minimum Permissible CLTV Delta Number>
  min_tokens: <Minimum Swap Tokens Number>
const {getSwapOutTerms, lightningLabsSwapService} = require('goldengate');

const {service} = lightningLabsSwapService({network: 'btc'});

const swapOutLimit = (await getSwapOutTerms({service})).max_tokens;


Determine if a transaction is an HTLC sweep

  transaction: <Raw Transaction Hex String>


  [is_success_sweep]: <Transaction is HTLC Success Sweep Bool>
  [is_timeout_sweep]: <Transaction is HTLC Timeout Sweep Bool>


const {isSweep} = require('goldengate');

// Transaction is a hex encoded raw transaction
const isTimeoutSweep = isSweep({transaction}).is_timeout_sweep;


Lightning Labs swap service

  [is_free]: <Use Free Service Endpoint Bool>
  network: <Network Name String>
  [socket]: <Custom Socket String>


  service: <Swap Service gRPC API Object>


const {lightningLabsSwapService} = require('goldengate');

const {service} = lightningLabsSwapService({network: 'btctestnet'});

const {fee} = await getSwapOutQuote({service, tokens: 1000000});


Release the swap secret to the swap server to obtain inbound more quickly

  secret: <Secret Preimage Hex String>
  service: <Swap Service Object>

@returns via cbk or Promise


const {lightningLabsSwapService, releaseSwapOutSecret} = require('goldengate');

const secret = '0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000';
const {service} = lightningLabsSwapService({network: 'btctestnet'});

// Tell the server about the preimage to complete the off-chain part of the swap
await releaseSwapOutSecret({secret, service});


Subscribe to the server status of a swap in

  id: <Swap Funding Hash Hex String>
  macaroon: <Base64 Encoded Macaroon String>
  preimage: <Authentication Preimage Hex String>
  service: <Swap Service Object>

<Error Object>

<EventEmitter Object>

@event 'status_update'
  at: <Last Updated At ISO 8601 Date String>
  [is_broadcast]: <HTLC Published To Mempool Bool>
  [is_claimed]: <HTLC Claimed With Preimage Bool>
  [is_confirmed]: <HTLC Confirmed In Blockchain Bool>
  [is_failed]: <Swap Failed Bool>
  [is_known]: <Swap Is Recognized By Server Bool>
  [is_refunded]: <Swap Is Refunded With Timeout On Chain Bool>


Subscribe to the server status of a swap out

  id: <Swap Funding Hash Hex String>
  macaroon: <Base64 Encoded Macaroon String>
  preimage: <Authentication Preimage Hex String>
  service: <Swap Service Object>

<Error Object>

<EventEmitter Object>

@event 'status_update'
  at: <Last Updated At ISO 8601 Date String>
  [is_broadcast]: <HTLC Published To Mempool Bool>
  [is_claimed]: <HTLC Claimed With Preimage Bool>
  [is_confirmed]: <HTLC Confirmed In Blockchain Bool>
  [is_failed]: <Swap Failed Bool>
  [is_known]: <Swap Is Recognized By Server Bool>
  [is_refunded]: <Swap Is Refunded With Timeout On Chain Bool>


Get swap redeem script / witness program

A hash or secret is required

A private key or public key is required

  [claim_private_key]: <Claim Private Key Hex String>
  [claim_public_key]: <Claim Public Key Hex String>
  [hash]: <Preimage Hash Hex String>
  [refund_private_key]: <Refund Private Key Hex String>
  [refund_public_key]: <Refund Public Key Hex String>
  [secret]: <Preimage Hex String>
  timeout: <CLTV Timeout Height Number>

<Error> on a script generation error

  script: <Hex Serialized Witness Script String>


Derive the swap user id from the swap macaroon

  macaroon: <Base64 Encoded Macaroon String>


  id: <Swap User Id Hex String>


const {swapUserId} = require('goldengate');

// Derive the user id from the swap macaroon
const {id} = swapUserId({macaroon: 'base64Macaroon'});


Utilities for HTLCs







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