A lighweight, simple to use Library for common Arduino Rotary Encoders with pushbutton. With "one more thing" added to be added by alto777
Please read all the documetation from where this was forked. John-Lluch has nailed this down good and explains it.
I forked this to play with it. So far in my searches and researches, it is the only one to take the approach of hanging all work on a regular timer generated interrupt. I didn't see the button enjoying the same treatment and challenge myself here to add it.
Again, totally John-Lluch's example, only this one compiles will be fixed to compile and fully demonstrate the original and my added feature, at the expense of involving Serial.begin &c.
// define the input pins
#define pinA 19
#define pinB 20
#define pinP 21
// create an encoder object initialized with their pins
Encoder encoder( pinA, pinB, pinP );
// setup code
void setup()
// start the encoder time interrupts
EncoderInterrupt.begin( &encoder );
// loop code
void loop()
// read the debounced value of the encoder button
bool pb = encoder.button();
// get the encoder variation since our last check, it can be positive or negative, or zero if the encoder didn't move
// only call this once per loop cicle, or at any time you want to know any incremental change
int delta =;
// add the delta value to the variable you are controlling
myEncoderControlledVariable += delta;
// do stuff with the updated value
// that's it
This is worth studying both for the high level approach taken and the low level dets of messing with timers across AVR architectures.
I think it is worth noting there is an alternate that just uses the build-in millis timer; I have not yet experimented with that but I am at this point sure that my modifcations will go along for the ride happily.