gpt prompt: Please guide me on structuring a secondary backend (Backend 2) that securely handles client requests with JWT tokens and interfaces with an existing LLM API (OpenAI). I want the clients to initiate requests from the front end (thingsboard client) to Backend 2. The client already have a jwt from a backend 1, and will send it to backend 2 to verify validity, and subsequently adapt and forward the main client querie to the LLM API. How should I design this intermediate Backend 2 effectively? Feel free to ask any clarifying questions to help me proceed.
ans: guidances on the concepts and artifacts involved DO: Comprehend ideas Basic
- Adaptation of user request to conform messages
- LLM forwarding to API
- Logging feat for server activities
- Error handling (invalidations, api errors, etc)
- Documentation: endpoints, auth, vendors Medium
- Auth validation for incoming msgs with JWT
- Security (origin check, token expiration, revocation)
- Testing: unit, integration, security, api (postman or insomnia) Advanced
- Scaling: load balancing and cache strategies Further sugestions
- Rate limiting of usage
- GraphQL for more felxibility
- Content security policy
- Easy to expand endpoints
gpt prompt: Please create the files considering the following
- An express server to listen from a web client and redirect to OpenAI LLM API
- Only listen mesages from a client in a DOMAIN_URL env's variable
- Should validate an incoming string in the msg body, using it as bearer token to ask a BACKEND1 API
- Server should take a cameraData info in the body and build a prompt for an openai gpt-3.5 turbo model
- Send a query to the openai gpt-3.5 turbo model using the openai api
- return the response to the client as chatgptmsg property of the body
ans: Guidance on how set up all DO: Comprehend procedure
- Init project: pnpm init
- Install dependencies: pnpn install express dotenv
- Implement custom middelwares
- Send query to openai
- Code basic server.js
- Join functions
gpt prompt: Now please give the vanilla javascript code to build that server. Be organiced and separate concerns in files for further scalability
ans: folder structura and main files DO: build all proposed
- Folder structure: src(.env + index.js + server.js + /middleware + /routes + /test
FEAT: openai gpt api test
- openaiTestScript.js
- Review chat api docu:
- Set up connection: OpenAI({key})
- call completion:
- Mock json data
- Create prompt
- Itereate prompt efficiency and effectiveness!!
FEAT: Home page serving
- /public folder with html
- Indicate express page serving:
- Learn: all nodejs path are from the root
FEAT: Server activities logging
- Reseacrh logging
- Install and import morgan
- Add morgan as express middelware:
- Morgan bases on tokens: app.use(express.static("./src/public"));
EXPERIMENT: Object analyzer function Please help me giving me a JavaScript function to describe a complex Json object in natural language, with enough detail to input the description into an LLM or ChatGPT in order it to later generate a function to traverse the object and apply basic data analytics to that described JSON object.
DUTY: Tight WSL2 memory efficiency on my machine
- vmem was eating too much memory
- How to manage wsl memory
- Key commands
- On cmd
wsl --shutdown
- On linux
free -h --giga
top -o %MEM
editor "$(wslpath "C:\Users\YourUsername\.wslconfig")"
- write the file
- On cmd
Set up Digital Ocean sever
A cheap server: 1GB, 1core, 25GB
as root
adduser {username}
. Crear usuariousermod -aG sudo {username}
. Agregar user al group ENV INSTALLATION
curl -o- | bash
. Install nvm ( -
curl -fsSL | sh -
. Install pnpm ( + -
nvm install --lts
. Install Node LTS -
pnpm i -g pm2
. Install PM2 RUN PROJECTgit clone
,pnpm i
,node index.js
,pm2 logs
Some system check
top -o %MEM
. Sort top by memory usageps -e
. view all active processesps -e | grep node
. check for NodeJS porcesses
- In other place, loaded created vite to see main files
- Brougth here the main files an lines
in root.jsx
files in/src
dir in/src
in rootvite.svg
file in public (build out)- inserted new dependencies in
- inserted script in
- run
pnpm i
- Build app with
pnpm run build
- Browser Error: 'Failed to load module script: Expected a JavaScript module script but the server responded with a MIME type of "text/jsx". Strict MIME type checking is enforced for module scripts per HTML spec.'
- Set JS script path in build's index.html as relative (added '.' before '/')
- Set the build folder inside inner public
Build: { outDir : './path/to/build/dir' }
- Error: vite.svg not found
- Create an dummy/ugly outer public folder in root and added the svg file
- Seems like docu said: vite consider links as relative, but images as globals
- Put all this test into a Git Branch
voice2voice AI assistant beta
Capture voice in clientPost sound file to backendForward to whisper and fetch transcriptForward transcript to gpt-turbo and fetch answerElaborate information corpusOptimize promptingForward answer to whisper speechReturn speech answer to clientPlay sound in client- Show transcript in client
Make it pretty
- Identify TB look and feel ->
- Interact with gpt to clarify desing procedure
- Long conversation
- Main prompt: