Build-NFA -> converts regex to a NFA
Run-NFA -> runs a simulation on a NFA with the given string
Build takes a regular expression (standard input)
- concatenation is written with no operator between symbols ab or bc. (NOT a.b)
- union is wirtten with '|' (ex. a|b)
- star operation is written with '*' (ex. a*)
- symbols are lowercase latin letters or digits 'a'-'z' '0'-'9'
- parentheses are allowed
- empty strings do not have symbols but can be written as ()
the code outputs (standard output) the NFA whos language is the given regex
- number of states is less than or equal to the length of the given string + 1
- start state is always 0
- nodes are numbered from 0
output follows given pattern number of states, number of accept states, number of edges list of accept states after these lines we output the NFA as a graph, on i-th line we output the number of edges exiting state numbered i (lets call this number k). after that come k pairs. first element of the pair is the character with which the step is made, the second is the number of the state at the end of the edge.
Takes a string and a NFA, NFA is formated as described above (standard input)
code prints a string consisting of 'Y' and 'N'. (lets call this string s) s[i] is 'Y' if after reading characters s[0]..s[i] the NFA is in an accept state, and 'N' if it is not.
run build-NFA.exe for Build-NFA and run run-NFA.exe for Run-NFA
Build-NFA sample test Input:
Output (one of the acceptable outputs)
2 2 3
0 1
3 a 0 b 0 c 1
Run-NFA sample test Input:
3 2 6
0 2
1 a 1
2 b 1 c 2
3 0 2 1 2 a 1