[Feature Request]: BigQueryIO.TypedRead should have setLabel function to set labels for BigQuery commands #2068
on: issues
27 errors, 26 warnings, and 73 notices
Error processing result file:
Memory allocation failed : Huge input lookup, line 47762, column 22 (TEST-org.apache.beam.sdk.transforms.ViewTest.xml, line 47762)
Error processing result file:
Memory allocation failed : Huge input lookup, line 97208, column 36 (TEST-org.apache.beam.sdk.testing.PAssertTest.xml, line 97208)
Error processing result file:
CData section too big found, line 1797, column 9688376 (TEST-org.apache.beam.sdk.io.TFRecordIOTest.xml, line 1797)
Error processing result file:
Memory allocation failed : Huge input lookup, line 62655, column 138 (TEST-org.apache.beam.sdk.transforms.ViewTest.xml, line 62655)
Error processing result file:
Memory allocation failed : Huge input lookup, line 58032, column 133 (TEST-org.apache.beam.sdk.io.TextIOReadTest$CompressedReadTest.xml, line 58032)
Error processing result file:
Memory allocation failed : Huge input lookup, line 103386, column 159 (TEST-org.apache.beam.sdk.transforms.ViewTest.xml, line 103386)
Error processing result file:
CData section too big found, line 64714, column 61 (TEST-org.apache.beam.sdk.transforms.CreateTest.xml, line 64714)
Error processing result file:
CData section too big found, line 65316, column 54 (TEST-org.apache.beam.sdk.transforms.KeysTest.xml, line 65316)
Error processing result file:
CData section too big found, line 67585, column 52 (TEST-org.apache.beam.sdk.metrics.MetricsTest$AttemptedMetricTests.xml, line 67585)
Error processing result file:
CData section too big found, line 64783, column 143 (TEST-org.apache.beam.sdk.PipelineTest.xml, line 64783)
Error processing result file:
CData section too big found, line 62331, column 89 (TEST-org.apache.beam.sdk.transforms.CombineTest$WindowingTests.xml, line 62331)
Error processing result file:
CData section too big found, line 64213, column 52 (TEST-org.apache.beam.sdk.values.PCollectionRowTupleTest.xml, line 64213)
Error processing result file:
CData section too big found, line 64584, column 1 (TEST-org.apache.beam.sdk.testing.PAssertTest.xml, line 64584)
Error processing result file:
CData section too big found, line 63031, column 18 (TEST-org.apache.beam.sdk.transforms.CombineTest$BasicTests.xml, line 63031)
Error processing result file:
CData section too big found, line 63238, column 146 (TEST-org.apache.beam.sdk.transforms.ParDoTest$MultipleInputsAndOutputTests.xml, line 63238)
Error processing result file:
CData section too big found, line 66375, column 85 (TEST-org.apache.beam.sdk.transforms.ParDoSchemaTest.xml, line 66375)
Error processing result file:
CData section too big found, line 63420, column 16 (TEST-org.apache.beam.sdk.transforms.ReshuffleTest.xml, line 63420)
Error processing result file:
CData section too big found, line 64736, column 171 (TEST-org.apache.beam.sdk.transforms.WithTimestampsTest.xml, line 64736)
Error processing result file:
CData section too big found, line 64665, column 47 (TEST-org.apache.beam.sdk.transforms.ReifyTimestampsTest.xml, line 64665)
Error processing result file:
CData section too big found, line 63492, column 85 (TEST-org.apache.beam.sdk.transforms.RedistributeTest.xml, line 63492)
Error processing result file:
CData section too big found, line 64256, column 40 (TEST-org.apache.beam.sdk.transforms.FlattenTest.xml, line 64256)
Error processing result file:
CData section too big found, line 63520, column 59 (TEST-org.apache.beam.sdk.transforms.ParDoTest$LifecycleTests.xml, line 63520)
Error processing result file:
CData section too big found, line 64241, column 245 (TEST-org.apache.beam.sdk.transforms.windowing.WindowTest.xml, line 64241)
Error processing result file:
CData section too big found, line 63215, column 33 (TEST-org.apache.beam.sdk.values.PCollectionTupleTest.xml, line 63215)
Error processing result file:
CData section too big found, line 64569, column 137 (TEST-org.apache.beam.sdk.transforms.ParDoTest$TimestampTests.xml, line 64569)
Error processing result file:
CData section too big found, line 64585, column 43 (TEST-org.apache.beam.sdk.transforms.ParDoTest$BasicTests.xml, line 64585)
Error processing result file:
CData section too big found, line 63625, column 80 (TEST-org.apache.beam.sdk.transforms.GroupByKeyTest$BasicTests.xml, line 63625)
All 4 runs failed: testOnWindowTimestampSkew (org.apache.beam.sdk.transforms.ParDoTest$TimestampTests):
runners/flink/1.15/build/test-results/validatesRunnerSickbay/TEST-org.apache.beam.sdk.transforms.ParDoTest$TimestampTests.xml [took 11s]
runners/flink/1.16/build/test-results/validatesRunnerSickbay/TEST-org.apache.beam.sdk.transforms.ParDoTest$TimestampTests.xml [took 11s]
runners/flink/1.17/build/test-results/validatesRunnerSickbay/TEST-org.apache.beam.sdk.transforms.ParDoTest$TimestampTests.xml [took 12s]
runners/flink/1.18/build/test-results/validatesRunnerSickbay/TEST-org.apache.beam.sdk.transforms.ParDoTest$TimestampTests.xml [took 12s]
testWindowPreservation (org.apache.beam.sdk.transforms.windowing.WindowingTest) failed:
runners/portability/java/build/test-results/validatesRunnerSickbay/TEST-org.apache.beam.sdk.transforms.windowing.WindowingTest.xml [took 3s]
testEncodingNPException (org.apache.beam.sdk.coders.PCollectionCustomCoderTest) failed:
runners/samza/build/test-results/validatesRunnerSickbay/TEST-org.apache.beam.sdk.coders.PCollectionCustomCoderTest.xml [took 3s]
testEncodingIOException (org.apache.beam.sdk.coders.PCollectionCustomCoderTest) failed:
runners/samza/build/test-results/validatesRunnerSickbay/TEST-org.apache.beam.sdk.coders.PCollectionCustomCoderTest.xml [took 0s]
testDecodingNPException (org.apache.beam.sdk.coders.PCollectionCustomCoderTest) failed:
runners/samza/build/test-results/validatesRunnerSickbay/TEST-org.apache.beam.sdk.coders.PCollectionCustomCoderTest.xml [took 0s]
testDecodingIOException (org.apache.beam.sdk.coders.PCollectionCustomCoderTest) failed:
runners/samza/build/test-results/validatesRunnerSickbay/TEST-org.apache.beam.sdk.coders.PCollectionCustomCoderTest.xml [took 0s]
testMatchWatchForNewFiles (org.apache.beam.sdk.io.FileIOTest) failed:
runners/samza/build/test-results/validatesRunnerSickbay/TEST-org.apache.beam.sdk.io.FileIOTest.xml [took 2m 45s]
testMatchDisallowEmptyNonWildcard (org.apache.beam.sdk.io.FileIOTest) failed:
runners/samza/build/test-results/validatesRunnerSickbay/TEST-org.apache.beam.sdk.io.FileIOTest.xml [took 0s]
testMatchAllDisallowEmptyNonWildcard (org.apache.beam.sdk.io.FileIOTest) failed:
runners/samza/build/test-results/validatesRunnerSickbay/TEST-org.apache.beam.sdk.io.FileIOTest.xml [took 0s]
testMatchAllDisallowEmptyExplicit (org.apache.beam.sdk.io.FileIOTest) failed:
runners/samza/build/test-results/validatesRunnerSickbay/TEST-org.apache.beam.sdk.io.FileIOTest.xml [took 0s]
testFileIoDynamicNaming (org.apache.beam.sdk.io.FileIOTest) failed:
runners/samza/build/test-results/validatesRunnerSickbay/TEST-org.apache.beam.sdk.io.FileIOTest.xml [took 0s]
testMatchDisallowEmptyDefault (org.apache.beam.sdk.io.FileIOTest) failed:
runners/samza/build/test-results/validatesRunnerSickbay/TEST-org.apache.beam.sdk.io.FileIOTest.xml [took 0s]
testMatchAndMatchAll (org.apache.beam.sdk.io.FileIOTest) failed:
runners/samza/build/test-results/validatesRunnerSickbay/TEST-org.apache.beam.sdk.io.FileIOTest.xml [took 0s]
testMatchDisallowEmptyExplicit (org.apache.beam.sdk.io.FileIOTest) failed:
runners/samza/build/test-results/validatesRunnerSickbay/TEST-org.apache.beam.sdk.io.FileIOTest.xml [took 0s]
All 2 runs failed: testTimeBound (org.apache.beam.sdk.io.BoundedReadFromUnboundedSourceTest):
runners/direct-java/build/test-results/validatesRunnerSickbay/TEST-org.apache.beam.sdk.io.BoundedReadFromUnboundedSourceTest.xml [took 16s]
runners/samza/build/test-results/validatesRunnerSickbay/TEST-org.apache.beam.sdk.io.BoundedReadFromUnboundedSourceTest.xml [took 16s]
testWriteUnboundedWithCustomBatchParameters (org.apache.beam.sdk.io.TextIOWriteTest) failed:
runners/samza/build/test-results/validatesRunnerSickbay/TEST-org.apache.beam.sdk.io.TextIOWriteTest.xml [took 4s]
withTimestampsWithNullTimestampShouldThrow (org.apache.beam.sdk.transforms.WithTimestampsTest) failed:
runners/samza/build/test-results/validatesRunnerSickbay/TEST-org.apache.beam.sdk.transforms.WithTimestampsTest.xml [took 0s]
withTimestampsBackwardsInTimeShouldThrow (org.apache.beam.sdk.transforms.WithTimestampsTest) failed:
runners/samza/build/test-results/validatesRunnerSickbay/TEST-org.apache.beam.sdk.transforms.WithTimestampsTest.xml [took 0s]
testEmptyPipeline (org.apache.beam.sdk.PipelineTest) failed:
runners/samza/build/test-results/validatesRunnerSickbay/TEST-org.apache.beam.sdk.PipelineTest.xml [took 3s]
testInGlobalWindowBatchSizeByteSizeFn (org.apache.beam.sdk.transforms.GroupIntoBatchesTest) failed:
runners/samza/build/test-results/validatesRunnerSickbay/TEST-org.apache.beam.sdk.transforms.GroupIntoBatchesTest.xml [took 0s]
testWindowingInStartAndFinishBundle (org.apache.beam.sdk.transforms.ParDoTest$LifecycleTests) failed:
runners/spark/3/job-server/build/test-results/validatesPortableRunnerBatch/TEST-org.apache.beam.sdk.transforms.ParDoTest$LifecycleTests.xml [took 51s]
testParDoWithOnlyTaggedOutput (org.apache.beam.sdk.transforms.ParDoTest$MultipleInputsAndOutputTests) failed:
runners/spark/3/job-server/build/test-results/validatesPortableRunnerBatch/TEST-org.apache.beam.sdk.transforms.ParDoTest$MultipleInputsAndOutputTests.xml [took 49s]
testMultiOutputParDoWithSideInputs (org.apache.beam.sdk.transforms.ParDoTest$MultipleInputsAndOutputTests) failed:
runners/spark/3/job-server/build/test-results/validatesPortableRunnerBatch/TEST-org.apache.beam.sdk.transforms.ParDoTest$MultipleInputsAndOutputTests.xml [took 51s]
testMultiOutputParDoWithSideInputsIsCumulative (org.apache.beam.sdk.transforms.ParDoTest$MultipleInputsAndOutputTests) failed:
runners/spark/3/job-server/build/test-results/validatesPortableRunnerBatch/TEST-org.apache.beam.sdk.transforms.ParDoTest$MultipleInputsAndOutputTests.xml [took 54s]
testSideInputAnnotation (org.apache.beam.sdk.transforms.ParDoTest$MultipleInputsAndOutputTests) failed:
runners/spark/3/job-server/build/test-results/validatesPortableRunnerBatch/TEST-org.apache.beam.sdk.transforms.ParDoTest$MultipleInputsAndOutputTests.xml [took 57s]
testParDoWithEmptyTaggedOutput (org.apache.beam.sdk.transforms.ParDoTest$MultipleInputsAndOutputTests) failed:
runners/spark/3/job-server/build/test-results/validatesPortableRunnerBatch/TEST-org.apache.beam.sdk.transforms.ParDoTest$MultipleInputsAndOutputTests.xml [took 1m 12s]
10 skipped tests found
There are 10 skipped tests, see "Raw output" for the full list of skipped tests.
716 tests found (test 1 to 646)
There are 716 tests, see "Raw output" for the list of tests 1 to 646.
716 tests found (test 647 to 716)
There are 716 tests, see "Raw output" for the list of tests 647 to 716.
10 skipped tests found
There are 10 skipped tests, see "Raw output" for the full list of skipped tests.
716 tests found (test 1 to 646)
There are 716 tests, see "Raw output" for the list of tests 1 to 646.
716 tests found (test 647 to 716)
There are 716 tests, see "Raw output" for the list of tests 647 to 716.
199 tests found
There are 199 tests, see "Raw output" for the full list of tests.
35 skipped tests found
There are 35 skipped tests, see "Raw output" for the full list of skipped tests.
1331 tests found (test 1 to 650)
There are 1331 tests, see "Raw output" for the list of tests 1 to 650.
1331 tests found (test 651 to 1308)
There are 1331 tests, see "Raw output" for the list of tests 651 to 1308.
1331 tests found (test 1309 to 1331)
There are 1331 tests, see "Raw output" for the list of tests 1309 to 1331.
17 tests found
There are 17 tests, see "Raw output" for the full list of tests.
17 tests found
There are 17 tests, see "Raw output" for the full list of tests.
7 tests found
There are 7 tests, see "Raw output" for the full list of tests.
17 tests found
There are 17 tests, see "Raw output" for the full list of tests.
4 tests found
There are 4 tests, see "Raw output" for the full list of tests.
1 test found
There is 1 test, see "Raw output" for the name of the test.
1 test found
There is 1 test, see "Raw output" for the name of the test.
1 test found
There is 1 test, see "Raw output" for the name of the test.
1 test found
There is 1 test, see "Raw output" for the name of the test.
66 tests found
There are 66 tests, see "Raw output" for the full list of tests.
4 tests found
There are 4 tests, see "Raw output" for the full list of tests.
4 tests found
There are 4 tests, see "Raw output" for the full list of tests.
1 test found
There is 1 test, see "Raw output" for the name of the test.
1 test found
There is 1 test, see "Raw output" for the name of the test.
6 skipped tests found
There are 6 skipped tests, see "Raw output" for the full list of skipped tests.
401 tests found
There are 401 tests, see "Raw output" for the full list of tests.
200 skipped tests found
There are 200 skipped tests, see "Raw output" for the full list of skipped tests.
2047 tests found (test 1 to 652)
There are 2047 tests, see "Raw output" for the list of tests 1 to 652.
2047 tests found (test 653 to 1259)
There are 2047 tests, see "Raw output" for the list of tests 653 to 1259.
2047 tests found (test 1260 to 1915)
There are 2047 tests, see "Raw output" for the list of tests 1260 to 1915.
2047 tests found (test 1916 to 2047)
There are 2047 tests, see "Raw output" for the list of tests 1916 to 2047.
15 tests found
There are 15 tests, see "Raw output" for the full list of tests.
15 tests found
There are 15 tests, see "Raw output" for the full list of tests.
16 tests found
There are 16 tests, see "Raw output" for the full list of tests.
13 tests found
There are 13 tests, see "Raw output" for the full list of tests.
16 tests found
There are 16 tests, see "Raw output" for the full list of tests.
16 tests found
There are 16 tests, see "Raw output" for the full list of tests.
19 tests found
There are 19 tests, see "Raw output" for the full list of tests.
19 tests found
There are 19 tests, see "Raw output" for the full list of tests.
19 tests found
There are 19 tests, see "Raw output" for the full list of tests.
19 tests found
There are 19 tests, see "Raw output" for the full list of tests.
29 tests found
There are 29 tests, see "Raw output" for the full list of tests.
2 skipped tests found
There are 2 skipped tests, see "Raw output" for the full list of skipped tests.
399 tests found
There are 399 tests, see "Raw output" for the full list of tests.
2 skipped tests found
There are 2 skipped tests, see "Raw output" for the full list of skipped tests.
399 tests found
There are 399 tests, see "Raw output" for the full list of tests.
1 skipped test found
There is 1 skipped test, see "Raw output" for the name of the skipped test.
235 tests found
There are 235 tests, see "Raw output" for the full list of tests.
1 skipped test found
There is 1 skipped test, see "Raw output" for the name of the skipped test.
223 tests found
There are 223 tests, see "Raw output" for the full list of tests.
1 skipped test found
There is 1 skipped test, see "Raw output" for the name of the skipped test.
304 tests found
There are 304 tests, see "Raw output" for the full list of tests.
2 skipped tests found
There are 2 skipped tests, see "Raw output" for the full list of skipped tests.
399 tests found
There are 399 tests, see "Raw output" for the full list of tests.
1 skipped test found
There is 1 skipped test, see "Raw output" for the name of the skipped test.
304 tests found
There are 304 tests, see "Raw output" for the full list of tests.
4 skipped tests found
There are 4 skipped tests, see "Raw output" for the full list of skipped tests.
546 tests found
There are 546 tests, see "Raw output" for the full list of tests.
1 skipped test found
There is 1 skipped test, see "Raw output" for the name of the skipped test.
237 tests found
There are 237 tests, see "Raw output" for the full list of tests.
1 skipped test found
There is 1 skipped test, see "Raw output" for the name of the skipped test.
256 tests found
There are 256 tests, see "Raw output" for the full list of tests.
2 skipped tests found
There are 2 skipped tests, see "Raw output" for the full list of skipped tests.
344 tests found
There are 344 tests, see "Raw output" for the full list of tests.
2 skipped tests found
There are 2 skipped tests, see "Raw output" for the full list of skipped tests.
344 tests found
There are 344 tests, see "Raw output" for the full list of tests.
1 skipped test found
There is 1 skipped test, see "Raw output" for the name of the skipped test.
234 tests found
There are 234 tests, see "Raw output" for the full list of tests.
1 skipped test found
There is 1 skipped test, see "Raw output" for the name of the skipped test.
10 tests found
There are 10 tests, see "Raw output" for the full list of tests.
1 skipped test found
There is 1 skipped test, see "Raw output" for the name of the skipped test.
248 tests found
There are 248 tests, see "Raw output" for the full list of tests.