A collection of mini games for your slack team.
- Roller: roll between the numbers, the person with highest number wins.
- Rock Paper Scissors
Possibly more (suggestions are welcome!)
- Setup the
Slash Command Token(s)
andWebhook URL
. (Look at point 3 and 4 further below.)
You can either set these in config.js file under config directory or you can use ENV variables which is a better way of doing it. Using ENV variables on heroku:
`heroku config:set WEBHOOK_URL=[YOUR_WEBHOOK_URL]`
**Note:** Depending on the games you will need to add separate ENV variables for each slash command token.
`heroku config:set ROLLER_TOKEN=[YOUR_ROLLER_TOKEN]`
`heroku config:set RPS_TOKEN=[YOUR_RPS_TOKEN]`
- Deploy the node.js application (I'm using heroku here.)
There is a nice tutorial on deploying to heroku here.
- Add a new Incoming Webhook integration to your slack team:
Choose a channel
to post messages to. (This doesn't matter, it will always post back to the channel that the slack command is called from.)
Grab your Webhook URL
from this page.
- Add a new Slash Command integration to your slack team:
Note: Depending on the games you might need to add multiple slash commands.
- Command:
- URL:
- Method:
- Description:
roll a number
- Command:
- URL:
- Method:
- Description:
Rock Paper Scissors!
Grab your slash command token
from this page.