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Garna - WordPress theme

There are only two files absolutely required in a WordPress theme:

  • index.php – the main template file
  • style.css – the main style file Though not required, you may see additional files in a theme’s folder including:
  • PHP files – including template files
  • Localization files
  • CSS files
  • Graphics
  • JavaScript
  • Text files – usually license info, readme.txt instructions, and a changelog file

Files Structure

assets (dir) - css (dir) - images (dir) - js (dir) inc (dir) template-parts (dir) - footer (dir) - header (dir) - navigation (dir) - page (dir) - post (dir) 404.php archive.php comments.php footer.php front-page.php functions.php header.php index.php page.php README.txt rtl.css screenshot.png search.php searchform.php sidebar.php single.php style.css

PHP Files and Structure

  • index.php - The main template file. It is required in all themes.
  • header.php for generating the site’s header
  • footer.php for generating the footer
  • sidebar.php for generating the sidebar
  • comments.php - The comments template.
  • front-page.php - The front page template is always used as the site front page if it exists, regardless of what settings on Admin > Settings > Reading.
  • home.php - The home page template is the front page by default. If you do not set WordPress to use a static front page, this template is used to show latest posts.
  • header.php - The header template file usually contains your site’s document type, meta information, links to stylesheets and scripts, and other data.
  • singular.php - The singular template is used for posts when single.php is not found, or for pages when page.php are not found. If singular.php is not found, index.php is used.
  • single.php - The single post template is used when a visitor requests a single post.
  • single-{post-type}.php - The single post template used when a visitor requests a single post from a custom post type. For example, single-book.php would be used for displaying single posts from a custom post type named book. The index.php is used if a specific query template for the custom post type is not present.
  • archive-{post-type}.php - The archive post type template is used when visitors request a custom post type archive. For example, archive-books.php would be used for displaying an archive of posts from the custom post type named books. The archive.php template file is used if the archive-{post-type}.php is not present.
  • page.php - The page template is used when visitors request individual pages, which are a built-in template.
  • page-{slug}.php - The page slug template is used when visitors request a specific page, for example one with the “about” slug (page-about.php).
  • category.php - The category template is used when visitors request posts by category.
  • tag.php - The tag template is used when visitors request posts by tag.
  • taxonomy.php - The taxonomy term template is used when a visitor requests a term in a custom taxonomy.
  • author.php - The author page template is used whenever a visitor loads an author page.
  • date.php - The date/time template is used when posts are requested by date or time. For example, the pages generated with these slugs:
  • archive.php - The archive template is used when visitors request posts by category, author, or date. Note: this template will be overridden if more specific templates are present like category.php, author.php, and date.php.
  • search.php - The search results template is used to display a visitor’s search results.
  • attachment.php - The attachment template is used when viewing a single attachment like an image, pdf, or other media file.
  • image.php - The image attachment template is a more specific version of attachment.php and is used when viewing a single image attachment. If not present, WordPress will use attachment.php instead.
  • 404.php - The 404 template is used when WordPress cannot find a post, page, or other content that matches the visitor’s request.

CSS Files and Structure

  • style.css – The main stylesheet. It is required in all themes and contains the information header for your theme.
  • rtl.css - The right-to-left stylesheet is included automatically if the website language’s text direction is right-to-left.


/* Theme Name: Garna Theme URI: Author: Artem Horbenko Author URI: Description: Garna brings your site to life with immersive featured images and subtle animations. With a focus on business sites, it features multiple sections on the front page as well as widgets, navigation and social menus, a logo, and more. Personalize its asymmetrical grid with a custom color scheme and showcase your multimedia content with post formats. Our default theme for 2017 works great in many languages, for any abilities, and on any device. Version: 1.0 License: GNU General Public License v2 or later License URI: Text Domain: garna Tags: one-column, two-columns, right-sidebar, flexible-header, accessibility-ready, custom-colors, custom-header, custom-menu, custom-logo, editor-style, featured-images, footer-widgets, post-formats, rtl-language-support, sticky-post, theme-options, threaded-comments, translation-ready This theme, like WordPress, is licensed under the GPL. Use it to make something cool, have fun, and share what you've learned with others. */

Child Theme


  • Site Header
    • Site title
    • Custom logo
    • Headere Menu Nav
    • Header Search
    • Headere Socials Nav
  • Main content
    • Typography
      • Headings
      • Text
      • Blockquotes
      • Lists
      • Images
      • Tables
    • Components
      • Breadcrumb
      • Buttons
      • Carousel / Slider
      • List group
      • Pagination
    • Templates
      • Home
      • About
      • Contacts
      • Typography
      • Projects Archive
      • Page
      • Single
      • Archive
      • Search
      • 404
    • Layout
      • Full width
      • Full width 2 columns
      • Left sidebar
    • Shortcodes
      • Full width Slider
      • Carousel
      • iBoxBottom
      • iBoxRight
      • Latest Posts
      • Projects Loop
      • Team Loop
      • Partners Loop
    • Modules
      • Services
      • Process
      • Contactform
      • Google Map
      • Google Calendar
      • Comments
    • template-parts
      • content-none
      • content
      • content-page
      • content-search
      • content-decks
      • content-masonry
    • Customizer
  • Site Footer
    • Footer Menu Nav
    • Footer Widgets Area
    • Terms of Use & Copyright

Post types

  • Post (Post Type: ‘post’)
  • Page (Post Type: ‘page’)
  • Attachment (Post Type: ‘attachment’)
  • Revision (Post Type: ‘revision’)
  • Navigation menu (Post Type: ‘nav_menu_item’)

Custom post types

  • Projects
  • Team
  • Partners
  • Events

Post Formats

The following Post Formats are available for users to choose from Garna theme.

  • Standard - When writing or editing a Post, Standard is used to designate that no Post Format is specified. Also if a format is specified that is invalid then standard (no format) will be used.
  • Aside - Typically styled without a title. Similar to a Facebook note update.
  • Gallery - A gallery of images. Post will likely contain a gallery shortcode and will have image attachments.
  • Link - A link to another site. Themes may wish to use the first tag in the post content as the external link for that post. An alternative approach could be if the post consists only of a URL, then that will be the URL and the title (post_title) will be the name attached to the anchor for it.
  • Image - A single image. The first tag in the post could be considered the image. Alternatively, if the post consists only of a URL, that will be the image URL and the title of the post (post_title) will be the title attribute for the image.
  • Quote - A quotation. Probably will contain a blockquote holding the quote content. Alternatively, the quote may be just the content, with the source/author being the title.
  • Status - A short status update, similar to a Twitter status update.
  • Video - A single video or video playlist. The first
  • Audio - An audio file or playlist. Could be used for Podcasting.
  • Chat - A chat transcript, like so:


  • Theme Setup
  • Automatic Feed Links
  • Navigation Menus
  • Load Text Domain
  • Post Thumbnails
  • Post Formats
  • Initial Setup
  • Content Width ...

Custom template tags

  • posted on
  • posted by
  • category snd tagged
  • feature image
  • posts navigation
  • archive navigation
  • breadcrumps



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