Metadata section in runfolder info
Minor update:
A metadata section has been added to the info returned by the runfolders/path
endpoint. The application tries to fetch "Reagent Kit Barcode" and "Library Tube Barcode" from runParameters.xml and add these values to the metadata section, if found. If the values are not found, the metadata section will be represented as an empty dictionary.
Data found:
$ curl -X GET localhost:9999/api/1.0/runfolders/path/home/runfolder | python -m json.tool
"service_version": "1.4.0",
"state": "ready",
"host": "my_computer",
"link": "http://localhost:9991/api/1.0/runfolders/path/home/runfolder",
"path": "/home/runfolder
"metadata": {
"reagent_kit_barcode": "MS7777737-600V3"
Data not found:
$ curl -X GET localhost:9999/api/1.0/runfolders/path/home/runfolder | python -m json.tool
"service_version": "1.4.0",
"state": "ready",
"host": "my_computer",
"link": "http://localhost:9991/api/1.0/runfolders/path/home/runfolder",
"path": "/home/runfolder
"metadata": {}