- checkout dotfiles manager for symlinking -> stow?
- the following repo for example of install.sh and sketchybar; https://github.com/FelixKratz/dotfiles/blob/master/.install.sh
- configure LF and LFCD properly
- add TUI applications:
- taskwarrior
- termtyper
- hledger (tui) for finance
- add alias or bash script for dailies: show goals from yesterday with tag KPN, show tasks that need to be completed today. (create similar script for weekly meetings?)
- syncthing the data instead of on git
- vim plugin that automatically assigns task to corresponding git repository that taskwarrior is opened in?
- with telekasten/ markdown in nvim, i want to be able to put "#TODO" so i can make action points while taking business notes or creating a daily todo list.
- i want to be able to have due dates for my todo's so that i can organize and sort them by that, maybe in telescope
- at the moment, only this prompt is working: Telescope grep_string search=#TODO search_dirs={'$WIKI_DIR'}
- add nvim split buffer to shortcut, just like current cmd + E
- make it that cmd + Z also works on vim buffers in that case
- do i want it to always be a new terminal panel? or an actual vim split
- add ctrl shift P -> explore files with either FZF or whole repo instead of cwd
- create command with shortcut to surround current word with input
- when going deeper into the hover documentation, i want the borders to be larger
- use harpoon instead instead of buffers, figure out how to delete linked files
- script with auto pairings that if the input between the pairing is empty, skips over the end if i return to normal mode in vim
- potential use of mini.16 for colorscheming
- create easier shortcut for surrounding current word with mini.surround
- adjust C-d and C-u in vim to scroll less
- bugfix cmp; wrong indentation when accepting suggestion
- make it easier to escape the auto bracketing
- copilot accept single word only, see; https://www.reddit.com/r/neovim/comments/11ci5ik/copilot_is_no_longer_a_nuisance_for_me/
- create a command to easily split buffers or a setting to open new files always in a split
- tab + cmd shows next word/ line output for copilot
- way to open files in tmux instead of nvim buffers (in LF?)
- implement git telescope plugin: https://github.com/aaronhallaert/ts-advanced-git-search.nvim
- zettelkasten package + glow (or any other .md viewer)
- venn.nvim (drawing ascii diagrams)
- treeSJ
check out this repo for inspiration on colorscheming/ tmux panel sizing and install scripts: https://github.com/nicknisi/dotfiles
- keymap shortcut for returning to the previous placement, currently using C-o
- i want keyboard shortcuts that work to switch tmux panes to also make me able to switch between nvim windows so that i can navigate faster, in particularly with neotree
- have standerdized tmux session indexes for most used sessions, ie; taskwarrior is always #1, dotfiles always #2, etc.
- shortcuts for keeb switching tabs
- create tmux zoom prefix
- create shortcut that can automatically format tmux windows to smaller sizes or back to even split
- when in tmux navigation layer on keyboard, make it that f key zooms in on a tab
- add colored border for zoomed panes
- alacritty + zsh shortcuts for VIT, spotify-tui and taskwarrior
- add continuum and resurrect
- make sure that plugins arent added to git repo, only TPM -> in install script add TPM from a git clone, then update tmux conf
- 8+9 combo should be backspace so thumb doesnt need to be raised to make corrections int the num layer
- free up the thumb key and place backspace on a homerow combo -[ ] rethink terminal navigation layer for on thumbkey?
- fix the certain symbols not working on keeb in vim like ";"
- make it that any combination can trigger the navigation mode instead of carefully having to press certain combos first, ie first navigation key and then the right thumb
- remove press hold on tiling window key
- add capsword
- add / to a combo on left hand
- add zoom in and out to tmux nav keymap
- in nav mode, replace delete with opt key
- combo for C-d an C-u
- create harpoon activation for the num layer - combine with alacritty shortcuts
- combo maps for both ctrl up and down
- harpoon + buffer navigation on the left side of navigation layer
- align vimium shortcuts for tab navigation with the tmux and nvim keymaps for smoother navigation. look into surfingkeys vs tridactyl
- install spotify tui and setup shortcuts for in alacritty or nvim like lazygit
- look into a solution for notetaking -> see telekasten.nvim
- create shortcuts for making faster connection between headphones and laptop speakers