cordova plugin add
- alias(aliasId, originalId, onSuccess, onFail)
- also available as
- also available as
- distinctId(function onSuccess(distinctId) {}, onFail)
- flush(onSuccess, onFail)
- identify(distinctId, onSuccess, onFail)
- init(token, onSuccess, onFail)
- register(superProperties, onSuccess, onFail)
- reset(onSuccess, onFail)
- track(eventName, eventProperties, onSuccess, onFail)
- identify(distinctId, onSuccess, onFail)
- set(peopleProperties, onSuccess, onFail)
- registerPushToken(apnsOrGcmToken, onSuccess, onFail)
- check if sdks need to be updated
- publish to npm
- add more Mixpanel People operations
- set once, unset, increment, delete (more?)
- make sure ios/android use same error messages
- refactor ios code
- remove code duplication of checking that mixpanel was init
open your xcode proj, goto build phases -> link binary with libraries:
- drag all files under folder 'frameworks' (on the left) to here
- add the following if missing:
- libicucore
- cfnetwork
appears to be some problem of the xcode proj settings. only working solution i found so far is to
cordova platform remove ios
cordova platform add ios
cordova build ios
and setting up the build phase correctly again, as described in last question.
mixpanel, plugin cordova, phonegap, ionic, android, ios