- Apache
- Enable .htaccess in your Apache's
to allow SSI to join the otherhtdocs/SSI-HTML
webpages together
The "htdocs" folder contains all of the files on the main-part of the AssaultCube website, except the following:
./schemas (link)
./transformations (link)
./$_DATA_STORAGE (folder/contents)
The "dollar underscore" folders and its contents aren't kept in this repository, as their contents may change at any time without warning and aren't essential to the running of the website.
This folder does/will not contain (at least, for now):
- The forum
- The wiki
- The masterserver
Any AssaultCube documentation should be added to ./htdocs/docs from now on. Upon any AC releases, simply copy/paste the ./htdocs/docs folder into the release. No changes necessary.
- "README.md" - Information about the "ac_website" repository (this file).
- "DATASTORAGE_HEADER.html" - This file will update the parts of the webpage found at https://assault.cubers.net/$_DATA_STORAGE that aren't automatically generated by APACHE. On the actual site, this file is normally named "HEADER.html".
- "DOCS_TEMPLATE.html" - This file should be used as a template for any new documentation webpage. Read this file for more info.
- Update ./htdocs/SSI-HTML/download_box.html
- Update ./htdocs/download.html
- Update "docswarning" with the location of the new versions current docfiles at ./htdocs/SSI-HTML/docs/docswarn.html
- Check/Update ./htdocs/index.html if any AC specifications have changed.
- Update ./htdocs/docs/history.html
- Add new ./htdocs/uninstallnotes webpage.
- Add new ./htdocs/releasenotes webpage.