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# 1.0.0 (2022-08-12) ### Bug Fixes * add type annotations to silence wartremover ([0f2e14c](0f2e14c)) * change endpoint path parameter name ([7290b6a](7290b6a)) * date dto in prod planning acl ([aad6bff](aad6bff)) * fix date time formatter ([73de3fd](73de3fd)) * fix format string ([cafb5be](cafb5be)) * fix ubidoc table ([6b8b0f9](6b8b0f9)) * in handleOrderReceived use order instead of ordered product ([facbaba](facbaba)) * location uses decimals ([e58c814](e58c814)) * **products:** change macro to generate list of weights per cheese type ([038da8b](038da8b)) * progate date error in prod plan acl ([3740f91](3740f91)) * relationships between restocking and production ([04c182b](04c182b)) * remove private modifier for production planning action ([6913676](6913676)) * replace quantity with missing quantity ([8fa1f2d](8fa1f2d)) * use format instead of to string ([330bd02](330bd02)) * use to string for local date time conversionù ([cc57cca](cc57cca)) * **utils:** move givens from outside compatnion objects and add Distance type class ([64cde37](64cde37)) ### Features * add acl dtos ([d85d6c2](d85d6c2)) * add client orders errors ([7b0eb54](7b0eb54)) * add client orders events ([fd66d84](fd66d84)) * add client orders types ([0167e81](0167e81)) * add desired stock to dto stock dto in prod plan acl ([9b4c9c5](9b4c9c5)) * add domain actions and events, closes [#77](#77) ([5d50f12](5d50f12)) * add DTOs for milk-planning BC ([84ff35c](84ff35c)) * add DTOs for product and cheesetype ([bf3711a](bf3711a)) * add DTOs for product and cheesetype ([5f1c40a](5f1c40a)) * add endpoint to palletize product for order ([c1b1afd](c1b1afd)) * add endpoint to place new orders ([5a6c2b0](5a6c2b0)) * add endpoints ([938dae6](938dae6)) * add endpoints to complete orders and get their transport document ([27973fe](27973fe)) * add first draft implementation of one of the actions ([474ce44](474ce44)) * add handler for incoming orders ([c076741](c076741)) * add handlers ([ed8a27d](ed8a27d)) * add MissingQuantity class ([e7a23f7](e7a23f7)) * add new batch event ([9c0f30f](9c0f30f)) * add new delivery date for delayed orded in production planning bc ([b14b551](b14b551)) * add new outgoing event ([498bb39](498bb39)) * add order received and production plan send handlers ([2893046](2893046)) * add prod planning dtos ([c41bcea](c41bcea)) * add product palletized event to client orders bc ([4b8474c](4b8474c)) * add production DTOs ([c146b48](c146b48)) * add production planning DTOs ([d3ae700](d3ae700)) * add repositories ([344f266](344f266)) * add restocking bc ([36af124](36af124)) * add stock repository ([6d62e93](6d62e93)) * add StockDTO ([cffaa9f](cffaa9f)) * add stocking bounded context ([028ee56](028ee56)) * add ubiquitous language,closes [#75](#75) ([6cfe906](6cfe906)) * available stock and desired stock are now case classes ([44ec364](44ec364)) * bc actions definition ([984a7ba](984a7ba)) * bc events definition ([1ae213e](1ae213e)) * bc types definition ([fbdcd83](fbdcd83)) * complete domain modelling ([956703d](956703d)) * complete quintals of milk estimation ([34aa275](34aa275)) * create logic handlers ([16b6648](16b6648)) * creates api endpoints specifications ([6ff71ab](6ff71ab)) * define DTOs for restocking b.c. ([8035a9c](8035a9c)) * define first batch of ubiquitous language ([fa83eee](fa83eee)) * define incoming and outgoing events ([a2e0174](a2e0174)) * definition of domain events for milk-planning ([242a875](242a875)) * emit processed order event ([dac6483](dac6483)) * first basic implementation for estimate quintals of milk ([697e87d](697e87d)) * first definition of domain actions ([fcdcbbf](fcdcbbf)) * implement bc actions ([86c6e86](86c6e86)) * implement client-order actions ([a0f6240](a0f6240)) * implement logic for calculate milk needed for products ([d914fe7](d914fe7)) * implement milk-planning API ([640f00c](640f00c)) * implement stocking actions ([7cbe9c0](7cbe9c0)) * save the production plan ([3457eaa](3457eaa)) * **stocking:** integrate stocking bounded context with shared kernel ([099bc05](099bc05))
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