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Work Chain

A Small functional approach to abstracting asynchronous operations in an easy scalable way.


  • Provides structure in executing promises / async functions


To provide a structure to handle complex async behaviors. As an example you (1)receive a request, then you (2)call an api to enrich the data, but it fails, so you (3)retry, but it still fails, instead you need to (4)reference the database for that data, now you need to use the data from either the api or database to (5)update another service. This becomes challenging to represent in code. This is an attempt to organize your retries, error handlers, and order of events.


Install deps



yarn compile


yarn run dev


There are two main components. Work type and Executor. Executor receives work to execute or an array of work to be synchronously executed.

Submitting as work

import {Executor, Work} from "work-chain";
const executor = new Executor();
const workToExecute : Work = {
    name : "firstFunction",
    retry : 3,
    func : ({foo, bar}) => {
        // do something with foo bar
        return Promise.resolve({baz : 'baz'});
    // value is passed to func as argument
    value : {
        foo : 'foo',
        bar : 'bar'
    error : {
        name : 'firstFunctionErrorHandler',
        func : ({foo, bar, error}) => {
            // is called if firstFunction throws an error.
            // receives original arguments and the error that was thrown
            // will call secondFunction if next is NOT defined in error
            return Promise.resolve({baz : 'baz'}) 
    next : {
        name  : 'secondFunction',
        retry : 1,
        func : ({baz, doz}) => {
            // baz received from firstFunction
            // doz received from work value
            return Promise.resolve({value : {}});
        value : {
            doz : "dox"
const {value} = await executor.submit(workToExecute);

submitting as work array

const errorHandler = (error) => {
    // do something with error
const valueToPass = {
    foo : 'foo'

const firstWork = ({valueToPass}) => ({
    name  : "firstWork",
    retry : 5,
    func  : valueToPass => myFunction(valueToPass),
    value : valueToPass,
    error : {
        name : "firstWorkErrorHandler",
        func : errorHandler

const secondWork = {
    name : 'secondWork',
    func : returnOfFirstWork => myOtherFunction(returnOfFirstWork),
    retry : 3,
    retryDelay : x => x * 500,
    error : {
        name : "secondWorkErrorHandler",
        func : errorHandler
const workSequence = [
const returnOfLastWork = await executor.submit(workSequence);


All errors thrown will trigger defined number of retries for work. After all retries are exahausted the defined error hander Work will be called and passed the original agruments along with the throw error.

NoRetryError Error type thrown to ignore retries.

import {Executor, Work, NoRetryError} from "work-chain";
const executor = new Executor();
const noRetryWork : Work = {
    name : 'noRetryWork',
    func : (params) => {
        const {id} = parms;
        // call api, returns 401
        throw new NoRetryError('received unauthorized response');
    retry : 3, // retries not attempted
    retryDelay : x => x * 500,
    error : {
        name : "secondWorkErrorHandler",
        func : params => {
            const {id, error} = params;
            // refresh api key
            // ...
const result = await executor.submit(noRetryWork);


attribute type default required Description
name string none true title for logging(if enabled)
func Function none true function to execute, will received both current work value and output of previous work
error Work none false function that will be called if func throws an error. will receive original arguments and the thrown error
next Work none false The next Work to be executed
tasks Array none false Collection of Work to be executed. will receive output of func. Executed in parallel withnext (if defined)
retry number 0 false Number to retry executing func before calling error (if defined)
id string uuid false an ID to include in logs (if enabled)
initialDelay number none false waits for defined time in mills before executing will not apply to retries
retryDelay Function none false an function that will receive the number of previous attempts as an argument. Should return a number that will be used as a timeout in mills before the next retry.



Simple structure for async tasks






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