- Python
- Django
- Javascript
- Machine Learning
- PostgreSQL
- Download the Project and Unzip it
- Open Commant Prompt
You must have Python3 installed in your system
Go to the project directory
cd Health_And_Disease_Prediction_System
Create Virtual Envoirnment of Python
pip install virtualenvwrapper-win
Make Virtual Envoirnment as I named it venv
mkvirtualenv venv
Open Virtual Envoirnment as
workon venv
Install Dependencies
pip install -r requirenments.txt
Start the Server
python manage.py runserver
You can install virtual environment using pip:
py -m pip install --user virtualenv
For creating new environment:
py -m venv myproject
To activate your virtual environment:
Development Server started at
Install Django in Virtual Envoirnment
Run this command to install virtual wrapper
which will allows you to make virtual envoirnment
pip install virtualenvwrapper-win
Make Virtual Envoirnment as name venv
mkvirtualenv venv
Open the Command Prompt in Project Directory as
C:\Users\Ujjawal\Coding\Web Developement\MajorProject> workon venv
workon venv
Install Django
in Virtual Envoirnment as
(venv) C:\Users\Ujjawal\Coding\Web Developement\MajorProject>pip install django
pip install django
Run this to Check django-admin
Available Subcommands:
Now, Create Django-Project by using django-admin subcommands
as django-admin startproject
django-admin startproject project