拡張機能の読み込みを修正 #122
3 errors and 1 warning
Analyze (csharp)
/home/runner/work/_temp/codeql_databases/csharp/working/.dotnet/sdk/8.0.100/Sdks/Microsoft.NET.Sdk/targets/Microsoft.NET.Sdk.FrameworkReferenceResolution.targets(90,5): error NETSDK1100: To build a project targeting Windows on this operating system, set the EnableWindowsTargeting property to true. [/home/runner/work/beutl/beutl/src/Beutl/Beutl.csproj::TargetFramework=net8.0-windows]
Analyze (csharp)
Target "Restore" has thrown an exception
Analyze (csharp)
We were unable to automatically build your code. Please replace the call to the autobuild action with your custom build steps. Encountered a fatal error while running "/opt/hostedtoolcache/CodeQL/2.16.1/x64/codeql/csharp/tools/autobuild.sh". Exit code was 1 and last log line was: Error: Could not auto-detect a suitable build method. See the logs for more details.
Analyze (csharp)
Solution "/home/runner/work/beutl/beutl/Beutl.sln" has active build configurations for the build project.
Either enable SuppressBuildProjectCheck on "Build.Solution" or remove the following entries from the solution file:
" - {4C1B4AEA-3F44-43CA-900F-5CE1FE3BD8CD}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
- {4C1B4AEA-3F44-43CA-900F-5CE1FE3BD8CD}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU"