Releases: baallan/distribution
This release add new recipes in directories:
- toss3.cython
- toss3.numpy
- v42.toss3.unstable
to enable LDMS v4 and sos v4 for TOSS 3. While substantial testing has been conducted in testbed machines and full-scale Cray installations, production TOSS testing has not been completed. Thus the build recipe is tagged as 'unstable'.
New in this release:
packaging changes
- sosdb is now packaged separately from ldms, but the build recipe for sos is started with firerpms.sos next to the ovis firerpms script.
- sosdb depends on new cython and numpy packags for toss in toss3.cython and toss3.numpy recipe directories.
- The cython and numpy packages install to /opt/$package independently and have been created because there is no batteries-included python such as anaconda in the base TOSS Linux.
- The new python packages do not conflict with the similar but older system-provided packages, and 'module' files are provided.
- The firerpms script for v42.toss3.unstable can be used as-is (sos store for ldms included) or sos can be entirely excluded by manually changing the 'sospkg' definition at the top of firerpms.
- sosdb is now packaged separately from ldms, but the build recipe for sos is started with firerpms.sos next to the ovis firerpms script.
version 4.2 ldms changes
- Compared to version 3, C APIs, command line arguments, python APIs, and wire protocols have all changed. Most of the details will not be given here.
- Fortunately, all of this is hidden by the systemd startup script wrappers from most ldmsd administrators.
- Help with configuration can be obtained via posting issues to or (less preferred) the usual email channels.
- Munge authentication is now available as an alternative to shared secret files. Administrators must now set LDMS_AUTH_TYPE in ldmsd.local.conf; type 'ovis' provides the v3 authentication behavior.
- Administrators can now use the genders configuration file to suppress or select individual metrics in a metric set being stored. See 'man ldms-attributes' section 'STORAGE PLUGIN CUSTOMIZATION' for details.
- DRY configuration for multilevel aggregation: Administrators can now configure an aggregator with its own genders file and refer to producer genders files. This enables correct automatic construction of storage policies rather than making customary assumptions.
- Administrators can run their own additional logic (see man ldmsd-genders) via LDMSD_DEBUG_CONFIG_FILE (appended to generated daemon configuration script) and LDMSD_START_HOOKS (programs to run before ldmsd starts). The latter defaults to populating 'fake' slurm job info data on nodes that are not slurm managed.
This is a patch release that fixes a bug where a remote host could be incorrectly indentified as the localhost, causing an aggregator to refuse to start.
Except for the patch applied in the rpm build, the code used is identical to the 3.4.12 release:
- This release updates toss3/ build to use
- Excludes deprecated sensor plugins.
- pull in feature changes of
- modified requires in spec file
Updated toss3/ build to
- pull in feature changes of
- replace librabbitmq-devel Requires with symbolic links named* in plugins directory for io node support.
Update of toss3, toss3.unstable, and rhel7 to LDMS 3.4.9.
See for changes to packaged code.
Updated spec and configure options missed in 3.4.8-1
This release adds:
- for TOSS cluster administration
- new store_rabbitkw for schema-free key=value ingestion
- new lsdate utility for managing store_csv files
- minor improvements to ldms test scripting.
- scalability options to
Update for toss2 and toss3 packaging to use v3.4.6 on the ovis-hpc/ovis repo in github.
Changes in packaging include:
- Not supporting sos and baler in ovis 3.4.6 packaging.
- LDMSD sbin binaries are now script-wrapped (real executables in lib) to relieve user from setting env vars.
Changes in LDMS are listed at