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Supporting code for the article:

AN Prybutok, JS Yu, JN Leonard*, and N Bagheri*. (2022). Mapping CAR T-cell design space using agent-based models. Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences. 9:849363. doi: 10.3389/fmolb.2022.849363 *co-corresponding authorship.

Summary of README contents

Repository overview

The scripts/ directory contains all the scripts used for analyzing the output of the simulations using CARCADE v1.0.

The pipeline.html file walks through the data processing and plotting pipeline used to analyze the output of the simulations. Sample plots are included for each plotting section. This file shows the process in full and Python functions and commands used to generate all outputs. Go to to view the published html page.

The pipeline_example.ipynb file is a Jupyter notebook that walks through examples of the main components of the data processing and plotting pipelines used to analyze the output of the simulations.

The examples/ directory contains data files and figures used in the pipeline.html and pipeline_example.ipynb.

The requirements.txt file lists the package requirements for running this code.

Installation and running instructions

Install Python and requirements

Install or create a virtual environment with Python version 3.6.8.

You can use pip to install the packages listed in the requirements.txt using the following command:

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Clone GitHub repository

In the command line, navigate to the location on your computer where you would like this repository stored and run the following command:

$ git clone

Run Jupyter notebook

To run the pipeline_example.ipynb Jupyter notebook, navigate to the carcade_mapping_design_space repository folder and type the following command:

$ jupyter notebook

This will open up a web page with the contents of the repository where you can click on the pipeline_example.ipynb file to open the notebook.

No sections within the notebook are dependent on one another as we provide the outputs of all sections and the required folder structure used in the notebook.

Pipeline summary

The data processing pipeline progresses through the following stages, each of which has a corresponding folder with code required for this stage in the scripts/ directory. Prior to entering this pipeline, CARCADE model output simulation .json files from the growth profiler are grouped by replicates (differing seeds of the same simulation setup) and compressed into .tar.xz files

  • parse - processes the CARCADE compressed output .tar.xz files into .pkl files with a specific data structure for easy parsing
  • analyze - analyzes the parsed .pkl files for simulation information over time for all cell types (outputs .pkl files); this stage is used to collect the following types of simulation information:
    • cells - cell counts, cell state counts/fractions, cell volumes, average cell cycle length, etc. This can be done for all cells (cells) or for only cells that share a location with at least one cancer cell (sharedlocs)
    • environment - molecule/nutrient concentrations over time
    • spatial - cell counts across simulation radius over time
    • lysed - tissue cell killing over time
  • subset - grabs subsets of analyzed .pkl simulation files within a given folder that match specified setup information and stores them in one combined .pkl file
  • plot - plots slices of data given subsetted .pkl file based on type of data contained
  • stats - analyzes and plots whole data and outcomes of given subsetted .pkl file based on type of data contained
  • image - produces .svg images of tissue cells or graph vasculature at specified time points from given .json files

Each of the provided pipelines walks through these processes.

examples/ directory contents

Directory overview

The examples/ directory contains the following folder structure:


where there are example data files used as inputs for the pipeline are stored in the files/ folder and figure outputs from the pipeline are stored in the figures/ folder.

  • The files/ folder contains two types of example data files that are used in the pipeline.
    • toy simulations are those that are short time scale (2-day) simulations that enable time-efficient exploration of the processing part of the pipeline. These are used for the parse, analyze, and subset parts of the example pipeline.
    • full simulations are full-length simulations used in the paper to enable data plotting and analysis. These include model output .json files and subsetted data files directly used in the paper and as part of the plot, stats, and image part of the example pipeline.
  • All figure outputs in the figures/ folder are generated using the full data.

files/ directory contents

full and toy example files are sorted into full/ and toy/ directories, respectively, within the files/ directory with the following structure:


where files within the full/ and toy/ directories are sorted into subfolders by context or data type, including coculture/, tissue/, and ranked/.

  • Files in coculture/ folders correspond to co-culture dish context simulations.
  • Files in the tissue/ folder correspond to tissue context simulations.
  • Files in the ranked/ folder enable comparison between the performance rank of the effective treatments from the realistic co-culture dish when used in the tissue context.

toy/ directory contents

The toy/ directory contains the following folder structure:

|     |___analyzed/
|     |___lysis/
|     |___parsed/
|     |___subset/
|     |___tars/

where each of the subfolders contains toy co-culture dish context simulation files for different aspects of the example pipeline:

  • The tars/ folder contains the compressed .json file outputs from the CARCADE model growth profiler.
  • The parsed/ folder contains parsed .pkl files created from the .tar files.
  • The lysis/, folder contains .LYSIS.json file outputs from the CARCADE model lysis profiler.
  • The analyzed/ and subset/ folders contain .pkl files, which are sorted into subfolders, corresponding to the cell analysis and subsetted analysis or lysis files that result from the analysis pipeline.

The subfolder structure for the analyzed/ or subset/ folders is as follows:

analyzed or subset/

full/ directory contents

The full/ folder contains the following folder structure:

|     |___jsons/
|     |___subset/
|     |___jsons/
|     |     |___cells/
|     |     |___graph/
|     |___subset/

where the subfolders within the coculture/ and tissue/ contains full co-culture dish or tissue context files, respectively, for different aspects of the example pipeline:

  • The subset/ folders contains the same structure and contents as the toy/coculture/subset/ folder, except the contents are of full-length simulations used in the paper.
  • The jsons/ folders contain CARCADE output .json files that are used in the imaging portion of the pipeline.
    • The coculture/ folder only contains .json files of co-culture dish context simulations with cell location and type information.
    • For the tissue/ folder, these are separated into cells/ and graph/ .json files for tissue context simulations, where the cells/ folder contains .json files with cell location and type information and result from the growth profiler while the graph/ folder contains .GRAPH.json files with vasculature graph information and result from the graph profiler.

Figures generated from these full files are shown in the pipeline.html.

figures/ directory contents

The figures/ folder contains .svg and .pdf figure outputs from the analysis pipeline. These figures are sorted within this folder by type or context using the following folder structure:


where these type or context subfolders contain the following:

  • The coculture/ folder contains sorted figures corresponding to co-culture dish context simulations.
  • The tissue/ folder contains sorted figures corresponding to correspond to tissue context simulations.
  • The heuristics/ folder contains figure outputs describing the binding heuristics for CAR-antigen and PD1-PDL1 binding used in the model.
  • The kill_curves/ folder contains figures showing the kill curves based on data from experimental literature.
  • The ranked/ folder contains images comparing the rank of effective treatments from the realistic co-culture dish context to the tissue context.

The coculture/ and tissue/ folders contain the following subfolders:

coculture or tissue/

Each of these folders contain figure outputs from the processing pipeline described in the pipeline walkthroughs.


Scripts to automatically analyze and plot CART ABM data






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