This Winter in Data Science Project under the Analytics Club, IIT Bombay is being mentored by Nirav Bhattad and me
This project focuses on introducing you to the world of Reinforcement Learning by solving puzzles (and interacting with us....) in the most fun way possible!!!!
In the Week 0, we want you to learn Python (Python is a good relief if you're bored of C++ from CS 101 this sem) and modules like numpy, pandas and matplotlib (They are the goto libraries and the first imported when you're starting with any DS project, so it's good to have a grasp on them)
Choose whatever resource suits you and get acquainted with the modules to move forward with the project.
I'd love it if you also learn git for working with projects (it's very useful for version control and team integration)
This is a good lecture on git for beginners
Git -
This is a good video but long, should keep you occupied for a bit.
Programming with Mosh: Youtube
Numpy Tutorial - Numpy Official Website
Pandas Tutorial -
Official Tutorials -
You can just look up what plot you want at that moment for matplotlib or
Official Tutorial -
Numpy, Pandas and Matplotlib in a Playlist -
Some Python Notebooks for your practice can be found in the Week 0 Folder
In this week, you're gonna work on the Multi-Bandit Problem from Sutton and Barto (available in the resources folder)
You're going to implement the greedy and
Read the Chapter in Sutton and Barto and implement the algorithms in the work_on_bandits.ipynb file
The assignment in
is about simple modelling of some basic RL environment which is to help you understand the basic working of MDPs. Note that most problems we work with using RL always have a MDP working under the hood, which we may or may not(most of the times) know. We will explore this in later weeks -
The second is an optional reading assignment, here which you can read if you intreseted in understanding and modelling of Markov chains in detail. Note that it requires some basic understanding of probability, expected value and ranodom variables so its ok if you don't understand in the beginning. Although it is important that you google these terms to get a baisc idea if you don't know them , as it will be used frequently in RL.
Do the weeks matter anymore?
The assignments in the folders
andMore Assignments
are to be done in this week. The first one is a simple DP problem and the second one is a simple MDP problem. -
Make sure you have fun while doing them and don't restrict yourself to just solving the problem but try exploring the problem and the solution in depth.
I'm sad nobody found the Miguel Morales reference! :(