Count statistics of opcodes and register / arguments in ELF binaries
Useful tool to see some high level details and statistics of binaries. For example, is 387 FPU used by accident on amd64 CPU, instead of SSE2? Or does the library used AVX512 as required during compilation (sometimes some build systems ignore user provided options / compiler flags), or see other anomalies, interesting things.
Requires objdump and python3.
Tested with objdump from binutils 2.35.1, and Python 3.8, on Linux.
Simple use:
# ./ /bin/echo
- TODO(baryluk): Statistics of register pairs.
- TODO(baryluk): Statistics of addressing modes.
- TODO(baryluk): Statistics of ngrams of opcodes maybe?
- TODO(baryluk): Opcode classification (MOV, ALU, FPU, CTRL)
means some immediate, that was represented as 0xXYZ in the disassembly.
Remaining immediates, like 1, 4, 8, 2, 0, 3, often come from lea
, or indexed
addressing modes.
, 1111
, 111
, 11
, means some immediete in decimal form was in
assymly, with that many decimal digits. I.e. 9123
, is converted to 1111
One digit ones, are left untouched.
, *%rax
, etc, are indirect calls and jumps.
$ ./ /bin/ls
$ objdump -d /bin/ls | ./
Opcode statistics:
5573 mov
1210 callq
1090 cmp
1045 je
951 jmpq
926 test
889 lea
744 xor
737 jne
734 pop
596 add
543 push
533 nopl
462 sub
364 retq
280 nopw
269 movzbl
239 and
234 cmpb
205 movb
203 jmp
141 movl
130 jbe
126 pushq
121 movq
101 sete
99 ja
97 or
84 movslq
80 jae
73 data16 nopw
72 xchg
66 jg
64 shr
64 nop
60 cmpq
58 js
48 cmpl
45 sar
42 cmove
42 jl
41 shl
39 imul
38 jb
37 movups
33 jle
33 cmovne
33 movdqa
28 sbb
28 setne
27 div
24 addq
24 mul
22 movabs
22 testb
22 pxor
22 fstp
21 jns
18 cvtsi2ss
17 movsbl
17 comiss
16 fxch
14 movzwl
14 cmovae
12 fldcw
11 not
11 jo
10 addss
10 fildll
9 seto
9 mulss
9 fadds
8 movss
7 neg
7 fld
7 fcomi
7 andl
6 andb
6 cmovs
6 setb
6 seta
6 cvttss2si
6 btc
6 flds
6 fnstcw
6 fistpll
6 fstpt
5 cmova
5 repz cmpsb
5 ror
5 fldt
5 setl
5 setge
4 cltq
4 cmovb
4 orb
4 cmovns
4 movdqu
4 cvtsi2sd
4 fmul
3 cmpw
3 setg
3 subss
3 fdivrp
3 fcomip
3 fucomi
3 jp
3 fsub
2 jge
2 bt
2 subq
2 mulsd
2 addsd
2 movaps
2 fmulp
2 adc
2 jno
2 cmovle
2 movsbq
1 movw
1 hlt
1 setbe
1 cmovbe
1 rep stos
1 shlq
1 divq
1 cmovge
1 cmovl
1 divss
1 divsd
1 fildl
1 fdivp
1 cltd
1 idiv
1 rol
1 testl
Register and other opcode arguments statistics in general (source and destination):
4168 %rax
3053 1111 (1487 unique. Top: 105× 4020, 84× 41e0, 68× 40a0, 60× 46c0, 58× 49b0, 57× 4200, 51× 4220, 45× 43a0, 40× 4380, …)
1841 0x?? (67 unique. Top: 224× 0x10, 180× 0x30, 164× 0x18, 163× 0x28, 138× 0x20, 108× 0x48, 90× 0xac, 72× 0x38, 71× 0xa8, …)
1802 %rsp
1752 %eax
1519 11111 (939 unique. Top: 24× 12340, 23× 16b90, 22× 169f0, 21× 151c0, 17× 121f0, 12× 13ec9, 11× 121b7, 10× 116a0, 10× 12c78, …)
1484 %rdi
1380 %rip
1368 %rbx
1154 %rsi
1135 %rbp
1028 %rdx
991 %edx
963 %r12
947 0x????? (934 unique. Top: 2× 0x20aa2, 2× 0x20a28, 2× 0x1f3e1, 2× 0x2035b, 2× 0x202f2, 2× 0x1ec6d, 2× 0x1e5a6, 2× 0x14a9a, …)
940 $0x?? (124 unique. Top: 77× $0x20, 63× $0x30, 57× $0x10, 45× $0x2f, 39× $0x2e, 33× $0x18, 33× $0x48, 29× $0x1f, 25× $0x2b, …)
745 1
731 0x0
730 %rcx
689 $0x1
675 %r13
646 %edi
545 %r14
518 %r15
506 $0x0
505 %esi
467 %al
441 %ecx
361 0x8
348 %r8
325 0x???? (317 unique. Top: 2× 0x2028, 2× 0x2038, 2× 0x1318, 2× 0x1000, 2× 0xfc24, 2× 0xfb84, 2× 0xfae4, 2× 0xfa44, 1× 0x9dde, …)
273 $0x???? (22 unique. Top: 120× $0x4000, 96× $0xf000, 10× $0x1000, 8× $0xa000, 5× $0x2000, 4× $0x8000, 3× $0xc000, 3× $0x2520, …)
257 %r8d
216 $0x8
204 %r12d
200 %dl
189 %r9
182 %ebx
168 %cs:0x0
165 %ebp
158 %ax
157 $0x???????? (26 unique. Top: 86× $0xffffffff, 8× $0xfffffffd, 7× $0xffffff9c, 6× $0x7fffffff, 5× $0xfffff894, 4× $0xfffffff8, …)
154 $0x2
140 0x1
124 $0x???????????????? (23 unique. Top: 69× $0xffffffffffffffff, 12× $0xfffffffffffffff8, 8× $0xffffffff92492493, 5× $0xfffffffffffffffe, …)
119 $0x3
115 %r13d
112 %r9d
111 $0x5
110 *0x????? (110 unique. Top: 1× *0x1ffe4, 1× *0x1ffe2, 1× *0x1ffda, 1× *0x1ffd2, 1× *0x1ffca, 1× *0x1ffc2, 1× *0x1ffba, …)
107 %fs:0x?? (1 unique. Top: 107× %fs:0x28)
106 %r11d
106 %xmm0
104 $0x??? (42 unique. Top: 16× $0x400, 12× $0x100, 10× $0x200, 4× $0x118, 4× $0x2a8, 4× $0x358, 3× $0x800, 3× $0xfff, …)
102 $0x9
97 %r10
97 %st
92 %cl
89 $0x4
75 %r15d
73 %xmm1
71 %r14d
66 %r11
60 $0xa
60 -0x1
58 8
54 4
50 %r10d
48 -0x??? (12 unique. Top: 20× -0x390, 9× -0x384, 8× -0x2d0, 2× -0x386, 2× -0x385, 1× -0x253, 1× -0xffa, 1× -0x2f0, 1× -0x380, …)
45 -0x?? (17 unique. Top: 15× -0x30, 7× -0x61, 4× -0x18, 3× -0x10, 2× -0x38, 2× -0x16, 2× -0x41, 1× -0x40, 1× -0x57, …)
39 0x??? (18 unique. Top: 5× 0x108, 4× 0x298, 4× 0x348, 3× 0x100, 3× 0x508, 3× 0x76c, 2× 0x648, 2× 0x4d0, 2× 0x286, 2× 0x4a8, …)
37 %r12b
35 %sil
35 2
34 0x2
31 %bpl
31 0x4
30 %r13b
29 %xmm2
26 %dil
23 $0x7
23 $0xc
23 %r15b
23 0xc
21 *%rax
18 $0x6
17 0
14 -0x8
13 %r8b
12 0x3
12 -0x2
11 %bl
11 0x9
10 %r9b
9 %ah
9 *0x?? (3 unique. Top: 5× *0x30, 3× *0x38, 1× *0x40)
8 %r14b
8 0x7
7 %xmm3
7 *%rbp
7 -0x4
6 $0xd
6 0xf
6 %es:
6 0x6
6 *%rdx
6 $0x??????? (3 unique. Top: 2× $0x51eb850, 2× $0x28f5c28, 2× $0x4000000)
5 $0xb
5 $0xe
5 %xmm4
5 %dx
5 %ds:
4 $0xf
4 0x5
3 $0x????? (2 unique. Top: 2× $0xfff00, 1× $0x2000e)
2 *%rcx
2 %r8w
2 %xmm5
2 %xmm6
2 %xmm7
2 0xb
2 0xa
2 3
2 $0x??????????????? (2 unique. Top: 1× $0x800000000000000, 1× $0x400000000000000)
2 *0x???? (2 unique. Top: 1× *0xcf2b, 1× *0xcdbb)
1 -0x???? (1 unique. Top: 1× -0x1a24)
1 $0x??????????? (1 unique. Top: 1× $0xffffff00000)
1 %r10w
1 -0x?????? (1 unique. Top: 1× -0xf0c2ac)
1 %cx
1 *%rbx
1 $0x?????? (1 unique. Top: 1× $0xa3d70b)
1 -0x6
1 $0x????????? (1 unique. Top: 1× $0x20000002b)
1 $0x?????????? (1 unique. Top: 1× $0x1000401001)