Write static content using the markdown format and serve easily in your app. This slice was extracted/inspired by the work I did on the Merb Book
To be able to use this slice, you need to do 2 things
mount the slice in your router
indicate to the slice where to find your static files
To mount the slice in your router, open your router.rb and add:
Merb::Router.prepare do
slice(:merb_static_pages_slice, :path => "static")
To set the path to your static files, add the following line in your init.rb (inside the before_app_loads block)
Merb::BootLoader.before_app_loads do
::MerbStaticPagesSlice.push_path(:pages, Merb.root / 'app' / 'pages', "**/*.markdown")
That's it, now put your static file in your path and enjoy :)
To learn more about the syntax, read the Maruku documentation
- Matt Aimonetti