Thie repository is now archived. The SRM Public API has evolved significantly and I am no longer involved with the SRM product and unable to keep it up to date or validate any changes.
Helper functions for working with VMware SRM 6.5 with PowerCLI 6.5.1 or later. PowerShell 5.0 and above is required.
This module is provided for illustrative/educational purposes to explain how the PowerCLI access to the SRM public API can be used.
The latest version of the software can be cloned from the git repository:
git clone
Or downloaded as a zip file.
Specific releases (compatible with earlier PowerCLI and SRM versions) can be downloaded via the release page.
After cloning (or downloading and extracting) the PowerShell module, you can import the module into your current PowerShell session by by passing the path to Meadowcroft.Srm.psd1
to the Import-Module
cmdlet, e.g.:
Import-Module -Name .\SRM-Cmdlets\Meadowcroft.Srm.psd1
You can also install the module into the PowerShell path so it can be loaded implicitly. See Microsoft's Installing Modules instructions for more details on how to do this.
The module uses the default prefix of Srm
for the custom functions it defines. This can be overridden when importing the module by setting the value of the -Prefix
parameter when calling Import-Module
After installing the module the next step is to connect to the SRM server. Details of how to do this are located in the PowerCLI 6.5.1 User's Guide
$credential = Get-Credential
Connect-VIServer -Server -Credential $credential
Connect-SrmServer -Credential $credential -RemoteCredential $credential
At this point we've just been using the cmdlets provided by PowerCLI, the PowerCLI documentation also provides some examples of how to call the SRM API to perform various tasks. In the rest of this introduction we'll perform some of those tasks using the custom functions defined in this project.
Goal: Create a simple report listing the VMs protected by SRM and the protection group they belong to.
Get-SrmProtectionGroup | %{
$pg = $_
Get-SrmProtectedVM -ProtectionGroup $pg } | %{
$output = "" | select VmName, PgName
$output.VmName = $_.Vm.Name
$output.PgName = $pg.GetInfo().Name
} | Format-Table @{Label="VM Name"; Expression={$_.VmName} },
@{Label="Protection group name"; Expression={$_.PgName}
Goal: Create a simple report listing the state of the last test of a recovery plan
Get-SrmRecoveryPlan | %{ $_ |
Get-SrmRecoveryPlanResult -RecoveryMode Test | select -First 1
} | Select Name, StartTime, RunMode, ResultState | Format-Table
Goal: for a specific recovery plan, execute a test failover. Note the "local" SRM server we are connected to should be the recovery site in order for this to be successful.
Get-SrmRecoveryPlan -Name "Name of Plan" | Start-SrmRecoveryPlan -RecoveryMode Test
Goal: get the XML report of the last recovery plan execution for a specific recovery plan.
Get-SrmRecoveryPlan -Name "Name of Plan" | Get-SrmRecoveryPlanResult |
select -First 1 | Export-SrmRecoveryPlanResultAsXml
Goal: Take a VM replicated using vSphere Replication or Array Based Replication, add it to an appropriate protection group and configure it for protection
$pg = Get-SrmProtectionGroup "Name of Protection Group"
Get-VM vm-01a | Protect-SrmVM -ProtectionGroup $pg