An AngularJS directive to easily create slopegraphs (for more info on slopegraphs:
The rendering code is based on an implementation by Kevin Marks, found here: It depends on the Raphael SVG library
Import the necessary JS. angular-slopegraph.js depends on Raphael (
<script src="raphael.js"></script>
<script src="angular-slopegraph.js"></script>
Create a slopegraph as follows
<slopegraph slopedata="slopeData" leftlabel="1970" rightlabel="1979" width="500" height="900"></slopegraph>
slopeData refers to a scope variable that contains the data. The data must be a 2-dimensional array, where each element is a list of 4 elements:
- The left label
- The value behind the left label
- The right label
- The value behind the right label
Higher values will be displayed lower on the graph. For example, the example rendering above is backed by this data:
angular.module('myApp', ['ngSlopeGraph']).
controller('MyController', ['$scope', function ($scope) {
$scope.slopeData = [
['Sweden', 46.9, 'Sweden', 57.4],
['Netherlands', 44.0, 'Netherlands', 55.8],
['Britain', 40.7, 'Britain', 39.0],
['Belgium', 35.2, 'Belgium', 43.2]