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Testing FromthePage

richardsonae edited this page Oct 30, 2018 · 10 revisions

From the Page has a testing philosophy that involves using features tests to simulate user interaction with the product. We utilize rspec and capybara/capybara-webkit to run these tests.

To run the tests, first clone the From The Page repository.

Create a database called testing on your local mysql server. In config/database.yml, make sure the test database is called testing, and your username and password are correct.

Check the Gemfile and confirm that the following gems are included:

        group :test do
                    gem ‘database_cleaner’
                    gem ‘capybara’
                    gem ‘shoulda’

        group :development, :test do
                    gem ‘rspec-rails’
                    gem ‘launchy’
                    gem ‘capybara-webkit’

Note: capybara-webkit depends on Qt version 5 or above, see: for installation instructions.

Run bundle-install.


Since the app has a lot of items that depend on each other, we use fixtures with our test suite. The fixtures setup needs to be run every time before we run rspec. Run the following commands to set up the test database with data:

RAILS_ENV=test rake db:drop db:create db:migrate 
RAILS_ENV=test rake db:fixtures:load FIXTURES_PATH=spec/fixtures

To run the tests, run the following command:

rspec spec/features

Please note: there is a 60 second sleep in one of the tests, to make sure the document upload background process has completed, so make sure to give the tests some time to run.

Testing the Mailers

When testing mailers, it is important to keep emails from being sent to customers. We have configuration set up to use MailCatcher to help with this. MailCatcher will intercept email sent from your development environment and display them in the browser for you.

MailCatcher Screenshot

Using MailCatcher

  1. Install the gem locally on your machine. This gem is not in the project Gemfile because the gem authors recommend only installing it locally.
gem install mailcatcher
  1. Run the MailCatcher server locally on your machine
  1. Go to Go to http://localhost:1080/ in your browser

  2. Send mailers as you normally would, and they'll appear in the browser.

  3. When you're finished, exit the server by clicking Quit in the browser interface.