FreeRADIUS 3 built on alpine with MySQL 8
In this example i called
the MySQL Container and certificates are signed with the CA.
- As of now, the
file contains the passwords and configuration for freeRADIUS and SQL, remember to generate new ones. - Generate/import your own CA certificate and client certificates.
Note, this is a template, do not use as-is but generate your own crypto material.
- FreeRADIUS will connect to MySQL through encrypted TLS connections.
- MySQL is configured to accept only TLS 1.2 encrypted connections. A
user is allowed to view the radius database - FreeRADIUS will allow EAP-TTLS for outside clients
Everything travel encrypted.
Work in progress
- add config option to setup MSCHAP towards AD
- add certificates generation script + tutorial
export DOCKER_BUILDKIT=0 export PROGRESS_NO_TRUNC=1 docker-compose --verbose --progress=plain build
eapol_test -a127.0.0.1 -p1812 -stest -ceapol-tls.conf -r0 -stesting123
should return SUCCESS