This repository contains all the code used for the experiments presented in our paper.
- algorithms: Python files of the algorithms used.
- cases_config: JSON files describing the different experiments and paths to the required packages.
- file_formats: Objects for managing different file formats.
- scripts_exp: Scripts to run in order to run the experiment.
- scripts_paper: Scripts used specifically for the paper, like one to compute graphs from the results.
- tests: Tests using pytest.
Use requirements.txt or requirements_conda.txt to install the dependencies.
For a conda environment:
conda create --name <env> --file requirements_conda.txt
For a pip environment:
python3 -m venv env
source env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Create a new conda environement
conda create --name <envname>
- Create a new conda environement
- activate the environment
conda activate <envname>
- activate the environment
- 'cd' inside the repartition_experiments directory (where the requirements_conda.txt file is)
- install the dependencies that are not missing
while read requirement; do conda install --yes $requirement; done < requirements_conda.txt
- install the dependencies that are not missing
To create the requirements_conda file:
conda list -e > requirements_conda.txt
To create the ``requirements.txt" file from conda environment:
pip freeze > requirements.txt
Remove mkl dependencies from ``requirements.txt" to get rid of compatibility issues.
One custom package called Monitor ( has been used to track the memory usage of the experiment using a different process.
For now the only file format supported is the HDF5 file format using the h5py package. More file formats can be added by implementing a new object in the file_formats directory and implementing the same methods.
First, create two JSON files:
a case file containing information about the cases to run
- When the case name begins with "1_", then the algorithm uses the input aggregate shape by default
- in the other cases, always mention the buffer shape
- in order to find the best buffer shape to use for a case, run the "" script from scripts_exp
a paths file containing the absolute paths to
- a SSD to write the input blocks
- an output directory to write the output blocks
- this repository
- the Monitor repository
Examples of such files can be found in the cases_config directory.
- run the algorithm to create the input blocks. By default it writes an entire image, then breaks it into input blocks using the "clustered strategy", but you can write only the input blocks by using the -s option.
- run the script.
To get the graphs from the experiment, run the "" script.
The figures of the paper are available at: