You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 0
- Configuration
- Pre search (NLP, terminology)
- Construct ES search query
- Search ES
- Organize search result
- Display (search,search-repository,display-item)
Account login
Save search
Advanced search
Dataset Similarity search
Spelling correction
Share function
Sort function
Collection function
Grant link function
Submit repository function
Tracking activity function
Filter by data type
Filter by accessibility and authentication
Similarity function
Auto Correction function
###3.1 Controllers (control the logic, call the models,render the result array to views)
####3.1.1 Main controller
- Index.php
- search.php
- Search-repository.php
- display-item.php
####3.1.2 Advanced function
- Advanced.php (show advanced search page)
####3.1.3 Side functions
- expanded-query.php (show synonyms in single page)
- gant_details.php (page to show grant details info )
- manage_submit_repository.php(page to manage submitted repo)
- submit_repository.php (page to submit repo)
- Share.php (page for share search result)
- Login.php
- Change.php
- Collections.php
- forgot_password.php
- google_login.php
- Manage_collections.php
- recentactivity.php
- Register.php
- Reset.php
- Reset_password.php
- SavedSearch.php
###3.2 Model (Class and functions to interact with backend ES and MySQL, Terminology, NLP Server) ####3.2.1 Class ##### ES Related
- ElasticSearch.php (class to construct the basic ES query and generate results)
- ExpansionSearch.php(extend ElasticSearch, generate ES results using synonyms)
- Parser.php (class to pass boolean search query)
- Context.php (class for analyzing boolean logic)
- BooleanSearch.php(extend ElasticSearch, for boolean search)
- NLPSearch.php (extend ExpansionSearch, get NLP and synonyms, not modified yet)
- SearchBuilder.php( class to construct a ElasticSearch class and process ES results)
- ConstructSearchView.php (class to construct view data for search page)
- ConstructSearchRepoView.php (class to construct view data for search-repo page)
- SingleItemDisplayService (class for display single item page)
- RepositoryBase.php (class for represents repository base functionality)
- Repositories.php(class for construct repository class for all repo)
- Repository (Repo class for each Repo, details about the repo):
- ArrayExpress.php
- Bioproject.php
- Cia.php
- ClinicalTrials.php
- Ctn.php
- Cvrg.php
- Dataverse.php
- DbGap.php
- Dryad.php
- Gemma.php
- Geo.php
- Linc.php
- Mpd.php
- Neuromorpho.php
- Niddkcr.php
- MURSA.php
- openFMRI.php
- Pdb.php
- Peptideatlas.php
- Physiobank.php
- Proteomexchange.php
- Sra.php
- Yped.php
- GrantSearch.php (class for Grant search)
- PubmedGrantService.php (class for process grant search)
- PubmedPublication.php(class for pubmed related publication)
- Pubmed.php(class for pubmed object)
- GrantSearch.php (extend ElasticSearch, get NIH export grant info)
- SimilarDatasetsService (class for similarity dataset):
- Gemma.php
- Lincs.php
- Pdb.php
- DBController.php (class connect to mySql database)
- RepoRepository.php (class for repo search)
- RepositoriesRep.php (class for construct Repository,same as Repositories for data search)
- Collection.php (class for collection for users)
- GoogleUser.php (class for google User)
- Search.php (class for user search info)
- StudyConsent.php (class for user study consent info)
- User.php (class for user account)
- UserCollection.php (class for user collection)
####3.2.2 Functions
- AutoCorrection.php (functions for auto correction feature)
- AdvancedSearchService.php
- SubmitDataService.php (functions for submit repo page)
- Utilties.php (some help functions)
- WriteMysqlLog.php (function to write log to MySql)
- TrackActivity.php (script for tack user activity)
- AoutService.php(function for about page)
####3.3.1 Index (for index.php page)
- NewFeatures.php
- PilotProjects.php
- Repositories.php
- SearchPanel.php
- Statistics.php
####3.3.2 Search (for search.php page)
- Accessibility.php
- Authorization.php
- BreadCrumb.php
- Datatypes.php
- Pagination.php
- PartialActivities.php
- Repositories.php
- Result_status.php
- Results.php
- search_details.php
- Sorting.php
- Switch_view.php
- Synonym.php
####3.3.3 SearchRepository (for search-repository.php page)
- Breadcrumb.php
- Filters.php
- Pilot_projects.php
- Results.php
- Sorting.php
####3.3.4 Advanced(for advanced search)
- Builder.php
####3.3.5 DisplayItem(for display-item.php page)
- Result.php (show dataset detail info according to data)
- Similar_dataset.php (show similarity dataset part)
- PubmedGrant.php (showing grant panel in the right)
- RelatedPublications.php(show related publication in the right)
####3.3.6 Account(for account related pages)
- ForgotPassword.php
- ProfileCollections.php
- ProfileRecentAcivity.php
- ProfileSaveSearch.php
- ResetPassword.php
- ViewLogin.php
- ViewProfile.php
- ViewRegister.php
####3.3.7 Collections(for collection functions)
- Collections.php
- ManageCollectionItems.php
- ManageCollections.php
####3.3.8 GrantDetails (for grant_details.php page)
- grant_details.php (show grant details )
####3.3.9 Submit (for submit_repository.php and manage_repository.php page)
- manage_repository.php
- Submit_repository.php
####3.3.10 About(for about page)
- About.php (view for about page)
####3.3.11 Others
- Header.php
- Footer.php
- Feedback.php
- Search_panel.php
- breadcrumb.php
- Recent.php
- Savedsearch.php
- Share.php
- no_item_found.php
###3.4 Config
- Config.php
- Datasources.php
###3.5 Supporting pages
- Help.php
- About.php
- 403.php
- 404.php
- Error.php
- DataTypes.php
- Repository_list.php
- Questionaire.php
- Feedback.php
- Schedule_email.php (script for send user email one month after survey) ###3.6 Css
- Theme.css
- Expand.css
- Style.css (used in gwas)
###3.7 Img
####3.7.1 Help
- And.jpg
- Not.jpg
- Or.jpg
####3.7.2 Pilot projects
- DataDiscoveryindex.png
- Datarank.png
- GWAS.png
####3.7.3 Repositories /repo.png (total 23 png).
####3.7.4 Others
- Biocaddie-logo-transparent.png
- biocaddie_png2.png
- Ut-logo.png
- favicon.png
- Tag-line-colors.jpg
- Spinner.gif
- Search.png
- User.png
- Sign-in-with-google.png
- DeleteCollectionItems.php
- DeleteCollections.php
- DeleteSearch.php
- SaveSearch.php
- SearchSuggestionService.php
- StudyConsent.php
- WhatsThis.php (used for autocompletion)
- Js.cookie.js
- Global.scripts.js
- Jquery.shorten-1.0.js
- Jquery.suggest.js
- Npm.js
- Loadingoverlay.min.js
- Bootstrap.js
- Bootstrap.min.js
- Bootstrap-dropdown.js
- Page.scripts
- Index.js
- Login.js
- SearchRepo.js
- Submit.js
- Savedsearch.js
- Register.js
- Recentactivity.js
- Advanced.js
- Collections.js
- about.js
- manage_collections.js
###3.11 Lib
- Google_api_php_client
- Html-contact-form-captcha
- Password.php
###3.12 GWAS (GWAS pilot project)
- Config.php
- Gwas_header.php
- Gwas_index.php
- Gwas_result.php
- Gwas_result_template.php
- Helper_functions.php
- pagination.php
###3.13 Vendor
- Composer
- Elasticsearch
- Guzzle
- Monolog
- Pimple
- Psr
- Symfony
- Knplabs
- swiftmailer
- autoload.php